DSHSN - 20

This meal was not a happy one, and what made Yan Li even more unhappy was that when she went out after the meal, Yan Beibei asked her in a low voice.

"Mom... do the adults here not like Beibei..."

The little one didn't call out to anyone at first, but before dinner, when everyone was seated, she called out to people one by one. Now that it's like this, she thinks it's because she's not lovable.

Yan Li has a relatively outgoing personality, and she doesn't know why she gave birth to such a troubled child.

She poked Beibei's little nose and said with a smile: "How is it possible? Our Beibei is so cute. If this person doesn't like Beibei, there will be others who like Beibei, and not everyone likes mom.”

Gu Heng heard the conversation between the two of them and came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yan Li shook her head and said, "It's nothing."

"Are we going back?"

Gu Heng nodded: "That's about it. I'll go upstairs to the study to have a few words with Grandpa, and I'll go back later."


Gu Heng went upstairs for a while and then came down. His second uncle and second aunt gave the child a red envelope and a golden collar respectively.

Gu Rong had nothing to give, so he sealed a red envelope for the child.

As a grandfather, Gu Song, even though he was very dissatisfied with Yan Li, still gave a red envelope to the child with Lu Qiaozhen, but compared to others, he was relatively perfunctory.

Yan Li didn't care much about the thickness of the red envelope. She didn't like it very much, so she naturally wanted to leave quickly. When going back, Yan Li originally thought that Gu Yiyi should ride Gu Heng's car back, but in the end, this guy walked directly towards her car.

After placing Yan Beibei's child in the car, Yan Li asked Gu Yiyi, "Why don't you take your dad's car?"

Gu Yiyi was in a bad mood and had a lazy expression. After raising his eyes and looking at her, he said: "I came in your car. Of course I will go back together. What? If you need something, just look for me. If nothing happens, just leave me alone?”

Yan Li fastened the straps of the safety chair and gave him a look: "It sounds like you played a role today."

Gu Yiyi: "You didn't call me when you came down."

"Didn't you hear me knocking on the door?"

Gu Yiyi really didn't hear it, so his voice suddenly dropped and he apologized: "Aren't I asleep?"

Yan Li was surprised: "So tired at school?"

Gu Yiyi was about to say no when he heard Yan Li's next sentence: "I thought you were sleeping in class at school."

Gu Yiyi: "..."

This was indeed the case last semester, but this semester, he started to work hard.

In the past, if he didn't work hard, many people would want him to work hard. Now that he works hard, they don't believe that he will work hard.

Gu Yiyi felt it was a bit ironic.

His expression changed for a few moments, and he turned his head to the side: "I won't tell you."

Yan Li looked at the boy's awkward look and thought it was a bit funny. She was just curious. As for getting angry at every turn?

The corners of her lips raised slightly. She closed the door on the other side and was about to go to the driver's seat. When she saw Gu Heng appearing next to her, she was surprised: "You haven't left yet?"

The streetlight in the courtyard fell next to the man, illuminating the clear outline of his facial features. He looked into the car and said in a calm tone, "Let me see if there is anyone who needs help."

Yan Li shook her head: "There's nothing needed, let's go."

"You guys go first, grandpa still needs someone to deliver things to the car."

The old man is really enthusiastic.

Yan Li nodded: "Okay."

After getting in the car, she turned around, drove out of the yard, and walked down the main road on the mountain.

The street lights here are bright, the roads are spacious, and the roads are not steep. When they go back, the time spent is much shorter.

Gu Heng followed them not long after they left. When they were waiting for the traffic light, Yan Li discovered that his car had been following them neither far nor close, keeping the same distance all the way, as if on purpose.

Yan Li felt inexplicably warm in her heart.

It didn't take long to get home. After arriving home, Yan Li got out of the car and took Yan Beibei out of the car.

Gu Yiyi held the door and stood by the car for a while. He felt that she didn't need help, so he went upstairs directly.

Yan Beibei fell asleep in the car a long time ago. The two children, one large and one small, had nothing to say at all, so the ride was very quiet just now. Yan Beibei, who was bored, naturally fell asleep quickly. After all, she usually slept at night around this time.

As soon as she took the child out, Gu Heng, who had already parked the car, came over and reached out to try to hug the child in her arms.

"Let me carry her up."

Yan Li hesitated for a minute, and finally handed the child to him.

Yan Beibei was still willing to get close to her father when she was awake, but the little girl who was asleep felt that the breath of her father was strange.

She woke up with a start, glanced around blankly, and immediately reached out to her mother.


When Yan Li saw that her daughter only wanted to be hugged by herself, she had no choice but to hug her again.

The little guy felt relieved when she saw her mother was there. She grabbed her mother's clothes with her little hands, closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

She looks really cute when she is sleeping, her face is pink, her skin is fair and rosy, and her little mouth is pouty and rosy, like a little cherry.

Yan Li carried her into the house, and Gu Heng followed behind them with empty hands.

After Yan Li put Yan Beibei on the bed, she turned around and went out. As soon as she left the room, she saw Gu Heng.

The man's skin was white and shiny under the light of the corridor. She was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Why did you come back suddenly today?"

Gu Heng said: "I was on the plane when you sent me the message."

"Then why didn't you reply to my message when you got off the plane?" Yan Li felt that this person was a bit annoying.

Gu Heng was silent for a moment and said, "Look at your phone yourself."

Yan Li looked at him in confusion, remembering that her mobile phone was still here. She went downstairs and went to the car to get her mobile phone. When she opened it, she found that Gu Heng had indeed sent her a message back, but she didn't notice that the phone was muted at some point, and she didn't look at it, so she didn't know.

She looked down at her phone and walked in. When she looked up, she found that Gu Heng had come down from upstairs. He had a pair of long legs as straight as bamboo, and black suit trousers, ironed very smoothly.

Yan Li thought something was wrong with him and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Gu Heng: "No, it's okay."

"You've been staying at home lately, right?" Yan Li asked.



The two of them were silent for a while. Gu Heng put his hands in his pockets, looked at her with a pair of calm black eyes, and said, "The recent events of Yiyi have troubled you."

It's not a big deal, Yan Li said modestly: "It's okay."

"If he offends you, you don't have to be polite to him."

Alas, it is indeed a marriage by agreement. This sounds very crude, but Yan Li likes to hear it.

"Okay." She agreed very happily. Seeing that he was still standing there, she took the phone and walked upstairs: "I'll go up to take a shower, I'm a little sleepy."

As she spoke, she pretended to yawn.

But in fact, after she took a shower, she watched a little more of the show.

As for Gu Heng, after going to the study to do some work for a while, he saw that the light in Gu Yiyi's room was still on, so he opened the door and went in.

Gu Yiyi was working hard to play games. He vented all his depression in the game, so that he didn't hear the door open. When the tablet was taken away, Gu Yiyi was a little stunned, then panicked, and his limbs were helpless. He was as nervous as a hedgehog.

Yiyi opened his mouth: "Dad."

Gu Heng lowered his eyes and looked at his game record. He was playing quite well. He raised his lips slightly and reminded him: "Go to bed early, we have to go to school tomorrow."

Gu Yiyi was as obedient as a cat. He was worried that his father would settle old scores, so he was extremely nervous: "Okay... okay... Dad."

"How are things?"

"It's... not bad."

"You don't hate your Aunt Yan anymore?"


"Well, okay, go to bed early." Gu Heng returned the tablet to him, turned around and went out.

It was already very late when he woke up the next day. Gu Yiyi had gone to school, Gu Heng had gone to work, and the children were playing with blocks in the living room downstairs.

Yan Li simply washed up and came down in her pajamas. After glancing at the child, she went to the dining room and looked at the bright sun outside. She asked the nanny at home about Gu Heng, on what time he went out.

Knowing that he got up at six o'clock and went out at seven o'clock, she sighed that he had good energy and began to wonder in her mind what Gu Heng would think if he knew that she got up so late.

However, she quickly shrugged, whatever he thought, it didn't matter.

His father suddenly came back from abroad. Although he didn't criticize him harshly last night and just opened the door, asked him about his recent situation and then left, Gu Yiyi was still a little unhappy.

During class, he held a pen and read a book, but he couldn't read a single word for a long time.

Yu Chen pushed his shoulder at this time and reminded him: "Lu Xuemei is here, looking for you."

"I have nothing to do with her, let her leave." Gu Yiyi turned his pen, lowered his head, and continued to write on his own.

Yu Chen went to reply to her. Not only did Lu Xuemei not leave, but she walked in aggressively and stood next to Gu Yiyi's table. Her voice was a little high, but: "Gu Yiyi, you don't like me because you like an older woman, do you?”

Gu Yiyi raised his head and looked at her with a somewhat confused look: "What are you talking about?"

"You got into the car of a woman in her twenties last night."

Yan Li would probably be very happy when she heard this.

Gu Yiyi felt angry: "Are you sick?"

Yu Chen next to him was confused: "A woman in her twenties?"

A person's face subconsciously appeared in his mind: "The person who picked you up last night couldn't be..."

"We went back to grandpa's house for dinner."

Yu Chen explained from the side: "That's Gu Yiyi's stepmother."

Lu Xuemei was also stunned: "Then I still have a chance, right?"

Gu Yiyi sneered: "I like men, you have no chance."

Yu Chen: "???" He jumped a step away and said in disbelief: "Yiyi, isn't it true? You were so stimulated that you even changed your sexual orientation?"

Gu Yiyi looked at him and said, "Are you sick too?"

Yu Chen blocked his chest, looking like he would rather die than surrender: "Brother Yi, you must not fall in love with me!"

"Go downstairs, turn left and go straight down to the campus hospital. Please go and have the doctor prescribe some medicine. Treat your head, leave me alone! Get out!"

Saying that, he sat back and continued writing his own.

Yu Chen scratched his head: "Hey hey hey, I understand, you are doing this to reject Lu Xuemei."

Lu Xuemei was in the midst of Gu Yiyi's thunderous words just now. She had not yet reacted when she heard Yu Chen's words. She asked with some disappointment, "Am I so unlovable?"

Gu Yiyi was not polite: "You know yet you still ask."

But the girl was unwilling to give up at all, clenching her hands into fists: "Gu Yiyi, I won't give up."

Gu Yiyi was too lazy to pay attention to her, and looked out the window at the ginkgo leaves swaying in the sunshine like gold in the wind, wandering in his mind.

The weather is very good today. Yan Beibei will definitely go out to play. Will his father accompany her then?


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