DSHSN - 45

Gu Heng's embrace was very warm, especially now that it was winter, the warmth in his arms made people reluctant to leave.

Hearing the photographer's words, Yan Li laid in his arms blankly.

Probably because it was really cold in winter, and his embrace was indeed quite warm. After taking the photo, Yan Li felt a little reluctant to leave.

The same person who felt the same feeling was Gu Heng.

He has met many women at work, fat and thin, of all shapes and sizes. Most of them are courteous to him, but he has never been tempted, and his marriage to Yan Li, it's also because of Yan Beibei. If it weren't for the child, they wouldn't get married.

But it was such a loveless marriage, and such a woman who seemed to have no special advantages other than being beautiful, suddenly gave him a try the moment she pounced on him. There is a feeling called excitement.

It seems like this for a lifetime, which is pretty good.

A little later, Gu Heng's friend came over. He was a man who was several years younger than Gu Heng. But in fact, Gu Heng looked younger. One of them was wearing a dark Chinese cheongsam, and the other was wearing an off-white Chinese cheongsam. Wearing a dark mandarin gown, Gu Heng's friend walked over and couldn't help but sneered and said: "It's not easy. I can still drink your wedding wine in my lifetime. I thought you would follow me for the rest of my life to be single!"

Then he sent a red envelope to Yan Li and Yan Beibei, and greeted Yan Li with a smile: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

After being married for so long, Yan Li was a little embarrassed to meet Gu Heng's friend for the first time. She nodded gently: "Hello."

Then she heard this man named Lu Yang say to Gu Yiyi: "I gave you a lot of red envelopes, but there are none today."

This sentence is nice and slightly insulting, but it is extremely harmful to Gu Yiyi.

Gu Yiyi was a little ashamed: "Uncle Lu, I know I don't have a share in it, and I didn't ask you for it. You don't have to tell me specifically."

Lu Yang snorted lightly: "Now that you're older, you want to give up because you want to save face. When you were a kid, you would chase me after my butt and ask for red envelopes."

Gu Yiyi felt a little embarrassed to say this in front of Yan Li.

He whispered: "That happened when I was a kid."

Lu Yang said: "You will always be that little brat in my heart."

Gu Yiyi:.....

Lu Yang stayed here for a while, laughed at Gu Yiyi for a while, and then went to do his own business.

After they took the last photo in the evening, they could finally call it a day and go home.

Because she wore a lot of clothes, Yan Li was not cold that day, but she was tired.

When she got home and went upstairs, Gu Heng asked her, "Are you tired today?"

Yan Li said: "It's okay."

Then as soon as she arrived in the room, she immediately slumped down and sighed comfortably.

She didn't feel it at that time, but now as soon as she laid down, she immediately felt that she was exhausted.

The bed was so comfortable, she didn't want to take pictures tomorrow.

Yan Beibei came in at this time and saw her mother lying on the bed unwilling to move. She immediately asked: "Mom, are you tired?"

"Kind of."

Yan Li heard that her own voice had become a little weak.

When the little girl heard her mother say she was tired, she immediately took off her shoes, climbed up, clenched her little hands into fists, and beat on Yan Li's shoulders.

Yan Beibei's strength was very small, and there was no strength at all when she hit Yan Li on the shoulder, but it still gave Yan Li a lot of comfort.

Yan Li was really touched that her own baby would come to comfort her.

How could this little cutie be so well-behaved and so warm? The physical fatigue seemed to disappear just like that, leaving only a warm feeling in her heart.

Although the child only banged for a while, she then asked her mother: "Mom, are you still so tired?"

Of course she was tired, but Yan Li didn't want to tire her little baby, so she immediately denied it: "I'm not tired, mom feels pretty good now."

Then she grabbed the little baby's cute little face and kissed her hard many times.

The little guy likes her mother to kiss her little face very much, and her face quickly turns red into a little apple.

While having dinner, Yan Li said to Gu Heng, "Let's not go to the shooting tomorrow. We have already shot a lot today. I think it's OK. We will go to the beach to shoot when the weather gets better."

Gu Heng didn't have any objections. He held the chopsticks in his hand. After pondering for a while, he said: "You can't take any good photos on the beach here now. If you want to go to the beach to take pictures, we can go south‌.”

Yan Li had no objection: "Okay."

"Okay. Then I'll ask someone to arrange it. When do you think it's better to take the photo?"

Yan Li thinks it's okay, but she has been tired these past two days: "It will be next week at the earliest. Let me rest for a while."

Gu Heng suggested: "If you are very tired, you can ask the masseur to come to your door later to give you a massage."

Yan Li had forgotten that Gu Heng was so advanced that most things could be done at his door.

Yan Li hesitated for a while and said, "No, I'll go out and press it later."

Then after a while, she left her daughter alone and went out to go shopping.

Gu Yiyi was speechless when he saw this: "Isn't she tired? Isn't it cold? I see she ran out faster than anyone else."

Gu Heng raised his head and glanced at his son, then lowered his head and took his mobile phone to transfer money to Yan Li.

Yan Li felt very happy after seeing the transfer. When she was shopping for clothes, she went shopping for men's clothing and bought some clothes for the father and son.

It was a little late when she got home, and Yan Li didn't bother to call them, so she just put her clothes downstairs.

After breakfast the next day, she saw Gu Yiyi unpacking a bag of clothes in the living room and asked, "Did you buy it for us last night?"

Yan Beibei was still eating purple sweet potatoes, with stains all over her mouth. When she heard her brother's words, she quickly answered.

"Yes, mom bought you something last night."

Gu Yiyi was quite happy, but he was stubborn and asked, "Why are you buying us clothes all of a sudden?"

Yan Li said: "Isn't it the Chinese New Year soon? I'm afraid you won't have new clothes to wear."

Gu Yiyi originally planned to go out to play with Jiang Yi and the others tomorrow, thinking that it would be good to wear clothes out tomorrow, but then he heard Yan Li. He was reluctant to wear it immediately and planned to wear it again during the Chinese New Year.

Gu Heng thought so too.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, father and son went downstairs together wearing the clothes given by Yan Li. You looked at me and I looked at you with mixed emotions.

Finally, it was Gu Yiyi who spoke first: "Dad, are you wearing new clothes today?"

Gu Heng stood up straight: "Yes."

Then the father and son went downstairs together.

They had already gone back to the Gu family's old house yesterday evening. They didn't need to go back today because they were celebrating the New Year and were afraid of upsetting Gu Heng and making everyone unhappy. Gu Heng's stepmother didn't look for trouble, and Yan Li was in a good mood.

Yan Li was planning to go out to play later. When she saw that both father and son had reserved the clothes to wear today because of her deception, Yan Li only found it funny.

After breakfast, she took Yan Beibei upstairs to pack her things.

Gu Heng saw them going out, followed her into the room, and asked, "Where are you going later?"

Yan Li wanted to take Beibei out for a walk. She thought Gu Heng wouldn't go, so she asked casually: "The two of us are going to go out for a walk. Do you want to come with us?"

Gu Heng thought it was no problem to go, so he agreed: "Okay, I don't have anything to do today anyway."

Yan Li knew very well that there was no way Gu Heng could be fine. As long as he wanted to, he could have work to deal with at any time.

But since he is willing to go out with his child, Yan Li doesn't mind if Yan Beibei develops a relationship with her father.

"We're getting ready to go out. Is there anything else you need to pack?"

Gu Heng naturally had nothing to deal with.

"When you've finished packing, just leave."

This man was wearing a haze blue coat given by Yan Li. He was standing at the door waiting for them. He had broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. He had a straight figure and looked quite stylish.

Yan Li didn't know whether she should praise her for her good taste or his good looks.

Originally, they wanted to ask Gu Yiyi if he wanted to go out together, but when they got downstairs, the boy had already disappeared.

He probably went out with his friends today.

Going out to play during the Chinese New Year was like a crematorium, especially since today they went to the amusement park.

The little one has been thinking about going to the amusement park for a long time, but Yan Li didn't even bring her here. Yesterday, she suddenly wanted to bring her here, but now, looking at the overwhelming crowd, she already regretted it.

By then, the queue was already half full.

They have been waiting in line for more than half an hour.

Yan Li tried to save her mistake. She discussed with Yan Beibei: "Baby, let's not play today, right? Come back another day?"

Of course Yan Beibei is not happy. She has come and she still wants to leave? She muttered: "Mom, wait a minute! We will be here soon!"

Yan Li:......

After queuing for a while, seeing the team moving so slowly, Yan Li asked Gu Heng again: "Do you think this team is very slow?"

Gu Heng: "Fortunately, if you feel tired, you can go and have a rest."

Yan Li: "..."

She didn't expect that Gu Heng, who was in his forties, was so energetic. After curling her lips, she actually found a place to sit. When it was almost time for them to arrive, so they went in together.

After entering, various projects dispersed the flow of people, so it was not so crowded.

Yan Beibei is a child, so she naturally likes children's activities the most. After Yan Li played with her for a while, she saw others playing exciting pendulums and roller coasters not far away, and her heart moved. She was immediately ready to make a move.

There is her father here watching the child, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?

Yan Li decided to leave the child and go play by herself.

She pointed not far away and said to Gu Heng, "I'll go over there and have a look. You play with her first."

Gu Heng didn't have any objections. He even saw what she was thinking, with a bit of a smile in his eyes: "You can go and play if you want."

Yan Li whispered: "I'm just going to take a look."

Then she went to play the roller coaster and the big pendulum by herself.

The roller coaster here was fun and the big pendulum was exciting. When she got off it, she immediately threw up.

It's all because she was too full for breakfast.

This was also called forget it. Someone next to her handed her a tissue. When she turned around, she found that Gu Heng had brought Yan Beibei over at some point. The little girl carelessly licked the candy in her mouth, while Gu Heng had a hint of smile in his eyes.

Yan Li suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Even if she went to play secretly, she actually vomited.

Gu Heng was still laughing next to her, he was laughing so hard!
