Chapter 20

The only light source in the room came from the overhead light on the scroll. As Qi Yan turned it on, the light began to flicker, and the temperature of the room began to drop sharply.

After the four people standing in a row noticed that the temperature had dropped, they subconsciously shrank their necks and formed a circle back to back in tacit understanding. They looked warily directly in front of them. Through the brightly extinguished lights, they carefully scanned the surroundings, but they were alone. The roof was ignored.

The shadows of the swaying trees outside the window were projected on the roof through the window lattice, and the mottled shadows gradually gathered into a black shadow. As Qi Yan opened the scroll and slowly pulled it, it slowly took shape like a clay figure.

Qi Yan was not affected by the light at all and continued his movements. Shen Weiyue stared at the scroll without blinking, not daring to relax at all.

As soon as the scroll revealed the font, Shen Weiyue subconsciously said: "It's coming."

Just as the two of them looked at each other in confusion, a distant sound of footsteps suddenly came from outside the door, and the sound of click, click, click echoed on the corridor.

The others looked towards the door in horror.

Shen Weiyue asked Qi Yan with a trembling voice: "Do you still want to read it?"

What answered her was Qi Yan's flipping action without thinking. Once the game started, they had no choice but to go down.

Shen Weiyue had no choice but to keep up with the rhythm and murmured again: "It's approaching."

While turning the scroll, the footsteps did not stop. As the second line of words appeared, in addition to the footsteps getting closer and closer, everyone also heard a whisper close to their ears, a noisy and sinister tone. It makes people feel hairy on their backs.

When the footsteps stopped slowly at the door, the noisy whispers also stopped, and the surroundings suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Everyone else looked at the door with fear, too scared to breathe.

At this time, the black shadow on the roof had condensed into a stooped figure, prostrate in a strange posture, with its black head propped up in a slender arc, staring motionlessly at the crowd.

[Ah ah, no one noticed the shadow on the roof, it looks so evil]

[Woooooooo, the NPCs are all at the door. If you scroll further, will they rush in directly?]

[Although I know this is a recording of a program, the atmosphere is too scary, and there is no way to escape the sense of déjà vu]

[Hold my little quilt tight]

"Do you still want to turn it over?" Lin Yao asked with a trembling voice, "They are already at the door. Will they have to rush in next?"

Jin Sui'an: "Since you are born towards death, you will inevitably encounter NPCs. You will die early and be reborn early. Let's continue to fight."

"Ugh, why are you torturing us like this? When will you be done?" Yue Xinran had already begun to collapse.

"Don't be afraid, these are all illusions, don't be deceived." Gu Xiaoxiao comforted her by patting her back.

Qi Yan's nervous mood calmed down again because of Gu Xiaoxiao's reminder.

He continued to flip down, and as soon as the outline of the font on the third page was revealed, a dark shadow crawling on the roof suddenly appeared above the two of them. Through the flickering light, the audience finally saw its appearance clearly.

A black dress wrapped her skinny body, her limbs were folded like a spider and stuck to the roof. Her slender neck went straight towards the scroll, and her long black hair fell down slowly with the arc of her head hanging upside down. She moved closer to Qi Yan and Shen Weiyue's necks.

Qi Yan and Shen Weiyue were concentrating on the scrolls in their hands, while the other four people's attention was all attracted by the NPC at the door. No one noticed the movement of the roof at all, only the audience in the live broadcast room turned around anxiously.

[Ah ah ah, help, the scroll duo won’t die here]

[I hate that I can’t wear it]

[Woo, it’s so scary]

Qi Yan turned to the third page without knowing it. As soon as Shen Weiyue read out the word "at", she suddenly paused. The word "above" frightened her to the spot, and dense fear suddenly climbed up her back.

Qi Yan also saw the words at the back, and his eyes widened in horror. His body seemed to have been cast by a restraining spell, and he was frozen in place.

Strands of black hair slowly fell between the two of them, just a piece of paper away from their faces. The extreme fear caused by the hair strands brushing against the skin was about to exceed the limit of their tolerance.

Through the corner of their eyes, they could clearly see the NPC close at hand. Their faces suddenly turned pale, and cold sweat slowly slid down their foreheads.

Shen Weiyue bit the inner wall of her mouth, whimpering softly, and tears of fear kept falling down her trembling face.

Qi Yan tried hard to tell himself that this was just a game, the NPCs were all actors, it was not real.

Just after a second of mental construction, there was a clicking sound of bones in my ears, coupled with the intermittent "Ah" sound in my throat, which made my skin crawl for a second.

Listening to this familiar voice, Lin Yao was immediately dominated by the fear of losing his head to the zombies in the previous level. He was trembling with fear. Especially when he confirmed that the sound came from the direction of Qi Yan, cold sweat immediately soaked his back.

Yue Xinran's whole body was shaking like chaff, and as soon as the frightened sobs escaped from her throat, the black shadow immediately turned her head and looked over, and her eyes suddenly collided with Yue Xinran's.

The eyes covered by black hair stared at her unblinkingly, as dark as an abyss, with a bone-chilling chill and suction, as if they were trying to pull people in.

Just as the scream was about to break out, Gu Xiaoxiao, who had quick eyes and quick hands, covered it up, "Shh!"

The strong tone of hissing drew her attention back. Yue Xinran raised her hands in fear and tightly covered the back of Gu Xiaoxiao's hands, strangling the frightened scream in her throat.

The black shadow glanced at Gu Xiaoxiao solemnly, and then turned away again.

As soon as the NPC turned her head, the fear in Shen Weiyue's heart had already reached its highest peak. The scream that had been suppressed in her throat began to overflow uncontrollably. As soon as the NPC turned her head, she was keenly caught.

In order to allow her to scream smoothly, the NPC's head continued to lower to a level with her, and then slowly turned her neck. The clicking sound kept ringing in her ears, and every note stirred up Shen Weiyue's nervous nerves.


Shen Weiyue's trembling sobs continued to escape from the corners of her pale lips. Her eyes turned red due to the suppressed panic. As soon as the tears moistened her eyes, they were shaken off by her trembling body and rolled down her bloodless face.

Under Zhao Xin's continuous high-definition close-up shots, Shen Weiyue contributed her first superb acting skills in her career, allowing the audience in the live broadcast room to immerse themselves in the suffocating fear at this moment.

The NPC's half-covered black hair parted little by little as she turned her head, revealing a pale and sunken face. There was nothing else on her face except a pair of big, cold black eyes and a blood-red mouth...

Shen Weiyue saw the NPC's appearance from the corner of her eye and could no longer restrain her fear. She screamed and squatted on the ground holding her head. The scroll was lifted by her raised hand, and the unopened part began to roll due to the force.

Before Qi Yan could see what was written, the black shadow suddenly turned her head, raised her bony arms, and pinched his throat.

At the same time, the NPC outside the door broke in, waving his mechanical chainsaw hand. The terrifying sound of the motor broke the silence and frightened most of the audience in the live broadcast room. The barrage was filled with screams and screams.

When Lin Yao and Jin Sui'an screamed in fear, they still raised their arms to protect the ladies behind them and stepped back.

Because Yue Xinran did not dare to speak out, her screams were muffled in her throat, and she kept leaning on Gu Xiaoxiao. The formation finally became three people, surrounding her.

Although Qi Yan was frightened, he did not forget to wave his hand and push the scroll in the opposite direction when the black shadow came. When the scroll was closed, all the strange phenomena disappeared and the house returned to normal again.

[Woooooooo, I was scared to death just now, it was so scary]

[Ah ah ah, everyone was almost killed by Shen Weiyue, it’s so annoying]

[Shen Weiyue is really a harmful person. She doesn’t have the diamond and still does porcelain work. What a waste!]

[Hey, this is really just a variety show. Are you sure it's not a live broadcast of ghosts? This is too evil.]

[It is recommended to wear amulets and recite the mighty Tianlong silently]

"What just happened? Why did the NPC suddenly go berserk? Have you turned to the last page?" Lin Yao quickly asked the reason.

"It's not the end, I just accidentally opened the next section." Qi Yan explained with lingering fear.

"Didn't I just recite it twice? What's behind the ghost is coming?" Jin Sui'an asked.

Qi Yan glanced at the roof: "It's up there."

"You mean the ghost has been on the roof?!" Lin Yao finally realized that the clicking sound before was not his head falling off, but the ghost moving on the roof, and he suddenly felt frightened.

"It's not always there, but it appears according to the instructions of the scroll." Qi Yan explained the pattern he discovered.

"Then the following paragraph that you accidentally opened is a full-scale attack by ghosts?" Jin Sui'an expressed his guess.

Qi Yan nodded solemnly.

"In other words, as long as the scroll is opened, the NPC will appear according to the instructions above. Depending on the thickness of the scroll, there may be something behind the opened section, and the danger is unpredictable. If you want to find the answer, you have to keep turning to the bottom. Have you gone through all the ways NPC might appear?"

"Yes, it seems that these are the rules of the game at this level."

"Not opening the scroll will trigger a random mission. If you open the scroll, I don't know how many NPCs will appear later. Isn't this clear that there is no way to survive? The program team is so cruel." Lin Yao gave a thumbs up to the main camera in praise.

Behind the camera, Zhao Xin looked embarrassed. This was a turnaround that cost him all his fortune. Of course, no matter how hard it is, the real selling point of this variety show is to see how the guests survive from desperate situations and then fall into even greater desperation again.

Facts have proved that his viciousness, which has made the guests extremely criticized, has once again added 30 million viewers to the show. The number of online viewers has exceeded 50 million. According to this growth rate, there will be no problem in the next few levels to exceed 100 million.

After Qi Yan pondered for a few seconds, he said, "Since we have no choice, why not take a gamble and go all out this time."

Everyone was silent for half a second after hearing this, and then nodded in resignation. Jin Sui'an glanced at Shen Weiyue, who was shivering at the corner of the table: "Hey, are you ready to watch?"

Shen Weiyue shook her head like a rattle: "No, don't look, find someone else."

Jin Sui'an then said: "Then let me replace her."

Lin Yao said to Gu Xiaoxiao: "You three girls go to the door and wait for the NPC to come in. Then look for opportunities to run out. If you can, count them all."

Gu Xiaoxiao nodded obediently, which Yue Xinran and Shen Weiyue wanted even more.

After discussing the countermeasures, Qi Yan and Jin Sui'an returned to the desk. After the two looked at each other, Qi Yan reached out to touch the scroll again.
