FVB - 060

Chapter 60 A green hat

Late at night...

There was a dim warm light on in the master bedroom.
Ye Tang stood beside the big bed and reported something in a low voice.
"The Gou family completely trusts us and plans to invest two billion in this project..."
"The Yu family is a follower of the Gou family. I met Mr. Gou at seven o'clock tonight. They should be discussing the purchase of shares..."
Li Yunting lay on the bed and listened quietly with his eyes closed.
He had been walking around a lot today and was extremely tired. He needed to lie down for at least two days to recover.
Apart from the sound of the night pond, the only sound in his ears was the sound of the wind outside the window.
Usually at this time, shouldn't that woman go home? Either talking to the children downstairs, or talking to herself alone in the bedroom...
It's extremely quiet today.
After Ye Tang's report, he heard no response for a long time. He whispered: "Sir?"
"Go check and see why that woman hasn't come back yet."
Li Yunting closed his eyes and spoke quietly.
Ye Tang looked confused.
Weren't we talking about the Gou family? Why did it suddenly get involved with that woman?
Moreover, does that have anything to do with whether that woman comes back or not?
But he had to obey the sir's orders.
Ye Tang had no choice but to close some documents and put them down, then took out his mobile phone and asked someone to check this matter...

As soon as he clicked on WeChat, he saw the updated content of his circle of friends, with a familiar avatar.
He quickly opened it and then handed the phone to Li Yunting: "Sir, the young lady took the young masters to eat at KFC."
Li Yunting opened his eyes, his eyes as dark as night.
This is Li Beixiao’s circle of friends—
"Mom brought us to eat KFC."
There are also several accompanying pictures, including a group photo of Jiang Jin and Li Beixiao, as well as a single emoticon package of Li Xichen.
Li Yunting's eyebrows furrowed deeply.
This woman actually kissed Li Beixiao?
And Li Beixiao actually kissed this woman on his own initiative?
How is this going?
He looked up at Ye Tang: "Didn't you say that the relationship between mother and son is tense?"
"Yes, that's what happened." Ye Tang wiped the sweat from his forehead, "When the young lady first married into the Li family, she was forced by the old man to have a child. The eldest young master and the second young master were almost killed by the young madam when they were born. The madam starved them to death... These are all evidences that can be found. As for why the third and fourth young masters are so close to the young madam tonight, I don't know why..."
Li Yunting's eyes narrowed.
In the past ten years, while lying on this bed, he occasionally heard the woman's complaints.
She sat beside his bed like a resentful woman, detailing the Li family's crimes. She was just resenting the Li family for ruining her life.
Before he even woke up, he knew that this woman wanted a divorce.

But during this time, this woman behaved extremely abnormally.
She would take care of him personally. She would feed him water and medicine in a very intimate way. When she was scared, she would jump on his bed and hold him while she slept...
The person she felt after ten years of sleeping and the living person she is now are two completely different people.
"Sir, I also checked. The young lady and Mr. Lin had a falling out a week ago." Yetang boldly said, "In the past few years, the young lady has been going to the company to see the old man every few days. We talked about divorce, but recently, the young lady has never mentioned divorce again, and her attitude towards the two young masters has also changed. Maybe she knows that her husband is about to wake up, and she plans to live a good life with you."

Li Yunting suddenly sneered.
Is she planning to return to the family after having enough fun?
Why does this woman think that he will continue to live with her wearing a green hat?

"Keep an eye on her."
Li Yunting ordered coldly.
"Write a report of all her actions and send it to my email."
Ye Tang silently lit a candle for Jiang Jin in his heart.

Ten years ago, the master was ruthless, and anyone who offended him would not end well.
When he wakes up from ten years of sleep, his methods are even more cruel and inhumane than he was ten years ago. Just look at the dragnet that he has laid for the Gou family.
The young lady did so many ridiculous things while her husband was sleeping. Now, it's time to settle the accounts.
At this time.

There was the sound of someone talking downstairs.
"You two go and do your homework quickly. You are not allowed to sleep until you finish your homework!"
Jiang Jin's voice came from downstairs, and the dead silent villa seemed to come alive at this moment.
"By the way, Teacher Shi said that you should be admitted to the elite class, right?"
She seemed to be going upstairs, and the clatter of footsteps clearly reached Li Yunting's eardrums.
He gave Ye Tang a faint look. Ye Tang put away the documents on the bed, stood up and jumped over the balcony railing.

"The elite class wants to teach the content of the fourth and fifth grade of elementary school. Can you do it?"
Jiang Jin followed the two children into the study room and randomly found a final exam paper from five years ago on the Internet. "If you can get more than 90 points, I promise to transfer you to the elite class."
Li Beixiao put down his schoolbag and said seriously: "I don't want to enter the elite class."
Jiang Jin was stunned: "Why?"
When she was studying, the school also had an elite class. In order to get into this class with the best resources in the school, all the students in the school struggled to get into it, and the parents also spent money to find connections.
As long as you can enter this class, there is basically nothing to worry about in the future.
"They are all a bunch of nerds." Li Xichen snorted coldly, "Sitting in that classroom every day will suffocate people to death."
Li Beixiao said: "After entering the elite class, I have to attend morning and evening self-study every day. I want to have more time to do the things I like."
Jiang Jin leaned on the desk and said seriously: "If you two have thought it through, then I respect all your decisions."
"But grandpa wanted us to enter the elite class." Li Beixiao said, "The eldest brother and the second brother also graduated from the elite class."
"I will talk to the old man about this. You can do your homework in peace."

Jiang Jin patted the shoulders of the two little guys and walked out of the study. She returned to her room, took off her makeup and took a shower step by step...
Li Yunting could hear all her sounds.
He never expected that this woman would respect the opinions of her two children so much.
She seems to know how to educate children...
Then why, there are all rumors out there that she abused children...
Li Yunting slowly sat up from the bed. He walked to the balcony and could see Jiang Jin's figure reflected in the window of the balcony next door.
She seemed to be preparing to take a shower. She took off her clothes before entering the bathroom, and opened the balcony door while humming a tuneless song...
She rolled down the clothes drying rack, hummed a song and took off her underwear, then turned and walked into the bathroom.
The woman's skin as white as snow dazzled in front of Li Yunting's eyes for less than a second.
The white snow in the night is particularly dazzling.

Heat suddenly rose in his lower abdomen...
