FVB - 106

Chapter 106 Help me collect Jiang Jin’s hair

The wind blew in from the car window, rustling the documents on the passenger seat.
Jiang Jin raised her hand to lower the car window.
She glanced at the rearview mirror and saw Li Dongjing's stern face, his dark eyes full of vigilance.
She said coldly: "If the old man hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have been able to talk nonsense to you. You can hear it clearly now. First, there is a problem in Ye Tang. Believe it or not.
Second, the Mu family cannot save the Li family, so stay away from Mu Yingxuan. Third, it is impossible for the Li Group to go bankrupt and everything you do now is of little significance."
Li Dongjing raised his eyes and looked at her figure, and said calmly: "How do you know that Li's Group cannot go bankrupt?"
Jiang Jin snorted coldly.
Of course it’s because she knows the plot!
But will she tell this boy?
The heartless bitch is even more heartless than Li Nanque!
"This is something for adults to worry about. It has nothing to do with you as a child." Jiang Jin held the steering wheel with an extremely cold expression. "Don't come to this kind of banquet again in the future."
Li Dongjing did not answer her words.
He pursed his lips and asked quietly: "How do you know that Mr. Li?"
"What, do I still need to explain the adult's affairs to you?" Jiang Jin sneered, "Or did you listen to Mu Yingxuan's instigation?"
Li Dongjing frowned slightly.

Why does he feel that this woman always talks with a gun and a stick?
He took a deep breath and said, "If I believed Aunt Mu, I wouldn't ask you this question specifically."
Jiang Jin twitched the corners of her lips and said no more.
The car suddenly became quiet.
The wind blew outside the window, making the cramped car even more silent.
A quarter of an hour later, the car stopped at the door of the Li family villa.
Jiang Jin opened the door coldly and strode towards the second floor. She opened the combination lock, walked into the master bedroom, and closed the door behind her back.
Li Dongjing walked into the study silently.
He saw the document Li Yunting left on his desk. Detailed notes were written on every page of the document to make it easier for him to understand...
At the age of nine, he finally understood what father's love was, giving him the most solid backing like a mountain.
He obviously already has father's love, why does he want more?
Thinking of Jiang Jin's cold eyes, Li Dongjing's heart felt a little uncomfortable.
Then, he sneered again.
He had been abused by that woman since he was a child, and he still has burns on the second rib on his chest.
When he was three years old, the woman deliberately poured a cup of scalding hot water on him and burned him. This scar has always been branded on his body and will probably become a shadow that he will never get rid of in his life...
Jiang Jin sat on the sofa and sulked.
She didn't even know why she was so angry.

A nine-year-old child, why is she competing with him?
When the worst comes to worst, just ignore this heartless bitch.
Jiang Jin suppressed the unpleasant feeling, got up, prepared a bowl of medicine, and fed it to Li Yunting carefully.
She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the man's facial features. She didn't know whether it was because of an illusion or something else. She felt that the man's complexion was getting better and better. He didn't look like a vegetative state at all...
She always felt that this man would wake up at any time...
She also hoped that he would wake up soon, so that he could save the Li Group from the fire and water...
After finishing her work, Jiang Jin went to pick up her children from school.
As soon as she walked out of the villa, she saw a familiar figure standing outside the iron fence.
It was Hua Lili whom she had just met at the banquet.
"Jinjin, it's me!"
As soon as Hua Lili saw her, a smile suddenly filled her face.

Jiang Jin took the car keys and sneered: "I told you a long time ago that you are not welcome here."
"Jinjin, why are you still angry with me?" Hua Lili said flatteringly, "We grew up together and are best friends. This time we have been in a cold war for almost a month, so we should reconcile, right? Jinjin, there’s nothing to do now anyway, let’s go shopping and I’ll buy you a gift to make amends.”
Jiang Jin shook the car keys in her hand: "I really don't have time, I have to pick up the children."

She bent down and got into the car.
Hua Lili was stunned: "Jinjin, why are you picking up those two little bastards from school now... You see, without me advising you, you will become the Li family's nanny... Jin Jin, I am the only one who treats you best in this world!"
Jiang Jin started the engine and stepped on the accelerator without mercy.
The car scraped past Hua Lili, and the rearview mirror just caught Hua Lili's handbag.
Hua Lili was brought down and fell to the ground.
Jiang Jin stopped the car, lowered the window and said coldly: "If you call my son a bastard again, I will run you over!"
After saying that, the car drove away.
"Bitch! Bad piece of shit!"
Hua Lili was so angry that she almost went crazy.
She took a mouthful of car exhaust and felt completely miserable.

She picked up her bag and got up from the ground, biting her silver teeth tightly...
After the car drove out, before the iron door of the villa could be closed, she stepped on her high heels and walked slowly in...
As soon as he entered, he was stopped by Zhang Ma: "Miss Hua, no one seems to have invited you in, right?"

Hua Lili said coldly: "I am Jin Jin's best friend and a frequent visitor to this villa. You actually want to kick your young lady's best friend out?"
Zhang Ma's face was very ugly.
Of course she knew that Hua Lili was a good friend of the young lady. A month ago, Hua Lili came to Li's house every day.
Every time she comes, she will encourage the young lady to attack the third and fourth young masters.
During this period of time, Hua Lili didn't come to visit her again, and the young lady never abused her four children again. How wonderful this is...
But now Hua Lili is here again!
Anyway, she just saw the young lady and Hua Lili quarreling with her own eyes. Even if she drives Hua Lili out, even if the young lady finds out later, she will still have a reason to explain...
"Zhang Ma, can you do me a favor?" Hua Lili lowered her voice, "I'll give you one hundred thousand first, and then I'll give you one hundred thousand more when the job is done. How about that?"
Zhang Ma looked at her: "What do you want me to do for you?"
"Collect Jiang Jin's long hair." Hua Lili said slowly, "Ten hairs a day, a hundred hairs ten days. This shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"
"You are crazy!" Zhang Ma picked up the broom in her hand and hit Hua Lili on the leg. "You are crazy. How could our young lady know someone like you! Get out of the Li family right now. Get away, and never come back again!"

"You! You actually hit me!" Hua Lili was about to explode with anger, "A hair is worth ten thousand yuan, do you want to do it?"

"I won't do it for even one million!" Zhang Ma waved her hand over again, "Get out of here! What a bad luck!"
The villa door slammed shut.
Hua Lili stood at the door, her lungs almost bursting with anger.
