DSHSN - 09

The female partner was found, and Gu Yiyi was followed by bodyguards. Naturally, Yan Li was not worried about the whereabouts of this naughty kid, and asked someone to send the female partner and these young people to the police station.

She had just gotten into the car and was about to drive back when she received a call from the housekeeper.

The housekeeper's voice was a little urgent: "Madam, the young master is at the police station now. The husband is not here. Can you go there..."

Why did this kid go to the police station?

Yan Li was a little curious, so she naturally agreed readily.

"Oh, well."

When she arrived at the police station, she saw Gu Yiyi sitting on a bench with a bruised nose and face, looking more like a bereaved dog.

There were injuries not only on his face but also on his arms.

The faces of several teenagers next to them also had color on their faces. There was also a very beautiful girl wearing a white washed skirt. She asked the teenager sitting on the other side of the bench with concern, "Does it hurt?"

The young man shook his head: "I'm fine."

As he spoke, he glanced at Gu Yiyi, who was sitting on the other side.

Gu Yiyi scratched his nose, looking a little embarrassed.

When he saw that it was his stepmother who came to fetch him, his face instantly darkened with embarrassment.

He thought the housekeeper would call his father and ask someone to come over to deal with it, but it turned out to be her...

Now that she sees how ugly he is, she may look down on him even more in the future.

Gu Yiyi clenched his fists tightly and looked at her with alert and defensive eyes.

Yan Li ignored him and went directly to the police comrades nearby to ask, while the bodyguards went to deal with those people.

The police comrade explained the situation to her. After knowing the cause and effect, Yan Li couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that the girl had been harassed by gangsters before, and the male classmate who had a crush on her brought two friends over to protect her. He didn't want the girl to find out, so he followed behind secretly.

Instead, the girl was frightened. The girl shouted for help, and Gu Yiyi rushed out of the house and beat the boys wildly.

Gu Yiyi's one-versus-three was very fierce, so now all three of them lost.

This area has been particularly chaotic in recent years, and the police are trying to find ways to rectify it. The police who came to patrol saw them fighting and took them to the police station.

Tap the forehead……

The beating hurt his face, but it turned out to be an own goal. Yan Li smiled for a while and said, "Since it was a misunderstanding, why did you still fight?"

The fat boy next to him said, "It hurt so much when he hit me, so of course I had to hit back!"

The two boys next to him also nodded: "He came over and hit people without caring. What happened if I fought back?"

They were really a group of children in the second grade of middle school. Yan Li was too lazy to talk about them. After the police uncle finished educating them, she signed and took him away.

Although he didn't want to, Gu Yiyi finally got into her car.

Sitting in the back seat, Gu Yiyi looked at the back of the car in front of her, looking down at her toes, like a child who made a mistake. After leaving the alley and driving on the road, he asked in a low voice: "Do you think I'm stupid..."

Yan Li was concentrating on driving, worried that her child might not be happy if she couldn't find her later.

Hearing this, she looked back at him and said calmly: "Don't be so dramatic. I don't have any thoughts about you. We have a stepson and a stepmother relationship. It's fine as long as we don't conflict with each other."

"Then why did you come here today?" Gu Yiyi didn't quite understand the purpose of her coming here today. Obviously, she could ignore him.

"You didn't see that woman just now, right? I came here for her."

Shen Ruyue... of course she saw it.

Just now she saw that she wanted to explain something to him, but Gu Yiyi was in mourning and didn't want to talk to her at all. He turned around and left. She didn't know what they had done.

"Why is she here?"

"She came to see you. She gave money to others, and planned to put on a good show of a hero saving a beauty. Unexpectedly, she was targeted by those gangsters, and almost suffered the consequences."

Gu Yiyi was stunned for a moment.

He remembered that when he was traveling a few days ago, Shen Ruyue appeared at the door of his room dressed in cool clothes and asked him if she could go in and sit.

Gu Yiyi felt that it was dangerous to let her in. He was only in high school now and he didn't think he could do such a thing. Besides, her flirting with the man named Jiang made him uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered that one night, Shen Ruyue came back from the direction of the room named Jiang. At that time, he asked her what she was doing, and she said she had just gone downstairs to buy some water.

The elevator happened to be in that direction, so he didn't think much about it.

Now he feels so green on top of his head.

After all, it was his first love, and Gu Yiyi was very kind to her and always responded to her requests. But gradually, he felt that something was wrong with this relationship.

Shen Ruyue always wants this or that, and compares him with others.

Gu Yiyi finally had time to reflect on this relationship. He leaned on his chair and looked at the dark night scene outside the window, with a bit of despair in his eyes.

The person he fell in love with for the first time turned out to be worse than he imagined.

Yan Li didn't know what the boy was thinking. Anyway, when she got home, she felt that his mood was not right. He was already very depressed, but he ended up looking even more depressed than when he got in the car. His messy black hair was hanging down. He also had injuries on his body.

It looks pretty miserable.

Aunt Lu's daughter had already left, and the little one was coaxed to sleep obediently. Eager to go up to see her daughter, she casually gave instructions to the housekeeper.

"You ask the doctor to come over and treat his wound. I'll go up and check on Beibei."

Then she went up without looking back. The back view she left was a bit chic and had an indescribable beauty.

Gu Yiyi looked at her slender back, his slightly swollen white face looked a bit stiff.

What did she just say?

Ask the housekeeper to call someone over to treat his wounds?

Does she want to act like a loving mother?

Yan Li really didn't want to perform anything, but Gu Yiyi was at the age of a monkey. The little boy was careless and might not take an injury seriously, so she gave the instructions casually.

After all, it doesn’t cost anything to talk.

After saying that, she left him behind and went upstairs to see her little baby.

The little guy slept soundly, wrapped in pink. The strawberry quilt smells delicious even when she breathed.

The little baby on the bed is fragrant and soft, naturally different from the teenager who is more embarrassed than a dog. Yan Li lowered her head and kissed her little baby.

Yan Beibei was awakened by her mother. She spread her fleshy little hands and immediately hugged her mother's neck. Her voice was humming and soft, as if she was chewing candy: "Mom, you are finally back! Is my brother back, ah?"

"Your brother is downstairs, okay, go to bed quickly! If you don't sleep, you won't be taller later!"

Yan Li tidied the child's messy hair, and the more she looked at it, the softer she felt.

"I want to be taller! I want to be tall! As tall as my mother!" After muttering these two sentences, the child closed her eyes and slept soundly.

Her eyelashes are very long, and her cheeks are so pink and elastic that you can't help but want to kiss her.


Yan Li couldn't hold it back and kissed her immediately, then covered the child with a quilt and watched from the bedside.

This little girl is well-behaved and cute, so she naturally deserves the best in the world.

It would be nice for the little guy to have a complete family. In order to make the child happy, Yan Li felt that it was not impossible to put up with the kid.

Not long after Gu Yiyi returned to the room, the family's personal doctor came over, treated his wounds, checked again to see if there were any serious injuries, left the medicinal wine for the application, and left.

Dr. Zhao has three generations of Chinese medicine practitioners in his family, and then he is a Western medicine doctor. He advocates the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, and uses medicines that he thinks are useful.

For example, the medicinal wine given to Gu Yiyi was a magic healing medicine that he found particularly useful. After applying it for only a few days, the wound was almost healed, and there would be no scars later.

It's just that this medicine hurts a lot when applying.

When Gu Yiyi took a cotton ball and applied it to the wounds on his face and body, he hissed in pain. Thinking of today's mistake, he felt very aggrieved.

At this time, Shen Ruyue called him, and she cried hard on the phone.

She choked and talked for a long time, saying that she loved him, asking him to forgive her, and saying that it was all because of love.

Gu Yiyi was so annoyed that he hung up the phone. When he looked up, he saw Yan Li coming in and looking at him at the door.

He thought for a moment, raised the medicinal wine in his hand, and called to her: "Come here and apply the medicine for me."

Yan Li just heard him talking and came in to take a look. She didn't expect that this guy actually ordered her around.

She was not happy, folding her arms and leaning against the door, with a cold look in her eyes: "Why do you want me to help you?"

Gu Yiyi's voice was much lower: "I can't reach my back."

Yan Li wanted to say that if he couldn't reach it, he could ask the housekeeper and others to come.

But the atmosphere is here. It's better to not have a bad relationship with this guy. After all, there is Yan Beibei, and she can't always be allowed to grow up in an environment with a bad atmosphere.

After hesitating for two seconds, Yan Li walked over.

She slowly sat on the edge of the bed and took the cotton ball soaked in medicinal wine from the boy's hand. The boy lifted up the clothes on his back and pressed it against the wound on his back without hesitation.

The boy soon screamed.

"I ask you, can you be gentler? Why are you so rude, woman?"

Yan Li's face was calm: "There's nothing you can do about it, I'm just a rude woman. If you have any objections, you can wipe it yourself."

After saying that, she asked slowly: "Does it hurt?"

Her move was too heavy, and the young man gritted his teeth in pain: "What do you think?"

Yan Li looked calm: "It's good for you to have a long memory, so you don't have to make trouble or start a fight with someone."


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