DSHSN - 41

It hurts, but no matter how much it hurts, it's not Yan Li's turn to go to the hospital to guard him. Half a month later, Gu Heng came back. The first thing he did when he came back was that Yan Li asked him to go to the hospital to see Gu Yiyi when he had nothing to do...

Yan Beibei also helped: "Yes, yes, dad, it's very miserable for my brother to be alone in the hospital. Dad, you should go to the hospital more often to see my brother."

After coming back last time, Yan Beibei actually wanted to continue going to the hospital to take care of Yiyi, but what a good place the hospital was. Naturally, Yan Li was not willing to take her there more. As soon as she heard her mother ask her father to go see her brother again, Yan Beibei immediately volunteered.

"Dad, I want to go too!"

The little thing looked up with an innocent little face, full of innocence and kindness. The hospital was not a good place. If Gu Heng wanted to take her there, he had to ask Yan Li for her opinion first. He asked, "Can I take her with me?"

Yan Li was worried that this guy couldn't take good care of Yan Beibei, so she asked, "Can you take good care of her?"

Gu Heng was actually a little unsure. He didn't know whether what she thought was good was the same as what he thought was good.

He felt that it was not impossible to come back at noon: "I can bring her back at noon."

It was already past nine o'clock, and there were only a few hours until noon. If he couldn't take care of the child in these few hours, Yan Li felt that Gu Heng could eat shit.

She agreed: "Okay, keep her in your sight, don't let her get lost."

After Yan Li left the child with her father, she drove out and went shopping first, and then went shopping with her friends.

It had been a long time since she had come out, and Yan Li felt that the air was full of delicious smells.

Ha ha.

Mom, it's okay. Baby Yan Beibei didn't know what her mother was thinking.

Yan Li never came back, but every day she asked the kitchen to cook him some chicken soup, pig's trotters and other tonics. Although Gu Yiyi was disappointed, he felt a little comforted. In any case, the woman at least did not forget his existence.

There are still about twenty days before he can regain his freedom. Gu Yiyi seems to be able to smell the smell of freedom in the air.

But this freedom is so far away and out of reach.

When Gu Yiyi was salivating at the sunshine outside the window, the door of the ward suddenly opened. He thought it was Fang Yiyang who came, and he felt a little sad and said, "I don't want to take extra classes today."

Then he heard the child's crisp voice.

Gu Yiyi turned around and saw his father coming in with Yan Beibei in his arms.

He doesn't know whether it was because Gu Heng was happy hugging her or seeing him made her happy, but Yan Beibei smiled brightly. It reminded Gu Yiyi of the forsythia flowers that bloomed in early spring, yellow and bright, so dazzlingly bright.

Gu Yiyi calculated, Gu Heng came to the hospital twice, Yan Li came twice, and Yan Beibei actually came twice. If Yan Beibei hadn't been a child, she might have come more often than them. She had wanted to come many times, but two adults can't compare to the little child. It's really embarrassing.

While feeling disgusted in his heart, he raised his head and spoke to Gu Heng: "Why are you here?"

Gu Heng is so tall. Gu Yiyi doesn't know if he will be as tall as him when he grows up.

He is now much shorter than Gu Heng.

Gu Heng told the truth: "Your stepmother asked me to come here."

Gu Yiyi sneered: "If she doesn't let you come, will you stop coming?"

Gu Heng was not like that: "I still have a lot of work in hand, and even if I get here, it's not that fast." He was telling the truth. The injury on Gu Yiyi's leg was not serious. Gu Heng felt that there is not much use in coming here. He is not young anymore. His food, clothing, housing and transportation are all arranged in the hospital. If he needs anything, just call someone. Gu Heng doesn't think there is any use in coming here.

Because he came here like this before.

Gu Yiyi sneered: "Yes, you have been very busy."

Then Gu Yiyi looked at Yan Beibei and deliberately teased her: "Beibei, brother is very bored in the hospital. Can you come here to accompany brother tomorrow?"

Of course Yan Beibei was happy and nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay! Brother, will you have someone pick me up tomorrow?"

The little guy encouraged her mother to come to the hospital several times, but her mother was reluctant to come, saying that she was too young to come to a place like this. She had already seen her brother, so she didn't need to go often.

Yan Beibei felt that what her mother said was wrong, but her mother said it plausibly, and she didn't know how to refute her mother's words.

Gu Yiyi deliberately praised Yan Beibei in front of Gu Heng: "Beibei, you are so kind. You are the only one who thinks about your brother."

Gu Heng frowned and looked at the young man with a strange expression.

Because Gu Heng was busy, Yan Beibei didn't stay in the hospital with her father for long and went to the company with her father.

This was the first time that Gu Heng brought their little princess to the company. Everyone was very curious. When entering and leaving the office, they saw the little girl sitting on the sofa with a young lady obediently. Playing with her toys, their hearts almost melted with cuteness. She was so quiet and very beautiful. Her eyebrows and nose were like those of the CEO. She was now a little beauty.

Gu Heng just walked away during a small meeting and came back not long after. Although he had arranged for someone to watch Beibei, he was still a little worried, fearing that he would cause Yan Beibei to suffer if he didn't take good care of her.

Even because of this, when the director of the business department came to him about something, he asked them to come to the office to discuss it.

Thinking of this, he paused and felt that he seemed to be a little too concerned about Yan Li's displeasure.

However, this feeling is not annoying. After all, they are husband and wife, and they should respect each other's opinions.

As soon as they entered the office, they saw the little guy eating jelly and talking with her head down to the little sister who was looking after her. Today, the little girl was wearing a yellow dress with a white baby collar, two little pigtails on her head, and wearing a small blue hairpin, she looks very good.

Gu Heng felt a little confused when he saw his daughter's well-behaved appearance.

Obviously Yan Li is not a weak character, but how could she give birth to such a little thing that one would feel pity for, which makes people want to protect her.

But Gu Heng didn't feel this way when facing Gu Yiyi.

Maybe it's because Gu Yiyi has been naughty since he was a child, and a well-behaved little girl will always be more lovable.

Someone came in. After discussing the matter with them for a while, Gu Heng saw that it was almost time for lunch, so he went to find Yan Beibei.

The little guy is really well-behaved. For fear of disturbing her father at work, she always played on the sofa on the other side. Gu Heng saw her looking up at him several times. The little thing seemed to feel relieved when she saw her father over there, and continued to play by herself with her head down.

This little girl is really easy to coax. As long as you give her a puzzle piece and a box of building blocks, she can play with it for a long time.

After finishing his work, Gu Heng took her to the restaurant downstairs for dinner. When he held her little hand and walked down from the dedicated elevator, Gu Heng asked her: "What do you want to eat later?"

Yan Beibei said: "I'll think about it later."

Then when we went downstairs, the child's finger pointed at McDonald's opposite.
