ADMKSF - 003.1

Lin You went to take a shower and clean up, and she hurried back to the room after saying something about contacting her family. She didn't even notice that several cameras stood there stunned for a few seconds.

The same goes for barrages.

[If I remember correctly, didn’t Lin You say in an interview that both her parents were dead? ]

[Yes, who is she contacting? ]

[Grandparents and so on..? ]

[She also said that there are no grandparents. What she created at that time was the orphan character. ]

[To be honest, this is the first female star I’ve ever seen who showed up as an orphan and didn’t end up feeling distressed by netizens and fans. ]

[As for the previous one, there is no such persona as female celebrity orphans!! Who can curse themselves?! ]

The director not far away looked at the barrage and raised his eyebrow—

Is Lin You... overturning again?

After Lin You contacted Pei Ye, she changed out of her clothes that were still stained with mud. She hurriedly took a shower and dried her hair before going out. Returning to this peaceful day without zombies and viruses, Lin You has the word comfort is written all over her body. She narrowed her eyes and walked around the huge decorative vase in a good mood, and was about to walk towards the stairs when she suddenly heard a strange voice in her ears.

"Lin You? It's really rare today. You got up so early?"

Lin You turned around to look, and the person speaking was a woman in her twenties or fives. She had big wavy hair, extremely delicate makeup on her face, and flaming red lips that could instantly attract others' attention.

She is a very good-looking woman, but the relationship between Lin You and her is not very good.

The other party's name is Du Enqing. Although she is a third-tier singer, she has attracted a lot of fans because of her straightforward speech. In the words of netizens, people are more popular than singers. The reason why Lin You doesn't deal with her is because the other party often speaks harshly to her, and netizens don't like Lin You, so they just follow Du Enqing's example. The top trending topic yesterday was— Du Enqing was angry with Lin You again.

Under such a topic, no one thought there was anything wrong with Du Enqing. In the eyes of netizens, Du Enqing's aggressiveness was purely for the benefit of others, and Lin You obviously deserved to be criticized.

However, Lin You, who came from the apocalypse, knew more information. For example, Du Enqing and Su Yueling were good friends. This Su Yueling is the lover of Pei Tianyuan, the second master of the Pei family and the current leader of the Pei family. She and Lin You are also friends, and even the variety show "Pastoral Life" was won by Su Yueling for Lin You.

Of course, Su Yueling is not so kind-hearted. It was precisely because she knew Lin You's personality and temper that she specifically gave her this resource, and also instructed Du Enqing to take good care of Lin You.

Recalling what the system said, Lin You raised the corners of her lips slightly, "Sister Du, are you up too?"

Du Enqing's eyes fell on the girl in front of her. Lin You had just taken a shower. Her face was clean without any trace of cosmetics. Even though she was barefaced, she still had an incomparable advantage. Her face made countless people feel jealous. Du Enqing became increasingly unhappy and twitched her lips: "You can see me when I'm not up? You, on the other hand, know how to be lazy all day long. When you can get up earlier and help Senior Qi, I'll kowtow to you."

[Wow! We are indeed upright and honest! ]

[Laughing, a big part of the reason why I follow this show is because I want to see Du Enqing confront Lin You. ]

[Seeing Lin You’s depressed expression makes me happy all day long. ]

[Du Enqing, fight her to death! I see Lin You getting more and more disgusted the more I look at her! ]

[New here, are the viewers in this live broadcast room all 2G Internet cafes? ]

[Are you serious about kowtowing? ]

[Du Enqing, you seem to be really about to kowtow (gently) ]

[What's the meaning? ]

As soon as the barrage of questions passed by, they saw Lin You's fair and beautiful face with a deeper smile. Her eyes fell gently on Du Enqing's knees, and she suddenly asked with a slight smile: "So, Sister Du, are you ready now? Kowtow now, or should you go outside and kowtow to me in front of Senior Qi and Senior Zhao?"

Lin You said, not giving Du Enqing a chance to be stunned at all, with an innocent look on her face: "Sister Du always keeps her word, so she won't regret it, right? When I was browsing Weibo yesterday, I saw your fans praising you for keeping your word. Woolen cloth."

Du Enqing was silent for a moment.

Lin You, this woman, had her brain damaged after she slept? In the past, when she quarrelled with her, she would be so angry that she wanted to scratch her face. Why is she still smiling today, pretending to be so gentle?

Du Enqing's eyes were filled with irritation, and her face was filled with sneers: "At least I can keep my word better than you. You said you would help organize the storage room, but in the end, no one had seen you."

Du Enqing mentioned that when a group of guests first came to the village, because the house they lived in was damaged, everyone had their own tasks. Among them, Lin You was assigned to organize the storage room. The so-called storage room is actually a utility room. Because there are many items accumulated and have not been cleaned for a long time, every corner is covered with thick cobwebs, and the surface is covered with a layer of dust.

Lin You was very pretentious. After walking in with a frown, she sneezed twice and said to the director, "I'm allergic to dust." Then she patted her butt and left.

This incident was later ridiculed by netizens and received 200,000 comments.

In the past, if Du Enqing mentioned it in front of Lin You, Lin You might be angry. However, this time the scene Du Enqing was looking forward to did not appear at all. Instead, Lin You blinked and said immediately: "Sister Du, hurry up and eat."

Du Enqing frowned impatiently: "Are you sick? I asked you when you can get up early to help Senior Qi work, and I will give you one."

Lin You spread her hands: "But I got up early today to help Senior Qi with work. I went to water the vegetable field and cooked breakfast. If Sister Du doesn't believe it, why don't you ask Senior Qi and the others?"

"No need to ask."
