FVB - 120

Chapter 120 There is nothing to say between us

As soon as Jiang Jin came out of the office building, her phone vibrated.
She glanced at it and saw that the caller ID was Hua Lili.
She sneered and put the phone through.
"Hey, Jinjin, I've been waiting for you at the beauty salon for more than two hours, why haven't you arrived yet?"
There was a hint of anger in Hua Lili's voice, but she forced her tone to sound affectionate, "I've made an appointment for you with the most professional beauty and hairdresser in the store. Don't let me wait any longer."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered that I have something to deal with today..." Jiang Jin curled her lips and smiled, "Otherwise, let's make an appointment tomorrow. We'll see you at the same place at ten o'clock in the morning."
"Jinjin... why do I feel that you will let me go tomorrow?"
"Yeah, you've seen this." Jiang Jin's voice suddenly turned cold, "Hua Lili, stop beating around the bush and just tell the truth. What exactly do you want to do?"
"I, I didn't want to do anything..." Hua Lili said with a guilty conscience, "I really want to get back together with you. You are the only good friend I have, and I don't want to lose you..."
Jiang Jin only felt nauseated.
She said coldly: "I don't have the time to talk in circles with you, so don't look for me again."
She hung up the phone coldly.
"Buzz buzz-"
The phone vibrated again.

Jiang Jin answered the call without looking at it, and said coldly: "I told you, don't come to me again. There is nothing to say between us..."
"Jiang Jin, who are you talking to?"
An old voice came from the other end of the phone.
Jiang Jin quickly stopped talking: "Dad, why did you call? What's the matter?"
"Ahem!" Mr. Li cleared his throat, "I just wanted to ask you how it was when you met Mr. Li. How did you feel?"
Jiang Jin's head was full of questions.
Why does this question sound like the matchmaker asking the woman how she feels about the man after the blind date is over?
She suppressed this strange thought and said dryly: "Dad, I asked about the customer list, but he avoided talking about it, so I had to leave."
"Just, just left like that?"
There was a little regret in Mr. Li's tone.

He specially asked someone to prepare a clothing room on the top floor, all of which were Jiang Jin's clothes.
There is also a lounge next door. He asked Ye Tang to prepare many sex toys, but it took a lot of thought...
Why did this girl Jiang Jin leave like this?
"Dad, please take good care of your health. I'll hang up first."
Jiang Jin shook her head at the phone.

The old man's behavior became more and more puzzling to her...
In the evening, she drove to school to pick up her children. Teacher Shi walked out of the school gate with the two children in person.
Seeing Teacher Shi's serious face, Jiang Jin's heart skipped a beat.
No, these two brats have just been at peace for half a month. Is something wrong again?
"Mother Li, first of all, I want to say sorry to you here." Teacher Shi sincerely apologized, "As a people's teacher, I failed to protect my students. This is my dereliction of duty, but I assure you that in this way, what happened will never happen again.”
Jiang Jin was confused: "What happened?"
Teacher Shi recounted what happened in the office that morning: "Although in the end the police investigation revealed that this was a misunderstanding, we still have to be vigilant..."
Jiang Jin frowned slightly.

It is impossible for human traffickers to specifically go to schools to abduct children. This operation is too difficult.

But would ordinary people go to school after eating enough to make fun of two young children...
"Mom, it's Meng Shen." Li Beixiao said softly, "He went to school to find us and bullied us, so the third brother knocked him out with a brick."
"Meng Shen?"
Jiang Jin was even more surprised.
A big star came to school in disguise to find her sons. What on earth was he doing?
Thinking of Meng Shen's strange behavior in the past few times, Jiang Jin became more and more certain that this Meng Shen must have seen that these two brats were so good-looking, so he wanted to steal the two children back to raise them...
The news doesn't say that Meng Shen is fifty years old, has never been married, and has never had children. It is very possible that he covets other people's children.

"Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, you must take a detour when you see Meng Shen in the future. He is not a good person."
Jiang Jin pinched her fingers.
When she sees Meng Shen next time, she will definitely avenge this time for her two children.
"Don't worry, he won't dare to come to us again." Li Xichen twitched his lips and said. The famous star was detained in the police station and squatted for most of the day. He should be able to live in peace for at least half a month.
If he dared to cause trouble for him and Xiaobei next time, he wouldn't mind sending Meng Shen to jail again.
Jiang Jin led the two children into the car, and under the orange sunset, the car slowly drove into the Li family villa.

In the summer evening, the courtyard of the villa is full of tuberose. When nightfall is about to fall, the tuberose contains buds, shy and ready to bloom, and the fragrance hits you, making people intoxicated.
In the pavilion in the courtyard, two older children were sitting.
Li Dongjing and Li Nanque sat opposite each other, one was studying the script and the other was reviewing company documents. The air was extremely quiet.
As soon as the car drove in, the two of them looked up at the same time. The young men's profile looked shining in the golden light, like a princes coming out of a comic book.
Jiang Jin couldn't help but stare for a few seconds.
These two children must be monsters when they grow up...

"Mom, I can't seem to unbuckle my seat belt."
Li Beixiao's soft voice sounded, and Jiang Jin looked away, walked to the back seat and helped the little guy unbuckle his seat belt.
As soon as she took the two little ones out of the car, a red convertible suddenly drove up at the door of the villa.
The car came to a sudden stop, and Mu Yingxuan, who was dressed elegantly and delicately, stepped out of the car.
"Mrs. Li, don't you invite me in to sit for a while?" Mu Yingxuan asked with a soft smile on her face, pretending to be humble.
Jiang Jin pinched her eyebrows a little irritably.
Either Hua Lili or Mu Yingxuan, these two women are so annoying.
She raised her lips coldly and said, "Our family is going to have dinner soon. Miss Mu, an outsider, should not come in and sit down to avoid embarrassment."
Mu Yingxuan: "..."

It's almost dinner time, shouldn't we invite her in to eat together?
This bitch really has no etiquette at all. How can a bastard who grew up in an orphanage deserve the status of Mrs. Li!
Mu Yingxuan took a deep breath and said, "Since you don't welcome me, I won't go in."
She raised her eyes and looked in the direction of the pavilion in the courtyard, "Ah Jing, come here, Aunt Mu wants to say a few words to you."
Li Dongjing put down the documents in his hands and walked towards the door.
He looked indifferent and said without emotion: "Aunt Mu, what do you want from me?"

In the past few years, Aunt Mu was one of the few people who had given him some warmth, and he had always respected her.
Until that day, Grandpa told him about Aunt Mu’s scheming and methods...
