FVB - 061

Chapter 61 Li Yunting breaks into her bedroom

Jiang Jin's bathroom is huge.
The built-in bathtub is filled with warm water, and the whole person is immersed in the warm water, washing away the scum and fatigue of the day.
She soaked in the bathtub for twenty minutes before getting up, put on soft pajamas, wiped her hair casually, then opened the door and went to the study room next door.
She stood at the door of the study and quietly pushed the door open a crack.
She thought these two brats would hide in the study and play games. Unexpectedly, they were actually reading and writing homework seriously.
It seemed that her efforts for so many days were worth it. At least the two naughty children are willing to listen to discipline.
Jiang Jin coughed and wiped her hair while saying, "It's getting late. You should go back to your room to take a shower and go to bed. Don't stay up late."
"I'm going to take a shower after reading this page." Li Beixiao's eyes were still looking at the book, "Third brother, you go to bed first."
The corners of Li Xichen's mouth twitched.
This kid Xiaobei is getting better and better at pretending to be nice. He is simply a traitor.
"I still have two questions to finish. Please wait for another ten minutes."
After Li Xichen finished speaking, he picked up a pen and quickly calculated on the draft paper.
Li Beixiao: "..."
The third brother actually started to pretend to be a good boy, and his acting skills were not inferior to those of the second brother.
Jiang Jin smiled happily.

She turned around and went downstairs to heat up two cups of pure milk and put them in the hands of the two children. She gave them a few more instructions before going back to her room to rest.
She lay on the bed and turned off the lights, leaned against the bedside and scrolled through her phone for a while, then slowly fell asleep.
The Li family villa is located halfway up the mountain. There is no noise from the busy traffic, and it is extremely quiet at night. Even in the dream, it is a quiet wilderness and towering peaks, as if it has broken into a paradise.
Jiang Jin didn't know where she was.

There was a thick fog lingering around her. Roses were blooming in the corner, and their pink petals fell one by one and landed on her shoulders.
At the end of the bluestone mountain road filled with the fragrance of flowers, a tall and tall figure suddenly appeared. His long legs stepped on the bluestone and walked towards her step by step.
The face was getting closer and closer. Its sharp-edged face and delicate and beautiful facial features made Jiang Jin's mind explode.
This, isn't this Li Yunting?!
Isn't this man a vegetable? Shouldn't he be lying in bed properly?

As soon as this thought popped up in Jiang Jin's mind, she realized the next second that she was in a dream.
She dreamed of Li Yunting waking up.
At this moment, Li Yunting had already walked in front of her. Before she could react, the man suddenly grabbed her chin.
Jiang Jin frowned at the pain.
She wanted to speak, but found that she was so weak that she couldn't muster any strength.

She just watched the man's face getting closer and closer. Then, he suddenly blocked her lips...

Psychedelic, charming, ambiguous, entangled, desire and lust...
Jiang Jin breathed heavily and twisted her body unbearably.
This dream was truly terrifying, making it hard for her to breathe and almost suffocating...
She ordered herself to wake up and bit the tip of her tongue hard.
Her cold eyes suddenly opened.
What caught her eyes was a face glowing with a dull golden light.
This is a face wearing a mask.
The man's lips kissed her neck passionately, and his big palms roamed her body, either lightly or heavily...
Jiang Jin broke out in a cold sweat.
This is not a dream!
Everything is really happening.
Her room was broken into by a strange man!
Jiang Jin suddenly raised her leg and kicked him hard.
The man groaned.
This voice reminded Jiang Jin of the masked man at the Starlight Conference!
She turned over and touched the bedside lamp.

However, before her hand could touch the switch, the man grabbed her ankle and pulled her hard.
"Let me go!" Jiang Jin roared.
The man stared at her coldly, with a hint of annoyance in his eyes behind the mask.
How could he be so out of control that he actually woke up this woman?
It's incredible to sneak into this woman's room secretly, but he actually treats her with contempt...
It must be because he hasn’t touched a woman for too long...
No, it should be said that he has lived for thirty years and has never known what it is like to be with a woman.
Jiang Jin was keenly aware that the man's eyes in front of her had become much darker, like a wild wolf in the dark night...
She narrowed her eyes, took advantage of him in a trance, and kicked the man hard in the middle of his crotch.
Li Yunting raised his hand and held her restless feet, with a sneer on his lips: "Didn't you enjoy it just now?"
This voice was exactly the same as that of the masked man that night!
Just forget about kissing her that day!
Tonight, he sneaked into her bedroom to do something evil!
How audacious!
Jiang Jin was about to explode with anger.
She wanted to pull her foot back, but the man's strength was too great, and she couldn't move at all.
"As a married woman, you wouldn't really think that I'm interested in you. I'm just passing by. Don't think too much about it."

Li Yunting coldly shook off her feet, stood up, picked up a wet tissue from the bed, wiped each of his fingers slowly, then turned and walked to the balcony, turned over and jumped off, and soon disappeared into the night. 
Jiang Jin quickly rushed over, locked the balcony window, drew the curtains, and panted heavily against the glass window.
This night was really thrilling.
She was almost occupied by a stranger in her own home and on her own bed.
Call the police!
This matter must be reported to the police!

As soon as Jiang Jin took out her phone, she thought of the identity of the masked man.
Mr. Li of an overseas multinational group, even the Gou family, the first family in Yuncheng, has to grovel in front of him. Does Yuncheng's police station dare to take care of this matter?
Not to mention, she doesn't even have any evidence.
In the second half of the night, Jiang Jin couldn't sleep at all. As long as there was the slightest sound outside, she would jump out of bed like a frightened bird.
She was terrified all night until dawn.
She went downstairs with two dark circles under her eyes, startling the two children.
Li Beixiao looked at her in astonishment: "Did you not sleep well last night?"
Li Xichen raised his eyelids: "Hey, did you secretly do something bad last night?"
"Fuck you!" Jiang Jin glared at him angrily, "Hurry up and have breakfast, then go to school!"
"You speak with confidence, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with your body."
Li Xichen shrugged and started eating the sandwich lazily.
His movements were very careless, but he always showed an elegant and noble attitude. This was an upbringing inherited from a large family.
Seeing the two children eating obediently, Jiang Jin slowly calmed down.

After sending her children to school, she drove to the Li Group.

This was the first time she came to Li's Group after she came here. As soon as she appeared in the lobby, the customer service lady at the front desk stood up tremblingly.
