FVB - 105

Chapter 105 She will divorce Ating

Jiang Jin and Mrs. Meng stood very close together.

Hua Lili, who was standing by the side, was so jealous that her silver teeth almost broke.
All of this should obviously belong to her!
Her thing was snatched away by Jiang Jin again!
Why did all the good luck go to Jiang Jin!

Ten years ago, the Li family wanted to find someone with all Yin characters in their horoscopes. She and Jiang Jin both had Yin characters, so why was it that Jiang Jin ended up marrying into a wealthy family?
This time, it was obvious that she met the two elders of the Meng family first, so why did Jiang Jin have the opportunity to fall in the eyes of Mrs. Meng!
Why does God favor Jiang Jin so much!
Hua Lili's eyes were filled with knives.
Meng Haotian glanced at the information sent on his phone and stared at her coldly: "Are you the female companion brought in by Mr. Mao?"
Hua Lili's face turned pale again.
If Mr. Mao knew that she was plotting against the Meng family in the capital, she might not be able to stay with Mr. Mao any longer.
She still has the broken jade pendant in her hand that recognizes her relatives, and she also has a trump card!

"Mr. Meng, Mrs. Meng, I'm really sorry." Hua Lili bowed ninety degrees, "I really didn't mean to get close to you, and I didn't mean any harm. This was just a misunderstanding... I know you two still doubt me. I won’t stand here and be an eyesore, I’m sorry..."
She slowly squatted down, picked up all the wires on the ground, and took them away.
Watching her figure walking away, Meng Haotian's voice softened: "She is indeed an orphan. She seems to be from the Red Sun Orphanage. She is twenty-eight years old. Could it be..."
"Meng Haotian, are you blind?" Mrs. Meng scolded angrily, "We Meng family members have never lost in terms of appearance. That woman just now has a wicked look, no matter what angle you look at it. Maybe you are a descendant of the Meng family, you are really blinded by lard..."
Meng Haotian coughed twice, interrupting Mrs. Meng's next words.
There is a girl watching here. How can he go out to meet people after being scolded so badly?
Jiang Jin pretended not to hear.
After she finished pressing Mrs. Meng's pressure, she stood up and said with a smile: "Just lie down for ten more minutes and it will be almost fine."
"Girl, thank you so much." The more Mrs. Meng looked at her, the more her eyes closed. She said in a loving voice, "Let's leave our contact information. By the way, I haven't asked you what your name is yet?"

Jiang Jin smiled and said, "I just pressed the button for you. It's not a big deal. There's no need to leave your contact information. I have something to do over there, so I'll take my leave now."
After she finished speaking, she turned and left the corridor.
Just as she turned the corner of the corridor, she suddenly slapped her forehead.
Meng family...
The Meng family in Beijing.

Mr. Li tried his best to find someone to cooperate with!
Why did she push away Mrs. Meng's advances?
However, the two elders of the Meng family obviously did not come to Yuncheng for work, but seemed to be looking for their long-lost granddaughter...
If she really left her contact information and used tonight's favor to discuss business... then she would be on the same level as Hua Lili in the Meng family.
She didn't know why, but she didn't want to leave a bad impression in Mrs. Meng's mind.
Jiang Jin glanced towards the banquet hall. The banquet had already begun. Various business people gathered together for a meeting, and it was very lively.
She looked at the time and saw that it was already past four in the afternoon and she had to pick up her children from school.
She came here in vain.
She walked out of the side door and walked to the parking lot. As soon as she reached her car, she saw a familiar car parked in the parking space next door.

Chen Feng was sitting in the driver's seat, and Li Dongjing and Mu Yingxuan were sitting in the back seat.

Jiang Jin's face darkened as soon as she saw these two people together.
She felt more and more that Li Dongjing was no longer a son.
She opened her car door and was about to get in, when she heard Mu Yingxuan's voice.
The window of the car next door was open, so she could clearly hear every word Mu Yingxuan said.
"Ah Jing, I really didn't lie to you. This is a photo I took..." Mu Yingxuan took out her mobile phone and handed it over, "Look, Jiang Jin hugged a man at the banquet in public. Shoulder to shoulder, it is said that the two have an inappropriate relationship..."
Li Dongjing looked strange.
He naturally saw this scene, but his parents were standing shoulder to shoulder, so that was nothing, right?
But he was very confused, how could this woman Jiang Jin know his father?
How did the two of them meet?
Seeing Li Dongjing's thoughtful look, Mu Yingxuan continued: "You may not understand what I mean, so I'll make it clearer. Your father has been in a vegetative state for so many years, and your mother has long wanted to get rid of you and marry another person... Now that she has climbed onto a high branch, she will divorce your father later. She..."

There was a sudden knock on the glass window.
Jiang Jin's face appeared through the gap in the car window. She wore a bright smile and said with raised lips: "Is Miss Mu the roundworm in my stomach? How come she even knows what I'm thinking?"

Mu Yingxuan tightened her phone and said word by word: "Jiang Jin, do you dare to admit that there is an improper relationship between you and Mr. Li?"
"What, do I need to explain to you?" Jiang Jin shook her hair disdainfully, "Miss Mu, you are sitting in our Li family's car now. As the young madam of the Li family, I have the right to ask you to get out of the car, right? "
Mu Yingxuan gritted her teeth: "This is Ah Jing's car and has nothing to do with you."
"Ha, Li Dongjing is my son, everyone else is mine, and his car is naturally mine too!" Jiang Jin sneered, "I give you three seconds to get out of the car, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"
"A Jing..."
Mu Yingxuan turned to look at Li Dongjing, with grievance and pleading in her eyes.
She didn't have to sit in this car, she just didn't want to be stepped on by Jiang Jin.
With Ah Jing here, why is this woman Jiang Jin so arrogant and domineering...
"Aunt Mu, please get out of the car first." Li Dongjing said quietly, "She and I want to have a few words in private."
The corners of Mu Yingxuan's mouth trembled: "Ah Jing, do you really want to kick me out of the car because of her words?"
During this period, she treated A Jing as well as she treated her own child. She thought that she had already become an irreplaceable presence in his heart. Why...
  "Aunt Mu, there are things we, mother and son, must say clearly separately."

Li Dongjing's voice was gentle, but there was a hint of no doubt.

"Okay, I'll go down first." Mu Yingxuan clenched her fingers, "If anything happens, you must call me and tell me, you know?"
As she spoke, she reached out and touched Li Dongjing's hair.
Seeing this scene, Jiang Jin curled her lips and turned her head.
When she heard the sound of Mu Yingxuan getting out of the car, she knocked on Chen Feng's car window: "Get off too."
Chen Feng turned his head and saw the eldest young master nodded before going down.

Jiang Jin opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, saying coldly: "Chen Feng, I will drive this car. You can drive my car back."

After saying that, she stepped on the accelerator and the car drove out of the parking lot instantly.
