DSHSN - 42

"Dad, fried chicken!" When mom was here, the child couldn't eat this because mom said it was unhealthy, but the baby was very greedy.

Only her dad is here now, so she can eat with confidence.

But the child obviously underestimated his father.

Gu Heng also knew that fried chicken was not suitable for children, and Yan Beibei didn't seem to be the kind of child who started crying when she couldn't get something, so Gu Heng didn't take her to eat this.

He took the child to a store that he had been to before and thought was good. He took the small things inside and told the child.

"Fried chicken is not healthy, let's eat something else."

The child didn't expect that her father would reject her. Her unfulfilled wish made her frustrated and she looked a little sad.

The child looked a little distressed when she was mourning. Gu Heng wanted to make her happy and ordered a chicken steak for her.

Before the food came, Yan Beibei was a little unhappy.

The wish failed, it is impossible for children to be without a temper, but Yan Beibei is not the kind of child who cries when nothing happens. She just pouted her little mouth, looking unhappy and a little aggrieved. The child made Gu Heng feel a little guilty, feeling that he had made her unhappy by not satisfying the child's wishes.

When the food was served, the little thing took a bite of the chicken steak that his father picked up and tore into small pieces. The little thing's eyes lit up: "Dad, what is this? It's so fragrant and delicious."

Gu Heng gave her a piece of green vegetables with chopsticks and explained with a smile: "This is chicken steak."

The chicken chops in this store are different from the chicken chops outside. The chicken chops in this store are mainly Chinese-style. They are fried to a crispy brown color, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. They taste better than fried chicken. The key is that it is relatively healthy, and Yan Li won't say anything if she knows it. He doesn't want to be scolded when he takes the child out for the first time.

The child happily finished the delicious chicken steak, and Gu Heng was in a very happy mood.

After eating, he took the child back. When he got home, Yan Li was already waiting. The child's face was filled with excitement. She already knew that this guy should have had a good time this morning, but she still asked one more question to Yan Beibei: "Are you happy going out with dad today?"

Yan Beibei was naturally happy. She nodded her head and said, "Happy."

"What did you have for lunch?" Gu Heng had already told Yan Li that the child had lunch with him outside.

Yan Beibei told her mother: "I ate chicken steak with my father outside today."

The little thing is in a good mood, her eyes are smiling, and she looks cute.

With the child's approval, Gu Heng's mission of taking the child out today came to a perfect conclusion.

The next day, Yan Beibei did not want to go to the hospital to accompany Gu Yiyi as he wanted because Yan Beibei had a fever.

The fever makes the child feel uncomfortable. She sticks the fever-reducing patch crookedly, like a sick beauty. She leans on the sofa and hugs her little doll. Her usually big and lively eyes are now gone. Glorious, looks pitiful and cute. After Gu Heng came back from getting off work, he saw her pitiful look and felt a little soft-hearted for some reason. He reached out and touched her little head and asked, "Is it uncomfortable?"

The little one still had a slight cold. She sniffed and nodded, and said to her father: "Dad, I have a fever and I feel so uncomfortable even before I go to the hospital. My brother must be even more uncomfortable in the hospital than me."

"He just, just, didn't let you know. You can't not feel bad for my brother just because he didn't say it."

Gu Heng didn't expect that this girl would still be thinking about Gu Yiyi even when she was sick. He felt a little helpless and said, "Dad knows."

He probably understood a little bit what Yan Beibei meant. It is true that Gu Yiyi sometimes acts too tough, so Gu Heng often ignores his needs.

Perhaps, as they said, he should learn to reflect on what responsibilities he should bear as a father.

Gu Heng stayed with the child downstairs for a while and then went upstairs.

After changing his clothes, he came downstairs.

Yan Li saw him looking like he was about to go out and asked, "Where are you going?"

Gu Heng said: "I'm going to the hospital to check on Yiyi."

Yan Li raised her eyebrows slightly: "Go and see him at this point?"

Are you enlightened?

Yan Li looked at the little guy who was holding her little doll and watching TV, and said, "Okay."

After Gu Heng walked out of the door, Yan Li asked her child, who was watching TV intently, "What did you just say to your father?"

Her mother asked suddenly, and Yan Beibei was stunned for a moment. She said, "I just told my father that I feel very uncomfortable with a fever, and my brother feels even more uncomfortable."

Yan Li fell silent for a moment.

It seems to be true.

Yan Beibei only had a fever, and she was already extremely distressed. Even if she grew up in the future, Yan Li felt that she would not be able to leave her alone in the hospital. Thinking about this, Gu Yiyi, who was alone in the hospital, seemed even more pitiful.

But even though she knew about Gu Yiyi's life experience, he had nothing to do with her. The only relationship between her and him was that of stepmother and stepson. Yan Li didn't have much interest in acting like a mother and a son with him.

Now that Gu Heng is willing to go to the hospital to see him more often, Yan Li feels that this is a big improvement.

What she did is already enough.

After comforting herself for a while, the heartless Yan Li continued to do whatever she had to do at home, without thinking too much.

When Gu Heng arrived at the hospital, it was already late at night. Gu Yiyi was in a bad mood and didn't want to play games or do his homework. Although he told his friends not to come if his parents didn't come, because he felt more comfortable by himself, Gu Yiyi was still in a bad mood. He was lying on the bed, thinking about how when he was a child, and before, his father was always busy, although he was suffering from a minor illness at that time, he also hoped that his parents could be by his side.

He didn't know who his biological mother was, and his father was unwilling to give him his time.

Gu Yiyi didn't know what he was greedy for. He just felt disgusted. He hated that Gu Heng didn't care about him and hated that woman Yan Li for not visiting him. Although she had people delivering tonic soups all day long, Gu Yiyi actually didn't like drinking those tonic soups that much.

He wanted someone to bring Yan Beibei over, so that the woman Yan Li would be willing to come over, but Yan Beibei was still a child and her body was so weak. He heard that she was still sick today, no. He doesn’t know if it’s because it rained and the weather changed today, or because she came to the hospital yesterday and got an infection and got sick. It's raining outside, one autumn rain and one cold season. After this rain, the weather should get colder.

Gu Yiyi fell asleep after thinking about it.

When he woke up, he felt that there seemed to be some light in the ward. He opened his sleepy eyes and saw the place next door where the nursing staff was supposed to rest. There seemed to be the sound of someone typing on the keyboard. Although the movement has been as gentle as possible.

Gu Yiyi walked over cautiously with a cane, quietly peeked inside, and found that it was Gu Heng inside.

The man sat on the edge of the bed, facing the computer. The light from the computer screen shone on his face, and he looked serious.

Why did he come here so late?

It should be said, why did he come here suddenly?

Was it Yan Li who persuaded him?

Or Yan Beibei?

After all, Yan Beibei is the person who cares most about him in this family.

But no matter who it was, Gu Heng was here.

He's actually here!
