ADMKSF - 018.3

Miki withdrew his gaze and took two steps forward.

The interior of the Songzhu Hotel is actually very spacious, but it is crowded with people at the moment. Near the cashier in the lobby, two men are confronting each other with anger on their faces. Because they are far apart, he doesn't know what they are saying. Miki stretched his neck, lowered his head and saw fans urging him to come forward and take a look.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard a voice in his ear: "Brother, are you coming to see the fun too?"

Miki raised his eyes in confusion, and saw a teenage boy standing next to him at some point. The boy was very handsome, and at first glance, he only had legs below his chest. Miki couldn't help but looked down at his own again, and finally curled his lips in self-disgust before responding.

Unexpectedly, when the young man heard this, he took the initiative to grab his wrist: "You can see some excitement here, I will take you to squeeze in."

Miki: "?"

By the time Miki reacted, he was already standing at the vase next to the cashier. This young man really knows how to choose his position. Standing here, they have a clear line of sight, and because they are so close, they can hear all the conversations between the two men. The most important thing is that Miki calmly put his phone on the vase. No one knew that he was secretly live broadcasting.

At this time, Manager Li, who had received the news, rushed to the scene. After asking the waiter beside him about the reason for the quarrel, the corner of his eye was cold and he looked at the waiter who was already frightened and overwhelmed. The cashier quickly stepped forward with a friendly smile: "Sir, if you have something to say, let's talk slowly. Don't be in a hurry."

When one of them heard this, he sneered: "What are you talking about? If your Songzhu Hotel can't afford it, then don't hold a lottery. We did the lottery, but what's the result? You only draw big prizes for your own people? I can see clearly. Chu, the cashier thrust a card into his hand, and as soon as he tore it open, a laptop was hit."

As soon as he finished speaking, Manager Li's expression immediately became extremely serious: "How is it possible! Our lottery depends on luck. Someone won a car today, but there are still procedures to pick up the car. We let him stay, I have downloaded the contact information and will contact him when the time comes.”

The man sneered: "Who knows if this customer who got caught in the car is an employee of your hotel?"

When he mentioned the word 'guest', the man deliberately emphasized his tone, full of sarcasm.

During the silence, someone among the onlookers whispered to the people around him: "Did you draw the lottery? Did you win the prize?"

Someone next to me replied: "What are you winning? Does a pack of tissues count?"

What followed was a nagging discussion: "I didn't win either. Didn't everyone win? When did the one who won the car win?"

"Who knows, have we been deceived? Isn't this a way for Songzhu Hotel to attract customers? I was going to go next door to eat free fish and three meals. I saw the flyers they handed out and heard that someone had been cheated. The car was temporarily changed to another shop.”

The discussion became louder as others joined in, and when it fell into Manager Li's ears, his face became even more ugly. He bit his cheek, and after a while he smiled again: "Sir, our Songzhu Hotel has always had a good reputation over the years, and we will definitely not destroy our own sign for such a small amount of money. As for the matter you mentioned - Why did you give it to him?"

The last words were said to the cashier. As soon as the cashier met Manager Li's cold gaze, her body shrank unconsciously and she opened her mouth without knowing what to say.

What could she say? The fact is that the 'guest' in front of them is one of their own. The manager said that setting up a grand prize would make the atmosphere in the store more lively and attract all the customers to the store, so she stuffed the card with the grand prize into the hands of the 'guests'.

Who knew that the real guests were standing behind the pillars, looking through their blind spots.

"I..." She was frightened and anxious. Her boss's threatening and oppressive eyes fell on her, and there were also interesting looks from the guests around her, which scared her so much that she almost cried.

Until Manager Li spoke again: "Do you know this guest? Did you give him the card with the grand prize on purpose?"

Although it was a question, the cashier knew clearly in her heart that this was an excuse for her.

Manager Li is trying to push her out as a scapegoat.

She gritted her teeth, thinking of Manager Li's usual style and the Pei family behind Songzhu Hotel, closed her eyes, and finally nodded lightly.

Manager Li had been waiting for this moment. He quickly turned around and bowed to everyone, his face full of apologies: "I'm sorry, everyone, we didn't expect that any of our own employees would do such a thing. I'm here to assure you, our next draw will definitely be fair and just, I am standing here, everyone can come and draw the draw at any time."

With that said, Manager Li took the initiative to signal the man to come over to draw the lottery, and said with a smile: "Please forgive me."

The man didn't give him any face at all, and said with unclear meaning: "The next step must be fair and just, so how much is there before me?"

Manager Li's expression froze.

On the other hand, Miki ate the melon with gusto, and was still interested in teasing the young man wearing a peaked cap next to him: "Why is this guy so eloquent? He must be doing writing work."

Although the sound was not loud, it somehow reached the other party's ears. The man didn't care who was teasing him. He tugged his lips and said, "I usually argue at the construction site."

Miki: "..."

[Help hahahaha]

[This brother made me laugh to death. I testify that he is indeed quite good at leverage. ]

[Sure enough, I have experience. I grasped the key immediately. ]

[No, no, no, no one really believes the rhetoric of Songzhu Hotel, right? ]

[Use your brain, even if the cashier is having an affair with the customer, how would the cashier know that this card has a prize? Does the cashier have so much power? ]

[I can’t explain it, it can only be a sexy operation at Songzhu Hotel. ]

[Conspiracy theory, isn’t the Nanjiang Tower next door holding an event today? I think Songzhu Hotel deliberately created this lottery to attract customers, and it just didn't want to give away customers to Nanjiang Tower. ]

[I testify that their flyers came to our store to place an urgent order at midnight last night, and I made them for them overnight]

The barrage was lively, and it was the same inside the Songzhu Hotel. Although Manager Li threw all the blame on the cashier, a large number of people obviously guessed something, and they all shook their heads and cursed Songzhu Hotel for being unkind. Some guests who were still queuing up and had not had time to eat looked at each other and decisively stood up and left.

Upon seeing this, the waiter at Songzhu Hotel quickly reminded: "If you pass the number, you will have to queue up again later."

A middle-aged woman closest to him curled her lips and said without giving any face: "It doesn't matter, anyway, your restaurant is not the only one."


Manager Li: "..."

Although the incident at Songzhu Restaurant was a bit ugly, there were still many repeat customers who stayed to continue dining.

Seeing that the fun was over, Miki turned and left. When he turned around, he didn't see the young man who brought him in to eat melon. He just thought that the young man thought the show was boring and left early. Without thinking too much, Miki quickly returned to Nanjiang Tower, and coincidentally, the fish he ordered was served on the table. Before putting down his chopsticks, he glanced around the store. The empty tables around him were already filled with people. The guests seemed to be asking about the free fish and three meals, with obvious surprise on their faces.

Miki put the phone in front of his face again and showed his fans a closer look at the three dishes.

"This is fish head with chopped pepper. It's very colorful and fragrant. Since it's Nanjianglou's signature, I'll try this first." Miki said, sandwiching some fish meat. Almost as soon as he entered the mouth, fans looked through the camera and saw his relaxed eyebrows.

As a fan of Miki, everyone knows the micro-expressions he makes when eating delicious food.

They thought that the fish head with chopped pepper must taste very good.

Everyone was waiting for Miki's feedback. However, to their surprise, Miki had no intention of speaking at all. Instead, he asked the waiter for a portion of rice. The waiter reminded: "Rice is not free. A regular small bowl is a piece, one share of money.”

Miki waved his hand: "Come on directly."

The rice at Nanjianglou uses fragrant rice, which is fragrant and nutritious. In the past, it was still tribute rice. The rice is accompanied by the chili and fish meat of the chopped pepper fish head. Miki can't stop eating it one bite at a time.

"Hiss, it's so spicy and refreshing." Miki said, taking another spoonful of rice. When the large bowl of rice was empty, he suddenly realized that he was just eating without saying anything. But now his lips were burning. He didn't have time to look at the phone screen and quickly poured two glasses of water.

When the spiciness was over, he said, "Brothers, book your tickets now and come here. You can eat the most delicious fish head with chopped pepper in the world for free."

[? ? ? ? ? ]
