ADMKSF - 004.1

I have an orange cat: If there is a sister in the world who is not watching the live broadcast of "Pastoral Life", I will be very sad, OK? One by one, hurry up and watch the live broadcast!!

PS: Friendly reminder, if you want to have fun in harmony, go to Zhao Ziqi and Qi Yu's live broadcast room; if you want to feel the ultimate winner atmosphere in the fight, go to Lin You and Bai Hang's live broadcast room; if you want to be angry, go to Du Enqing's live broadcast room!

In the super chat of "Pastoral Life", a netizen with the user ID "I Have an Orange Cat" was typing on the keyboard frantically, encouraging other netizens to go to the live broadcast room of the program group.

After a while, there were many more comments on her Weibo.

"What's going on?"

"Du Enqing is attacking Lin You again? Isn't this a basic operation?"

"Sisters in the front quickly go to watch the live broadcast. Du Enqing still criticized Lin You? She was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Lin You and Bai Hang, okay!?

"While I was watching the live broadcast with a watermelon in my hand, I said that the show was the most interesting."

"I suddenly understood why Du Enqing's fans were calling Bai Hang the No. 1 male green tea in the entertainment industry. It's a bit wasteful for Bai Hang to be a director with his mouth."

"Well, Bai Hang himself is quite good. He donated a lot of money to Project Hope. Moreover, Best Movie Queen Zhao and others have praised him. He has a grudge against Du Enqing."

"I'm in Qi Yu's live broadcast room. Who would have thought that Qi Yu could still drink tea calmly in the face of such a Shura field."

"I have long disliked Du Enqing. I didn't expect Lin You to stand up one day. Let's go talk cross talk with Bai Hang."

The filming location was hotly discussed by fans.

After Bai Hang asked a fatal question, Du Enqing didn't speak for a long time. Her face turned green and black alternately, and the anger bursting out of her eyes almost burned Bai Hang to ashes.

In fact, she could have replied, 'I really just don't like vegetable porridge, and it has nothing to do with Lin You.' But when it came to Lin You, Du Enqing couldn't bear this tone.

It wasn't until an assistant quietly moved closer behind her and touched her lower back that Du Enqing finally came to her senses. She took a deep breath and smiled through gritted teeth: "Of course it's because of the former."

Bai Hang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and looked very happy with a smile, "Really? Then your taste is really not very good."

Lin You curled her lips calmly and looked back at the other staff. When she was cooking porridge, she discussed with Qi Yu and cooked more because some of the staff didn't have time to have breakfast. At that time, according to Qi Yu's intention, they were allowed to drink the porridge while it was hot, but everyone said that they would drink it after all the guests had finished serving it.

Now that Du Enqing has no idea about vegetable porridge, there is no need to wait any longer. Lin You then smiled and said: "Then everyone go and drink porridge quickly. If it is warmed for too long, it will not taste good."

The eyes of the staff on the side suddenly lit up, and even Zhao Ziqi and Qi Yu's dedicated cameramen temporarily handed over their cameras to their companions and hurried to the kitchen. They were following the guests, and they had experienced the sweetness of vegetable porridge more intuitively than other staff members. When the guests drank the porridge, the simple taste made their stomachs contract, and they finally suppressed the gurgling sounds by eating.

Zhao Ziqi's cameraman rubbed his belly and muttered: "Sister Zhao has already drank a small bowl, I want to see how delicious this porridge is."

At this moment, the green vegetable porridge has become particularly soft and glutinous. The sweet taste of the green vegetables is completely integrated into the porridge. After one bite, the whole stomach feels like being soothed by a pair of warm hands.

"Hey, why did you serve another bowl? It's all bottomed out!"

"Who told you to be so slow?"

Chatty and subtle sounds kept coming from one side, causing the audience in the live broadcast room to ask:

[Is it really so delicious? Isn't it just vegetable porridge? ]

[Maybe the vegetables are of good quality? ]

[Ah, living in the city, I really want to eat fresh vegetables. Every time I go to the supermarket to buy vegetables after get off work, the vegetables are wilted. ]

[Yes! Those of you who are new here may not have seen Lin You picking green vegetables. They are really juicy and fresh to the eyes. ]

[Zhao Ziqi can drink porridge so much that she can’t fake it! ]

The sun was getting higher and higher, and Du Enqing returned to her room holding back her breath. He stood there hesitating for a while and wanted to follow, but she saw Du Enqing smiling and saying, "I want to go to the bathroom."

Hearing this, the cameraman turned around and left.

Du Enqing turned around and closed the door. She found her cell phone and immediately dialed a number. As soon as the call was connected, she couldn't help but vent the anger that had been building up in her heart for half an hour: "That idiot Lin You actually took the initiative to get up early to help Qi Yu make breakfast, is she sick? She played tricks on me for no reason and tried to change her ways? She made me lose such a big face."

Su Yueling on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned for a moment and asked carefully what happened. She frowned and murmured in a low voice: "Is there someone behind her to help her?"

Du Enqing rolled her eyes: "Come on, who can help her? If she doesn't kill her, her fate is in danger. I just feel that she... is not that easy to deal with."

"You have to deal with things that are not easy to deal with. You have been in the industry for so long and you still haven't learned so many methods?" Su Yueling sneered, and then said in a calm and relaxed tone, "Don't worry, there is someone who knows the truth."

Du Enqing pursed her red lips, and after a while she said "I know."

After hanging up the phone, Du Enqing pretended to go into the bathroom to wash her face and secretly ate a small piece of bread. Su Yueling, on the other end, frowned and opened Lin You's WeChat account again. She and Lin You were ostensibly good friends, but that stupid woman Lin You didn't have enough IQ, so she was playing tricks on her all day long. Su Yueling couldn't help but laugh when she recalled that the other party treated her to a meal with gratitude and thanked her for the program resources, but she ate no less than 20,000 yuan in one meal.

She typed: Youyou, did you have a conflict with Du Enqing again? She has many fans, it's better not to mess with her.

Su Yueling knew Lin You better than anyone else. She and Lin You used to be artists under the same manager, and now they were friends. She knew clearly that she was irritable by nature, and hearing such words of comfort would only be counterproductive.

And she used Lin You's character to provoke her countless times. It can be said that Lin You is now being criticized by the entire network with her help.

However, this time Su Yueling waited for nearly half an hour but did not receive a reply from Lin You. Thinking of her conversation with Du Enqing, she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, so she lowered her head and sent another message.

The next second, a bright red exclamation point popped up in the dialog box, with a line of small text attached: The message was sent, but was rejected by the other party.

Su Yueling was stunned. Was she blocked?

Lin You blocked her?

Su Yueling sneered suddenly, what did this idiot mean?!
