DSHSN - 08

This time he went home to chase people away. Not only did he not kick them out, he actually ran out to live by himself...

This is too hopeless, right?

Yu Chen really couldn't look down on his brother's behavior and couldn't help but give him some advice: "Hey, even if you don't make any progress, your father won't give you any property in the future. Isn't it a bit... that you did it so early...”

Gu Yiyi didn't want to hear him beeping nonsense, so he covered his ears with his hands, quickened his pace, and walked forward along the sidewalk, saying: "You don't have to worry about this matter. If you keep talking nonsense, then you can go home. I’ll find a house by myself!”

After all, Yu Chen is a loyal brother. How could he let his brother live alone outside? He immediately shut up and said, "Okay, okay, then I won't say anything."

Gu Yiyi originally thought that renting a house would be easy, but when he actually planned to rent a house, he found that it was a bit difficult.

He is a minor and it is not easy to rent a house without adult help. In particular, there have been major cases in Bei City in recent years, and landlords are even more cautious. Many landlords are unwilling to rent to him once they hear that he is a minor.

After walking around in circles, he was even more tired than a dog. In addition, Yu Chen was eloquent and was willing to pay a high price. Finally, after hesitation, a landlord rented the house to him.

This is a roof covered with tiles. There is a patio. There is a lot of moss growing in the patio and it looks old and old. There is a water tank in the yard and a date tree. It looks like... well...

Anyway, Yu Chen was not willing to let Gu Yiyi live by himself.

But Gu Yiyi seemed to be very determined. He grabbed the strap of his schoolbag and put it on the clean bench in the living room. He picked up the broom without any hesitation and waved it around the room. After a while, he was sweeping the dust clean.

Yu Chen saw that he was deliberately working like a fool. Although he disliked how dirty the place was, he didn't dare to watch it by himself, so he picked up the rag and helped beside him.

After more than two hours, the house and yard were swept clean.

Just after cleaning and before she could take a sip of water, Shen Ruyue called. Gu Yiyi didn't want to talk to her recently, and his tone was not very good: "I'm not free."

"If nothing happens, I will hang up."

After seeing him hang up the phone, Yu Chen, who was thirsty and smoking, looked at Gu Yiyi's cold brows and asked, "Did Shen Ruyue call you?"

"Yeah." His eyes were very cold.

Yu Chen opened his mouth and said after a while: "You don't like her anymore?"

He was his good brother, so Gu Yiyi naturally told the truth: "Shen Ruyue never talked to me seriously. When we were at the beach a few days ago, she flirted with the man named Jiang. It's not like I didn't see him."

Yu Chen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a little happy. His brother, he seemed not stupid either.

He immediately complained: "I thought you were on top, but I didn't expect you to be able to see that there is something wrong between Shen Ruyue and that person named Jiang."

Yan Li went to the park with her daughter, then went to the mall to buy a beautiful little skirt for her daughter, and then went home.

When they got home, she asked the housekeeper and heard that Gu Yiyi had gone out and said he was running away from home.

She had no objection to running away from home, after all, he was just a stepson...

But at this stall, she suddenly remembered something.

In the novel, the male protagonist did run away from home when he was a teenager in order to attract his father's attention. When he ran away from home, the female protagonist Shen Ruyue ran after him, but she was beaten by many people in the alley.

Irreversible damage was caused, both physically and psychologically, so the female partner later lost the chance to have children.

The male protagonist feels very guilty towards his female counterpart, but the female partner hates him and cannot live without him. While flirting with the male protagonist, she goes to bed with other men...

As a result, the male protagonist's mental state is not right either.

Originally, he and the heroine were in a normal relationship, but just because the female partner came back and asked him to let the heroine abort the child, he really forced the heroine to terminate the child.

This was supposed to be the plot in the original book. If this kid caused something to happen to someone else, wouldn't the blame fall on her?

Yan Li thought for a while, she really couldn't ignore this matter.

After all, it is probably related to herself.

Her eyebrows became serious and she told the housekeeper: "Go and check where he went. Don't let anything happen outside later."

The housekeeper still had some objections to Yan Li's lack of concern for the child. However, unexpectedly, she suddenly began to care about her stepson again, with a serious expression on her face.

The housekeeper naturally hopes that their family will be harmonious, so he is also happy to arrange for people to investigate.

"Madam, wait a moment, I'll have someone check it out right away."

Half an hour later, Gu Yiyi's whereabouts were found out.

Including the location where he rents.

Yan Li somewhat admired the Gu family's ability to track their whereabouts, and asked with some confusion: "You are checking so fast, could someone be following him?"

The housekeeper nodded: "Yes, after all, there are many people staring at Mr., so naturally some people will also stare at the people around him."

Yan Li understood what he meant.

It was just that Gu Heng was afraid that someone would kidnap his son.

In the past, she felt that the male protagonist's life experience was a bit miserable. Judging from the male protagonist's expenses and the fact that he was followed by bodyguards when he went out, she felt that the male protagonist was actually not pitiable.

Apart from the lack of companionship, Gu Heng's father had other things that were real.

Yan Li was not treated so well before.


Sure enough, the pity of the children of rich families was different from her pity.

Aunt Lu, the nanny at home, had a daughter. Yan Li planned to go out, but she did not plan to take Yan Beibei with her. She asked Aunt Lu to bring her five-year-old daughter over to play with the little one, so she drove out and planned to go see, look at that stupid and lacking male protagonist.

The house Gu Yiyi rented was not very good, there was no WiFi, and the signal was poor. After Yu Chen left, he ate something that didn't taste good outside and then returned to his yard.

After playing with his phone for a while and finding that there was no signal, he finally gave up and lay down directly on the hard bed board.

Forget it, there is no air conditioning here, the air is uncomfortably hot and muggy, and just lying there, he can feel a huge amount of sweat pouring down his back.

Mosquitoes buzzed in his ears, as noisy as bees.

Gu Yiyi had never lived like this before. There were several mosquito bites on his arms. They were so itchy that he kept scratching them, and his arms turned red.

He felt that he couldn't do this, so he sat up and reached out to catch the mosquitoes.

After catching for most of the day, not only did he not catch a single mosquito, but he was also sweating from exhaustion. He hurriedly went to the yard to scoop water from the water tank and took a cold shower.

When the water fell wetly along his black hair, he looked up at the stars in the gaps between the branches and leaves in the sky above his head, his eyes a little dazed.

How could he be so miserable?

It was obviously his home, why would he come out to feed the mosquitoes?

What Yu Chen said seemed to be right. Why didn't he just make peace with them? Why go out and get bitten by mosquitoes? Why come out and suffer all this?

The boy's eyes turned red as he thought about it.

At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded outside the door: "Ah!"

Gu Yiyi listened carefully and seemed to hear someone calling for help.

This late at night...

The hot-blooded young man immediately grabbed the short sleeves next to him and rushed out without wiping the water off his body. According to the source of the sound, he was wandering in the alley. Not long after, he saw a girl.

She was blocked in a corner by three or two boys, with frightened and pale faces.

They seem to be doing something bad...

The young man immediately rushed forward and started fighting with the group of people.

Yan Li met Shen Ruyue in the alley. The girl was wearing a long cyan dress. She looked like a green lotus and was talking to several boys.

With a calmness that did not suit her age, she methodically arranged for the work of the teenagers next to her: "You will pretend to bully me later, and then I will call him... Do you understand..."

The angry young man held a cigarette in his mouth and nodded: "I know, I know, don't you just want to pretend to be weak and then go to that brother's place to sleep with him?"

"Okay! It's settled then, I'll give you the money!"

She took out a thick wad of cash from her bag, with a sneer on her lips.

Although Shen Ruyue is only in high school, she has actually had many boyfriends and has already had experience in sexual relationships.

She thought she had hooked the silly Gu Yiyi before, but she didn't expect that this little fool suddenly ran away and ignored her recently.

Shen Ruyue felt that she should not let go of this big fish like him. She asked Yu Chen and found out that he ran away from home because of a fight with his stepmother.

So she set up this trap and planned to continue to hook Gu Yiyi with her body.

Shen Ruyue was very confident in her beauty and figure, but a fool like Gu Yiyi couldn't escape her grasp.

After giving the money, she just wanted to leave.

The social young man who had just taken the money put his hand on Shen Ruyue's shoulder, with a bad smile on his face: "Beauty, I see you are so beautiful, don't rush to see your little lover, give yourself to the brothers first and have some fun."

The faces of the socialites around her were exclaiming.

Yan Li, who was blocked by the wall at the corner, was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that the truth of the matter was like this.

The female supporting character wanted to set up the male protagonist, but instead she was given the job by a gangster who took the money...

It's really a waste of money.

"What are you doing!!"

Just when the gangsters were holding Shen Ruyue down and trying to tear off her clothes, Yan Li spoke up.

Although she hates the female supporting role, she is only a child after all. She can't see this, so she naturally acts bravely.

The old city here is populated by unemployed social youth. This is a place where they roam all the year round. They have done many evil things here. When the police come, they run away. It is late at night, and when they see a woman here, they naturally have an idea.

In particular, Yan Li is more beautiful than this teenage girl, and her charm is even more fascinating.

The young man in black clothes with a cigarette in his mouth walked towards her with a smile and curled his lips: "Beauty, be brave when you see injustice! Don't leave when you are here! Let your brothers love you..."

Before Yan Li finished speaking, several bodyguards walked out from behind Yan Li.

Yan Li looked at a group of young boys with her arms folded and a sneer in her eyes.

There was nothing wrong with her mind. She was running into an alley in the middle of the night, so she naturally had to bring a bodyguard to be safe.
