The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 01.1

☆⁠Possessed by the Drama Spirit☆

The woman had flaming red lips and staggered through the door wearing high heels. 

She reeked of alcohol, her cheeks were slightly red, her eyes were twinkling, her eyelashes were long and thick, her upper and lower lips were full and pink, she was a very enchanting beauty.

After entering the door, the beauty seemed to be blinded by the sudden bright light. She immediately stretched out a pair of snow-white jade walls in front of her face and called out a few times, but received no response. The woman was so angry that she suddenly lost her temper and threw the new bag she had received two days ago on the ground. Her beautiful, black and shiny eyes glanced around the first floor, and the anger in her heart grew stronger.

She took a breath, stepped up suddenly, and rushed across the gorgeous and exquisite steps at an extremely fast speed to a door on the second floor. She pushed it, but it didn't even budge.


The woman's eyes widened in disbelief, and she slammed the door: "You little bastard, open the door!"

She was so angry that she was trembling all over, and she started to curse with vulgar words without any grace or restraint. She even kicked the door with her foot. She was full of anger: "You bastard, you know how to lock the door now? I am your mother, your mother! Don't think that I can't take care of you... Your father is far away, and he entrusted you to me before he left! Your bitch mother doesn't want you anymore, you are just a burden and a waste! Wei Ling, listen to me! Open the door, I know you’re inside!”

No one responded to her.

Okay, this little bitch can now lock the door! 

The woman gritted her teeth, turned around and held her hand on the handrail. She remembered the spare key on the first floor, stepped on her high heels and rushed downstairs. As she walked, she gnashed her teeth and said, "You little bitch, look at how I will deal with you when I open the door!"

She walked in a hurry and drank again. After a few steps, she suddenly felt a distortion in front of her, and the space seemed to be broken. She stepped on the air and fell down with a plop, and the back of her head happened to hit the step—


Lin Jianqing suddenly opened her eyes!

Her heart was beating wildly, there was a dull pain in the back of her head, and the surrounding area was completely white. Is it in the hospital?

Lin Jianqing took a breath and tried her best to calm down her fast heartbeat. She subconsciously reached out to touch the back of her head, but only felt a layer of bandage. Strange, she didn't seem to have hit anything before the onset of the disease. Why did the hospital staff need to wrap gauze on the back of her head?

A little confused, she turned around and found that there was no one in the huge ward. The blue curtains were drawn, blocking the daylight outside. There is also a basket of colorful flowers on the bedside, which is particularly beautiful in the solid-colored ward and glows with vitality.

She touched the phone easily.

It’s a pink phone case.

Lin Jianqing's empty head was hit by something in an instant. An empty high-end ward, the back of the head wrapped in gauze, a pink mobile phone... Lin Jianqing lowered her head again and saw a pair of turbulent big chest that were completely opposite to the airport she had.

What's the situation! Did someone perform breast augmentation surgery on her while she was unconscious? Lei Feng is reincarnated?

As if afraid that she would not understand the situation, the door to the ward was finally pushed open from the outside after a long period of silence. A short and fat middle-aged woman with shoulder-length hair quickly came in carrying a thermos bucket. She looked up and saw Lin Jianqing. After looking like she had seen a ghost, she froze and stammered: "M-Mrs... are you awake?"

Lin Jianqing: "..."

She said nothing and watched the woman walk to the bedside cautiously, gingerly put the thermos bucket on the bedside table, and then opened it. Lin Jianqing asked: "What..."

The sound is different too! Is this some grudge that caused her to have her vocal cords replaced?

At this moment, Lin Jianqing felt as if a building collapsed in her head, and the sound was deafening. She had no expression on her face and asked, "What's going on?"

The middle-aged woman whispered: "Madam, you fell down last night after drinking too much. You have a slight concussion. The doctor said the problem is not serious. You can rest for a few days and take some medicine and you will be fine."


Not a big problem.

Just rest for a few days and you'll be fine.

Lin Jianqing took a deep breath, covered her chest tremblingly, and began to suspect that she was dreaming. She threw away the cell phone that didn't belong to her at all, ignored the woman's surprised gaze, and laid back on the bed.

Is it a dream? Keep sleeping and you should be fine when you wake up.

But perhaps because she closed her eyes, Lin Jianqing's hearing was better than usual. She listened to the middle-aged woman who came to see her mumble something vaguely, but did not dare to wake her up. Then she answered a phone call and whispered: "The madam is awake."

"There's something wrong with the situation. The young master has been sent to school... Mr.'s side..."

Madam, young master, sir.

Lin Jianqing endured it again and again, and began to recite ancient prose silently in her mind. She was going back and forth and she didn't know how much time had passed. She didn't feel sleepy, but she was more and more energetic, and her heart was beating faster and faster... After a long while, Lin Jianqing finally couldn't bear it anymore. She suddenly opened her eyes, grabbed the phone at her side, unlocked it with her fingerprint, and glanced at the time.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017.

No, the correct time should be February 10, 2019.

Lin Jianqing turned on the camera, and a face that seemed very unfamiliar to her appeared on the screen—

She has slightly pale lips, dark eyebrows, a high bridge of nose, and a small black mole at the end of her eye. She has a stern expression and is as beautiful as a painting.

Lin Jianqing knew that when things developed to this point, it was obvious that they were out of line.

She licked her lips, clicked on the scarf APP icon on the phone screen, and took a look at the original owner's scarf ID.

Lin Jianqing V - Certification: Actor. Her representative works include "Sugar Baby" and "SWAT 3". Wei Sheng's wife.

Wei, Sheng, wife, son.

Wei, Sheng, wife, son?

Lin Jianqing chuckled twice, feeling dazed. She opened the search app on her phone and entered the word "Jian Qin".


Also lost to "Jian Qin Dian Dian Novel Network".

The screen jumped, and a web link to the Dingmin Novel Network appeared. Lin Jian checked in and searched again, but still couldn't find an author named "Jian Qin".

So... she really wore it and became the cannon fodder villain of a romance novel?!

