The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 07

☆⁠Chapter 7 Be confident☆

Bipolar disorder is a type of schizoaffective disorder.

Patients are often unable to control their emotions and are always excited for no reason. However, they do not know when or for what reason they will become instantly depressed and lose enthusiasm for life. They can easily fall into complete self-denial, often accompanied by self-mutilation tendencies.

Li Qi is the director of the psychiatry department of the Third People's Hospital. One of the new patients she recently received was bipolar disorder.

The patient was once an entertainment star. She married into the wealthy Wei family in city A two years ago. According to the patient's own statement, after marrying into the Wei family, she often lost her temper for no reason. When she couldn't control herself, she even wanted to hit someone, about ten days ago, the patient's condition changed due to a fall, from simple mania to bipolar disorder, with self-harm tendencies and uncontrollable self-loathing.

Today is the twelfth day of treatment for the patient, and it is also the third day that Li Qi has provided psychological counseling to her.

After entering the room, Lin Jianqing took off her sunglasses. She first nervously observed the surrounding environment, and unconsciously clasped her hands repeatedly. After Li Qi called her a few times, she suddenly reacted and sat down on a yellow sofa in the office.

Li Qi is a middle-aged woman in her late forties. She has no offensive power in terms of appearance or voice. She waited for Lin Jianqing to sit on the sofa before smiling softly and asked her: "How are you feeling recently?"

Lin Jianqing closed her eyes, flapped her nose, and said, "It's okay." She went to see the doctor again and said, "Dr. Li, when will I feel better?"

Li Qi had heard Lin Jianqing say this question many times.

This is actually very strange. Many patients with mental illness are unwilling to face up to their illnesses, and even directly deny the existence of illnesses, such as mania and depression. Even if most people admit it, they just go with the flow and passively resist, like Lin Jianqing... There are actually very few people who are willing to actively accept treatment.

But this is the characteristic of mental illness. Due to individual differences, each patient's specific situation and disease symptoms are not consistent in many ways.

She smiled and did not directly say whether the disease could be cured. Instead, she asked Lin Jianqing: "What did you do yesterday?"

"I got up at eight o'clock in the morning, took medicine after breakfast, and then slept for a while." Lin Jianqing pinched her fingers patiently: "Then I got up at noon and had lunch."

She finished reciting her schedule like running water. Li Qi noticed that her patience was exhausted and asked her: "Did you see Wei Ling yesterday?"

Wei Ling, who was eavesdropping outside the door, opened his eyes wide when he heard his name, and he immediately moved closer.

Lin Jianqing closed her eyes: "I saw him."

Li Qi guided her: "Do you have any new feelings?"

"He seems to be a little taller than before." Lin Jianqing's irritability disappeared. She stared at a certain point in the void and murmured: "A seven-year-old child, is he the same height?" She couldn't help but say: "In fact, I got angry with him again two days ago."

Lin Jianqing said: "I can't control myself, Doctor Li, you know, as soon as I see him, I can't control myself! He always has a cold expression on his face when he faces me, as if I am his enemy. I hate him looking at me like that. Once he looks at me like that, I want to hurt him..."

As the woman spoke, she seemed to be trapped in a strange fantasy. She covered her chest, and a crazy light gradually flashed in her eyes: "Why is he looking at me like that? Why is he looking at me like that?!"

The patient's mood swings began to increase. Li Qi quickly reached out and touched Lin Jianqing's shoulder. She said, "He is only seven years old!"

"Seven years old?" The woman stared: "Ranran is also seven years old!"

Li Qi caught the new name instantly.

As a patient with bipolar disorder, Lin Jianqing was willing to receive treatment, but she did not completely open her heart to Li Qi in the first two psychological interventions. She talked about a lot, including worries about her career not going well, worries and anxieties about poor relationships with her husband and stepson, etc., but in Li Qi's view, these were just symptoms, not the cause of the disease.

Any disease cannot be cured without finding the cause.

She remained calm and asked softly: "Is Ranran already seven years old?"

"Yes, he is seven years old. He was only four years old when I left him. He was such a small child, only reaching my knees. His eyes were very bright and energetic." Lin Jianqing closed her eyes and tears fell down. She grabbed Li Qi's hand tightly: "Doctor Li, I can't get sick, I can't die, I have to live."

"But I really deserve to die, Dr. Li! Since I sent him away at such a young age to his scumbag father, he must have a very bad life, I deserve to die!" She added: "And Wei Ling, he is so young, as big as Ran Ran, but I treat him so badly, I deserve to die! I deserve to die!"

"It's not your fault." Li Qi said, "You're just sick and can't control yourself."

"I can control myself!" Lin Jianqing suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Li Qi, as if she wanted to prove herself: "I couldn't control it before, but I discovered that I can control it now, as long as I use a small knife , I can control—"

"Lin Jianqing!" Li Qi immediately interrupted her sternly: "Self-mutilation is not the solution to the problem. If this continues, sooner or later you will get yourself involved and you will die. Do you want to die?"

"Die? I don't want to die!"

Li Qi softened her expression: "Then let me help you. But Lin Jianqing, if you really want me to help you, you must completely open your heart to me and trust me wholeheartedly. Our goals are the same."

Lin Jianqing nodded blankly.

Li Qi asked: "Are you willing to talk to me about Ranran?"

Lin Jianqing subconsciously wanted to resist, but when she raised her head and saw Li Qi's gentle eyes, she paused and said, "Of course... he is my son."

"I gave birth to him when I was eighteen."

"It was so difficult at that time. Many people advised me to abort him, but I didn't agree and insisted on giving birth to him. I liked him the first day he came into this world." Lin Jianqing said, silently shedding tears: "But love can't solve any problems. I love him, but I can't be a better mother and give him a complete family. I can't even fully satisfy him materially. Dr. Li, do you believe that if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have the courage to leave the city where I’ve lived for eighteen years.”

Li Qi said: "You love him very much."

Lin Jianqing laughed, but did not admit it, and said: "I came to City A to work hard and started doing live broadcasts. In order to make money, I was willing to do anything. It is too easy to expose my breasts and legs. I only need to pay a little price. I bought him better clothes and better toys. Later, I entered the entertainment industry and made more money."

"But gradually, in this flashy circle, I also forgot my original purpose."

"When I met Wei Sheng, I didn't think I would fall in love, but he was very rich and looked better than many popular celebrities. I tried my best to marry him, but at the critical moment when I was about to marry into the Wei family, my mother suddenly died of a cerebral hemorrhage."

"I became Ran Ran's only guardian. But Dr. Li, how could I take him with me at that time? Can Wei Sheng accept a woman who became pregnant out of wedlock at the age of 18? Can my fans accept it? Lin Jianqing grabbed Li Qi's hand again: "Impossible, they can't accept it!"

"I was too panicked. I was a coward and a coward. I was afraid of losing everything I had at the time, afraid of losing the opportunity to become Mrs. Wei, and afraid of becoming the laughing stock in the circle. I backed down and abandoned him... I sent him to his father..." Lin Jianqing said harshly: "I am a complete, cold-blooded monster!"

"That's the child I worked so hard to conceive for ten months. How could I throw him away so easily?"

"And Wei Ling, what did he do wrong? Who am I qualified to treat him like that? It's not him that deserves the damnation, it's me."

So that's it. The pain of abandoning her son made Lin Jianqing fall into a state of anxiety. She gradually became unable to control herself. First, she hurt Wei Ling. After the anxiety and pressure shifted, she began to have strong self-pity, symptoms of depression, and self-mutilation. injury, and may even commit suicide in the future.

The key to Lin Jianqing's illness lies in the child named Ranran.

Li Qi asked: "Will Ranran live with his father now?"

"Yes." She said, "Also in City A."

Or, has Lin Jianqing ever thought about taking that child back?

Li Qi had the idea of ​​​​proposing suggestions, but felt that it was too early. Today is the third time Lin Jianqing has received psychological intervention, and the trust in her is not enough. Besides, the Wei family belongs to a wealthy family, and Lin Jianqing is just an insignificant person among them. Whether she can take the child back, she may not count.

She also knew that if Lin Jianqing could make the decision herself, she wouldn't be in this situation now.

After saying all this, Lin Jianqing seemed tired and her state was much more relaxed than when she first entered the treatment room. Li Qi chatted with her about some relaxing topics. Finally, when Lin Jianqing was about to leave, Li Qi reminded her seriously: "Treatment is urgent. If you don't come, you must take your medicine on time and pay attention to your emotions at all times." She paused and shook Lin Jianqing's hand: "Don't hurt yourself, okay?"

Lin Jianqing hesitated: "Wei Ling..."

Li Qi said: "Try to control yourself mentally and don't hurt him, but don't hurt yourself for him either. Believe me, everything will be fine."

But until she left, Lin Jianqing didn't give her a positive reply.

After leaving the treatment room, Lin Jianqing put on her sunglasses again. There was no one outside the door at this moment. Lin Jianqing's spirit, which had been tense for more than two hours, finally relaxed completely. Silent Hill used special effects to simulate a firework in the air: "Congratulations! The current resentment value is 80~"

Still in the corridor, Lin Jianqing didn't express joy, and just gave him a hmm in her heart. But after the fireworks were released, Silent Hill was a little dissatisfied and said: "Such a wonderful highlight, for which we have prepared for more than ten years. Oh my God, after practicing countless times in private, the resentment only lost 20%?"

"He still needs some time to react and digest." Lin Jianqing said confidently: "After all, he is only seven years old, so there is no need to rush~"

The author has something to say: Qingqing: Don’t be anxious, don’t be anxious qwq
