DSHSN - 10

He would fight whenever he saw someone.

He heard people shouting for help. There were several people across from him. Of course he wanted to catch them off guard.

Although he felt that he was at fault, Gu Yiyi didn't feel that his passion was wrong. He turned his head to the side, as if he didn't want to talk to her: "I won't tell you."

He didn't seem happy when she said that. He turned his face away, looking quite childish.

The scumbag male protagonist in the novel died. He was so ruthless and evil that Yan Li wanted to stab a hundred villains into him. But the male protagonist in front of her is clearly a child in the second grade of middle school.

Secondly, he can even hit the wrong person in a fight.

Yan Li chuckled, and finally took it easy and helped him apply the medicine properly.

Of course, she didn't mean it just now. She just didn't expect that the medicinal wine was quite strong. As soon as it touched the wound, the young man gasped suddenly.

After giving him the medicine, Yan Li went back to the room.

As soon as she returned to the room, my phone left on the bed vibrated.

She picked up her phone and looked at it. It was Gu Heng calling.

"Hello?" She answered the phone.

Gu Heng's voice came from the other end. His voice was low and somewhat sexy, making the ears of those who listened feel numb.

"You just made a trip to the police station."

The window in the room was closed and it was a bit stuffy. Yan Li went to open the window and leaned lazily by the window, saying, "Aren't I afraid that something will happen to him later and you will blame me when you come back?"

There was a hint of laughter in the voice.

She didn't know what Gu Heng was laughing at and said truthfully: "It was his own choice to run out. If something happens, it will be his own fault."

"Besides, he will have bodyguards by his side."

When Yan Li heard what he said, she secretly cursed herself for being stupid. Of course, the male protagonist would have bodyguards by his side.

But she wasn't worried at first, and continued to smile and look at the night sky outside: "He is your son after all, and I have to learn to be a competent stepmother, right?"

The environment here is really good. You can see the stars in the sky, twinkling and twinkling. It's really beautiful.

Gu Heng: "You don't need to be more qualified."

Yan Li felt quite comfortable hearing his words.

This male protagonist’s father is really good at talking, but she doesn’t know why the relationship between father and son turned out to be so bad in the end?

When the male protagonist grows up, his relationship with his father is not good at all.

But what the man said was just words. If she really treated his son badly, he might still have a problem with her in his heart. Although she probably doesn't care too much, it's not impossible to pretend.

"After all, I am also the nominal mother of the child now..." She stopped talking and didn't want to say more to him. She pretended to be sleepy and yawned: "It's getting late, I have to rest, and so do you. Rest early."

After saying that, she remembered that maybe it was broad daylight over there.

But it didn't matter what day it was, and she didn't care whether Gu Heng was tired or not. After all, she had no feelings for this man.

If it weren't for Yan Beibei, she wouldn't have agreed to be someone's stepmother.

On the other side, as soon as Gu Heng hung up the phone, his secretary came in.

After the secretary reported to him about the work, he was not in a hurry to talk to him about work, but said: "Please help me see if there is anything suitable for my wife."

Secretary Song had a question mark above his head: "Sir, didn't you already order the latest Hermès models for your wife two days ago? What's wrong?"

Gu Heng raised his eyes to look at him and said quietly: "She just came back from the police station."

Secretary Song: "??"

Then what?

Isn't this what a stepmother should do?

Gu Heng just looked at him and said without further explanation: "Go ahead and do it."

Secretary Song actually understood what Gu Heng meant. He thought it was hard for Yan Li to go to the police station. 

She felt that Yan Li's marriage to Gu Heng was already a high achievement. Without that child and her status, she would not even be able to enter the Gu family.

The boss actually compensated the woman because she went to the police station.

But isn't that what a stepmother should do?

Although he felt that his boss was unreasonable, Secretary Song adjusted his mentality after being a little confused.

Although his boss only married Yan Li because of their child, he still respected Yan Li very much.

In the afternoon, other secretaries in the president 's office heard that their boss had ordered the latest Hermès bag for his new wife, and they began to discuss it privately.

"Didn't you say that they got married because of their child? This is the latest model from LV and Chanel. Why does it look like the boss is very interested in the new boss lady?"

Another secretary in a black suit, with long curly hair and flaming red lips painted her nails carelessly, with a somewhat disdainful tone: "It's just that you get on the bus first and then pay for the ticket. I heard that the relationship between our boss's wife and her stepson is not good. I don’t know what will happen in the future? It’s still too early to say whether it’s okay or not.”

"Yes!" Everyone nodded: "Yes! The boss's son is the one who is difficult to deal with!"

Among the echoes, another female voice sneered: "Zhao Qiao, can't you understand the boss's current attitude? Let me tell you, he bought the bag for the boss's wife because the boss's wife went to the police station to bring the boy back. The boss understands the hard work of the boss lady. With this attitude, don’t you think it’s okay?”

"You are just deceiving yourself and others! After all, there are people who have sweet dreams all day long and want to fly on the branches and become a phoenix! Haven't you noticed that the boss doesn't take you with him when he goes out recently?"

The secretary named Zhao Qiao was immediately furious. She pointed at the secretary with her unpainted fingernails and her face twisted.

She looked like she wanted to fight: "Bai Mo, what are you proud of? Don't think I don't know that you have recently become close to the boss of Tang Shi. The old man hasn't even divorced yet, so you are thinking about being a mistress for him.”

"What nonsense are you talking about..."

"I'm talking nonsense. I'm not the only one who saw it." Zhao Qiao felt that she had caught her weak point and smiled arrogantly.

"What's the fuss about?!" Secretary Song came in at this time and saw the chaos in the office. He said coldly: "If you don't want to work anymore, you can submit your resignation quickly. The company is not short of one or two of you! Don't let me see it next time. You guys are making trouble here!!"

As he said that, his cold eyes swept over, and all the people in the office suddenly stopped. The men and women went back to their respective places to get busy.

Secretary Song rubbed his eyebrows and went to get the documents on his seat with a headache. He continued to go to the meeting. He thought to himself: Next time we come out, we can't bring these two people together. Both of them are very capable. Don't deal with it.

When Gu Yiyi got up the next day, he felt much better. The pain last night was not in vain. However, when he looked at his ugly appearance in the mirror, he wished he could turn back time and make everything never happen.

He didn't feel ugly last night, but now when he looked at his face, he felt that he couldn't see anyone with his ugly appearance. It wasn't long before school started, and he didn't know if these injuries would be healed before school started. If not, he doesn’t know how he will be laughed at then.

But he didn't want to see anyone anymore, and he was hungry now, so he had to go down and have breakfast.

He scratched his messy hair, put on his slippers, and went downstairs.

As soon as he arrived downstairs, he saw Yan Beibei holding an egg in her hand, her mouth as wide as the yolk in her hand.

Gu Yiyi became angry from embarrassment and immediately raised his voice: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen anyone?"

Yan Beibei was startled by him and dropped the egg in her hand. Seeing that her egg was dirty, the little guy's eyes immediately filled with tears.

Gu Yiyi: "??? Are you so timid?"

Yan Li just came out of the kitchen. She just washed her hands. When she came out, she saw the egg in her daughter's hand fell to the ground. The little guy's eyes were red, and Gu Yiyi was standing opposite.

She immediately became angry: "Gu Yiyi, why are you bullying Beibei?"

Gu Yiyi's voice was just a little louder. Who knew this girl was so afraid? Seeing Yan Li being fierce to him, Gu Yiyi didn't show any weakness. He raised his voice and said, "Why did I bully her? Didn't I just speak a little louder? She was so timid that she dropped the egg away, do you blame me? "

"You didn't bully her and her eyes were red?"

Gu Yiyi wanted to explain to her, but he felt that Yan Li would not be unreasonable, so he sullenly walked past her and went directly to the dining room: "I won't tell you."

The back view of the person entering was somewhat murderous.

Yan Li was too busy coaxing her daughter to pay attention to him. She quickly picked up the little guy and asked, "Did brother bully you?"

Yan Beibei shook her head: "His voice was a bit loud! I was scared."

As she spoke, she rubbed her eyes with her little hands, making a sulking sound and looking a little aggrieved.

Yan Li understands her daughter, this girl is so good.

She touched her daughter's head and comforted her: "Don't pay attention to him. If he bullies you in the future, you should run away and come to mom, you know?"

Yan Beibei nodded, looked at her mother with a pair of dark eyes, and said obediently: "I know."

Yan Li touched her daughter's head, feeling slightly melancholy. She suddenly didn't know whether it was right or wrong to agree to marry Gu Heng.

She originally thought that we could be on the same page with Gu Yiyi, but this kid is a bitch and even bullies children.

Ah!!! Why does this bastard deserve a beating so much that he even bullies a child?

He obviously has so many beautiful girls, but he still bullies children!

Yan Li felt that she had fed the dog out of kindness and asked Yan Beibei to go upstairs. She saw her aunt cleaning with a feather duster. She walked over, smiled and said to her aunt, "Let me borrow the feather duster."

Before the aunt could figure out what she wanted the feather duster for, she saw Yan Li rushing into the dining room with the feather duster.

"!!!" The wife wants to hit the young master???

She quickly called the housekeeper.

Gu Yiyi didn't eat enough last night and was really hungry. When he arrived at the dining room, he immediately started to wolf down the food as soon as he saw it. Just as he was eating happily, he saw Yan Li coming in with a feather duster. She walked over to him, and she was holding the head of the feather duster with her hand, the handle facing him. When she went down with the stick, it landed next to the plate. Gu Yiyi was so frightened that his neck shrank and his pupils widened. He hid the hand holding the bowl and subconsciously wanted to run away.

This woman is so powerful and looks so fierce.

"You!!! What are you doing?!"

"What am I doing?" Yan Li pushed the stick down again, landing exactly where it was before. She raised her chin with a look of contempt on her face: "Let me tell you, do you dare to bully my daughter again? I'll show you then. Will this feather duster fall on you?"

Yan Li's expression looked serious.

Gu Yiyi was still a little sore, but when he thought of the feather duster falling on him, he felt as if the wound on his body was tearing.

He was holding the bowl in his hand, at a loss. He could only be dumbfounded, and hurriedly explained: "I didn't bully her."

Gu Yiyi had never known who his biological mother was since he was born. He saw that other people had mothers but he didn't, and he asked his father, but his father had been very secretive and unwilling to tell him. He only said that he would know when he grew up.

He had never been protected by his mother, and he never knew that his mother was such a protector - although he did not bully Yan Beibei.

And the person being protected is not him.

Gu Yiyi felt unspeakably depressed and uncomfortable in his heart.

"You'd better keep this sentence deep in your bones, otherwise..."

"Even if I am not your biological mother, I am still your elder. Even if I really beat you and teach my stepson a lesson, no one will blame me. Even if your father blames me, I will at most take Yan Beibei away - but I dare to really beat you to death if you dare to bully Yan Beibei again."

After Yan Li warned her, she dropped the feather duster and left.

The housekeeper hurried in and saw only the feather duster on the ground and the boy who was still in shock. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the madam didn't take action.

The housekeeper quickly asked the young man: "Master, what's going on?"

The young man's eyes were gloomy and he said angrily: "Get out."

Then, start eating the porridge from the bowl.

As he ate, he ate out a small feather, and the boy burst into tears.

Didn't he just speak a little louder?

When the housekeeper saw the young man crying, he quickly went to Yan Li and told her about it.

While Yan Li was in disbelief, she was a little indifferent and continued to water the flowers slowly: "Didn't I just speak a little too loudly?"


  1. Poor boy has been neglected by his father, he doesn't know his mother, he's like a cat defending his territory 😩

    Thanks for the update 🤗 🤗 🤗


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