FVB - 107

Chapter 107 I declare that you are no longer my brother

As soon as the school bell rang, the children rushed out happily.
Jiang Jin waited by the car, and soon saw Li Xichen and Li Beixiao walking from the door one after the other.
When she got closer, she found that the corners of Li Xichen's mouth were a little green.
"What happened to your mouth?" Jiang Jin asked him with a frown, "Why does it feel like you were beaten?"
Li Beixiao said softly: "Third brother got into a fight with someone at school today."
"Don't talk nonsense." Li Xichen pulled his lips coldly, "It was obvious that I was beaten, but I didn't fight back."
In the past, he would never have been able to stand and be beaten.
He knew that this woman didn't like him being a bad boy, so even if he was beaten, he didn't fight back.
Moreover, he also has selfish motives...
Li Xichen said coldly: "It hurts so much, please blow it for me."
Jiang Jin: "..."
This coquettish look is really unflattering, but inexplicably a little bit cute...
She knelt down resignedly and blew on the corner of the little guy's mouth: "Does it still hurt?"
"It hurts!" Li Xichen held his pocket with one hand, "The kids in the class said that if someone could kiss me, it wouldn't hurt."
Li Beixiao: "..."
This acting skill is really amazing, why doesn't he go to the entertainment industry to hang out with their second brother?
"Third brother, let me kiss you."

Li Beixiao stepped towards him.

Just when he was about to touch the corner of Li Xichen's mouth, he was pushed away by a palm.
"Go away!" Li Xichen glared at him angrily, "Who told you to meddle in other people's business?"
Li Beixiao blinked innocently: "I'm not meddling in other people's business..."
Jiang Jin helplessly held her forehead.
How did she feel that these two boys seemed to be competing for favor?
She pressed Li Xichen's shoulder and whispered: "Who bullied you? Tell me clearly."
Li Xichen curled his lips and said, "The fat guy from the next class."
"Then why does he bully you?"
Jiang Jin asked him softly. Although this naughty child was annoying sometimes, he crawled out of her body anyway. As the mother of the child, she had the responsibility and obligation to help the child seek justice!
Li Xichen suddenly looked uncomfortable.
Jiang Jin thought that this boy was embarrassed to describe the scene of being bullied, so he turned to look at Li Beixiao.
"Because the little fat man was often bullied by the third brother in the past." Li Beixiao told the truth, "Today the little fat man brought his three brothers here to take revenge, but so many of them are no match for the third brother. The little fat man's eyes are all swollen... "

"Okay, stop talking!" Li Xichen became angry, "I declare that you are no longer my brother!"
He opened the car door angrily and sat in.
Jiang Jin couldn't help but laugh.
She held Li Beixiao's hand and sat in the car together.
"Xiao Xi, you did nothing wrong." Jiang Jin said gently, "You can't make the first move, but if the other party does, then don't be polite and beat me back on the spot. Do you understand?"
Li Xichen's restless heart calmed down at her gentle voice.
He pursed his lips and said quietly: "Okay, I understand."
Before nightfall, the car drove into the Li family villa.
Jiang Jin led the two children out of the car and saw Li Nanque sitting in the living room, talking to Li Dongjing.
The eldest brother and the second child are twins. The eldest brother looks like Li Yunting, and the second child looks like her. At first glance, the two brothers look alike, but if you look closely, you can see that the two brothers have exactly the same taut chin curve when they are not talking.
There are also sitting postures and gestures that seem to be carved from the same mold.

"Second brother."
Two younger brothers, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, greeted each other at the same time.
Jiang Jin stood for a tenth of a second. Seeing that Li Dongjing and Li Nanque didn't even look at her, she smiled coldly and sat directly on the sofa with the two little ones in hand.
"Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, take out your homework."
Jiang Jin gave a faint instruction.

She occasionally tutored the two children with their homework these days. Li Xichen and Li Beixiao obediently took out their textbooks and homework books.
She flipped through it and found that it was all about the third and fourth grade of elementary school.
It's really hard for a child from a wealthy family. He's only five years old, but he's learning knowledge that she only came into contact with when she was ten years old.
In addition to sighing that it is not easy for children, we also have to admire the brains of these two children.
How on earth do they remember such a difficult thing?
Jiang Jin opened the Chinese exercise book and immediately checked the two children: "I will read the questions and you two will answer them. Whoever answers quickly and well will be rewarded later."
This is too childish...
Li Xichen's lips twitched: "The reward won't be another fried egg, right?"
Jiang Jin slapped him on the back of the head: "If you dislike him so much, then quit. I can test Xiaobei alone."
"The country of China is vast and rich in resources. What does "bo" mean in this sentence?"
"Broad meaning."
Li Xichen answered successfully without thinking.
Li Beixiao glanced at him: "Third brother, didn't you quit?"
"Answer casually, what, do you have any objections?"
Li Xichen leaned on the sofa very arrogantly, looking lazy.
"Mr. Lu Xun's knowledge is very profound. What does "Bo" mean in this sentence?"

“Abundant meaning!”
The two little things answered at the same time without hesitation.

Jiang Jin was sure that the knowledge in the fourth grade of elementary school was not difficult for these two little guys at all.
She took out her mobile phone and searched for the test points for the first grade of junior high school.
"Now test the meaning of an idiom." Jiang Jin cleared her throat, "Paper and pen mouthpiece."
As soon as this idiom came out, both children started to think.
Jiang Jin finally raised her lips. She had defeated these two idiots and finally seemed to be less retarded...
“Paper and pen mouthpieces are used to describe public opinion.”
A cold voice suddenly sounded.
Jiang Jin turned around and saw Li Nanque twitching the corners of his lips with a look of disdain. Obviously, that sentence just now was said by Li Nanque.
He said coldly, "You two hang out in school every day if you don't know such a simple idiom?"
Jiang Jin: "..."
As a graduate student, when she saw this word, she had to think about it before she understood what it meant.
She has always claimed to be a top student, but when facing these four children, she felt like a primary school graduate...
"I'm tutoring Xiaoxi Xiaobei with their homework, why are you interrupting?" Jiang Jin said angrily, "You're nine years old and you're actually answering a kid's question. Do you still think you're pretty good?"
Li Nanque: "..."
He just wanted to find a chance to join them, why was he rejected?
"Dinner time."

Zhang Ma spoke in time to stop the imminent war.
There are nearly ten dishes on the table. Since the two older brothers moved back, the dinner at home has become even more sumptuous.

Jiang Jin put down the book and took the two little ones to sit at the dining table.
