The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 05

☆⁠Chapter 5 Those who wish take the bait☆⁠

Wei Ling discovered that Lin Jianqing had a secret.

This secret was important enough to make her go crazy and stab herself inexplicably, holding back her violent rage... What kind of secret was it? If he masters this secret, can he take an advantage in the game with Lin Jianqing?

Although Wei Ling is young, he is a child of the Wei family and has experienced the divorce of his parents, so he is a child with his own ideas. He originally planned to rely on his own strength to drive Lin Jianqing out of the Wei family, but now he suddenly learned that Lin Jianqing had a secret that she had hidden from everyone, so how could he let it go?

He decided to investigate secretly to see what Lin Jianqing was up to.

Wei Ling observed several days and discovered several strange places. First of all, after every meal, Mrs. Wei would take out a few small white and yellow pills for Lin Jianqing to take. After taking the pills, Lin Jianqing would go back to her bedroom.

The second strange thing is the relationship between nanny Wei and Lin Jianqing.

Mrs. Wei herself was not an old woman who had helped the Wei family for many years, but Lin Jianqing found her herself more than a year ago. As for Lin Jianqing, call her stupid because she really has no foresight. Call her stupid, but every time she insults Wei Ling, she always chooses a time when others are not around. For this reason, she even excuses herself that she doesn't like having outsiders at home at night and only lets Wei Ling. Mrs. Wei would come over during the day and leave after cooking dinner.

Therefore, Mrs. Wei only knew a little bit about the relationship between Lin Jianqing and Wei Ling.

She could vaguely tell that Lin Jianqing didn't like Wei Ling and had no good feelings towards Wei Ling, and the same was true for Wei Ling. In addition, Lin Jianqing has a bad temper and is not an easy hostess to get along with, so Mrs. Wei has always kept a distance from her. However, recently, Lin Jianqing fell down while drunk and injured the back of her head and needed someone to take care of her, so Mrs. Wei was at home. After settling down, her relationship with Lin Jianqing improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Third, it was Lin Jianqing's attitude towards him.

In the past, Lin Jianqing had never had a good look towards him, and she kept swearing. She was either calling him a waste or a burden. But in the past few days, Wei Ling watched helplessly as Lin Jianqing tried to get angry with him several times, but in the end she ended up enduring it, and the two words she say to him most often are "go upstairs".

Wei Ling doesn't understand.

It was not his character to passively accept everything. After Lin Jianqing behaved abnormally again this morning, Wei Ling finally decided to start investigating Lin Jianqing's secret.

And this secret might be the opportunity for Lin Jianqing to leave the Wei family.

The battle plan to defeat Lin Jianqing is officially launched!

Commander Wei Ling, the child, formulated the general direction of the operation: find out the secret hidden by Lin Jianqing, and if possible, use this as an opportunity to drive her out of the Wei family!

Investigator Wei Ling fully understood this direction and wrote down specific combat strategies. First, find out what medicine Lin Jianqing takes every day.

She had a head injury, and it was possible that she was taking medicine to treat this, but Wei Ling always felt that it was not that simple, because Mrs. Wei was very nervous every time she took the medicine, and Lin Jianqing felt strange after taking the medicine.

Wei Ling was too young to tell exactly what was strange, but his intuition told him that it was not that simple.

So that day, Wei Ling did not return to his room immediately after dinner. Instead, when Lin Jianqing was not paying attention, he secretly ran to the game room on the first floor to hide, and quietly opened the door a crack.

When Mrs. Wei came out of the kitchen, she saw Lin Jianqing alone in the living room sitting on the sofa watching TV. She thought Wei Ling had gone upstairs as usual, so as usual, she went to the third compartment of the storage cabinet and took out a few boxes, picked up the medicines according to the quantity, and sent them to Lin Jianqing.

Wei Ling saw Lin Jianqing frowning. According to her original character, she should have immediately knocked down the water glass in Mrs. Wei's hand and cursed vulgarly, but she didn't. Instead, she just looked at the pills in disgust and hesitated. No action.

Wei Ling heard Mrs. Wei whisper: "Madam, let's eat quickly?" Seeing that Lin Jianqing didn't move, she continued to persuade: "I actually don't understand these foreign diseases, but since the doctors have said that this disease can be cured, You yourself also want to change... The young master is still young. Madam, it won’t be too late to get along with him well after your illness is cured, right?”

Sick? What disease?

Wei Ling became a little anxious after hearing this, and almost pressed himself against the wall, wanting Mrs. Wei to say more, but after hearing what Mrs. Wei said, Lin Jianqing did not resist the pills anymore, but obediently took them and ate them. Mrs. Wei didn’t say much.

Waiting until late at night, Wei Ling quietly came downstairs with his mobile phone, walked to the storage cabinet, opened the third compartment, and found the pill box inside.

His heart was beating very fast for a moment. He nervously turned on his phone camera and took photos of several pill boxes and bottles, and then immediately closed the cabiner—

"Young Master?"

Suddenly there was a voice behind him. Wei Ling was startled and quickly turned off the screen of his phone. He calmly turned his head and saw Mrs. Wei as expected.

Mrs. Wei must have woken up and wanted to go to the bathroom. Unexpectedly, she bumped into Wei Ling and asked, "Young Master, are you looking for something?"

Wei Ling calmed down and said, "I'm hungry and want to find the snacks my aunt brought me last time."

Mrs. Wei suddenly realized: "I didn't put those things in the cabinet, they are in the kitchen." Then she said: "Young Master, it's almost one o'clock now, and it's not good to eat those things. If you are hungry, I will cook for you..Can a bowl of noodles be enough?"

Wei Ling didn't want to eat noodles. He squeezed the phone in his hand and said, "Then I don't want it." Then before Mrs. Wei could react, he ran upstairs quickly.

When passing by Lin Jianqing's door, Wei Ling was even more frightened.

After returning to his room and locking the door, Wei Ling completely calmed down his slightly excited mood. He took out his cell phone and went to the computer to enter the name of one of the bottles of medicine.

Risperidone, used to treat acute or chronic schizophrenia…

Schizophrenia?! Wei Ling was stunned, and quickly entered several other drugs, and found that without exception, they were all used to treat schizophrenia. One of the drugs was more specific, and was used to relieve the mental condition of patients with bipolar disorder.

So... So Lin Jianqing is really sick, and mentally ill! Wei Ling was shocked. He was still young and did not understand the complicated classifications of mental illness, but mental illness is a person with brain problems! No wonder, he said, Lin Jianqing was a completely crazy woman with the way of biting everyone she saw!

Wei Ling was shocked at first, and then surprised. This was a God-given opportunity.

Lin Jianqing is sick and mentally ill. She must have hidden this problem from her father. His grandparents probably don't know about it either, but what if his grandparents know about it?

Would they let their grandson live with a mentally ill person?

Wei Ling felt that he saw hope. He clenched his small fist and defeated Lin Jianqing. The first shot of the battle plan was successfully launched!

At the same time, in Lin Jianqing's bedroom, Silent Hill began to report the situation.

"He found out."

Lin Jianqing was lying in bed reading a book. When she heard this, she quickly got up and asked, "Has the value of resentment changed?"

"No." Silent Hill was a little suspicious: "As for whether your plan will work, it has been ten days now. Look, people's resentment is as strong as a mountain, and it has not decreased at all."

Lin Jianqing was a little disappointed, but not too surprised. She said: "It's normal for there to be no changes now. How can a child understand bipolar disorder? But now he thinks he has grasped my handle, and something will definitely be happening if I take further action. I will wait until he takes the bait on his own, and there should be no problem.”

Jiang Taigong is definitely not in a hurry when it comes to fishing.

The author has something to say: Qingqing: I am Jiang Taigong, and I am fishing.
