FVB - 030

Chapter 30 All pocket money will be deducted next month

Jiang Jin was completely petrified.

Why is Mr. Li here?

The old man probably didn't know about her sleeping in Li Yunting's room all night...

"How did you sleep last night?" Mr. Li was the first to speak, "A Ting didn't cause any trouble for you, right?"

Jiang Jin: "..."

It’s over, I’m too embarrassed to see anyone.

She opened her heavy legs and walked downstairs step by step.

"Dad, I really didn't mean to disturb Yunting last night..." Jiang Jin looked pitiful, "Xiaoxi and Xiaobei put ghost dolls in my room and cut off the electricity in my room. I had no choice but to go to Yun Ting for help..."

Mr. Li was a little surprised.

Every time he came here before, Jiang Jin ignored him and never called him dad.

The last time she called him dad on the phone, he thought the woman wanted money and was deliberately trying to please him.

But now, what are you trying to do?

Mr. Li looked at his two grandsons suspiciously.

This look made Jiang Jin think that the old man was going to scold the two brats.

Just scolding is not enough.

She was frightened for two nights in a row.

She continued: "Xiaoxi and Xiaobei are a little more naughty. They often put spiders and bugs in my room, sometimes put croton in my food, and sometimes deliberately cut off the laces of my skirt...

Although they are naughty, they are only five-year-old children after all. Dad must not be angry. The children are still young and cannot be beaten..."

"Can you two little bastards calm down?" Mr. Li glared at them fiercely, "Hurry up and apologize to your mother!"

Li Xichen turned his head: "Humph!"

Don't even think about asking him to apologize.
Li Beixiao pursed his lips and remained silent.

"I know it's my fault, it's me who failed to fulfill my responsibilities as a mother."

"I have tried very hard to learn to be a good mother, but being a mother is too difficult and I can't learn it no matter what."
"I'm so useless. It's right for Xiaoxi and Xiaobei to hate me. Dad, please don't get angry with the two children. They are still young."
Jiang Jin lowered her head and spoke pitifully, like a seasoned green tea.
No matter how smart Li Xichen and Li Beixiao are, they are only five-year-old children. When have they ever seen such a master of tea art?
The two children suddenly felt a little soft-hearted when they saw Jiang Jin lowering her head pitifully and looking at a loss...

"You brats, you make your mother angry all the time!"
The old man blew his beard and stared angrily.
He seemed to know why Jiang Jin always attacked the two children. When they were young, she would have whipped them with a cane.
"Such a careless grandson doesn't deserve to receive pocket money." Mr. Li said angrily, "Next month's pocket money will be deducted."
Jiang Jin raised her lips proudly.
These two boys are too young to fight with her.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were still reflecting on whether they had gone too far during this period.
When they raised their eyes, they saw the proud smile on Jiang Jin's lips.

Li Xichen: "..."
He shouldn't be soft-hearted towards this vicious woman.
Li Beixiao: "..."
He is still thinking about apologizing to this woman. Is he crazy?
The two children glared at Jiang Jin angrily, turned around, and left the living room to go to school.
Jiang Jin almost couldn't hold back her laughter. When she saw Mr. Li still sitting on the sofa, she tried to restrain herself.
Just as she was about to speak, a car stopped at the door, and three or four professional doctors in white coats walked in from the door.
Mr. Li went up to greet him: "Dean Zhou, Doctor Gao, Doctor Yan, thank you for making a special trip..."
Several people walked toward the bedroom on the second floor while chatting.
Jiang Jin knew that Dean Zhou was the most authoritative doctor in Yuncheng. He should have come here today to give Li Yunting a more professional and comprehensive examination.

She stepped lightly and followed calmly.

Under the testing of various precision medical instruments, the results came out quickly.
"The congestion in the back of Mr. Li's brain has spread, but there are three shadows in the vestibule of his head. It should be the transfer of congestion..."
Mr. Li was like a blow to the head: "So, Ating will not wake up..."
"That's not what I mean." Dean Zhou said with a smile, "The large bruise is dispersed into three small shadows, which means it is easier to treat... Generally speaking, if nothing else happens, Mr. Li should be able to heal and wake up within three months to half a year..."

Jiang Jin outside the door breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that it was just an accident that Li Yunting woke up that night.

Under the powerful setting of the original work, this man will never wake up early.

After the consultation with the medical team, Mr. Li has been in a state of excitement.
Jiang Jin poured a cup of tea and handed it to Mr. Li, saying softly: "Dad, will Yunting wake up soon?"
"Yes, Ating will wake up within three months at the earliest." Mr. Li said with trembling lips, "Jiang Jin, I know I have wronged you in the past ten years. As long as Ating wakes up, will the Li family continue to be so quiet? Ating will definitely make you the glorious Young Madam Li."
Jiang Jin twitched her lips and said, "The first thing he should do when he wakes up is divorce me."
"Do you really want a divorce?" Mr. Li let out a long sigh.

Jiang Jin filed for divorce three years ago.
He kept refusing and never agreed to sign the divorce agreement, so the divorce was delayed again and again.
"Let's wait until Ating wakes up." Mr. Li pinched his eyebrows and said, "As long as Ating agrees to divorce, you can divorce at any time, and I won't interfere anymore."
Jiang Jin: "..."
The man wanted to strangle her to death, but divorce was actually a good thing.
But why did she suddenly not want to leave?
After the original owner got divorced, her life began to go downhill, her life hit a low point, and she walked step by step towards the tragedy that had been set for a long time.
She probably didn't want to get divorced in order to avoid the originally planned tragic ending.
That must be it!
"You gave birth to four children for the Li family and stayed with Ating for ten years. The men of the Li family value love and righteousness. Regardless of love or reason, Ating will not take the initiative to divorce you." Mr. Li said slowly. He said slowly, "Jiang Jin, children should grow up in a sound family, so that they will not have the shadow of childhood caused by their original family. Please think carefully."
Jiang Jin didn't know what to say.
She doesn't have the final say on whether or not to divorce. Let's wait until Li Yunting wakes up.
"Buzz buzz!"

Her phone suddenly vibrated.
She glanced at the caller ID, Master Jue.
The head teacher, Teacher Shi, called her personally, and it was definitely about the two brats.

Jiang Jin took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Mama Li, today is the monthly exam, and Li Xichen and Li Beixiao are absent from class again!"

Teacher Shi's voice was a little angry, "Although they rarely come to school, they used to show up in the exam room for every monthly exam, but they didn't come today! Mother Li, if they miss the exam, the consequences will be serious. I hope you can send them here yourself!”
