ADMKSF - 013.2

When she returned to the hut, several guests had already gotten up, chatting and laughing, and were drinking tea made from Lingquan water. Zhao Ziqi touched her face, and a faint smile appeared in her eyes: "I don't know if it's my imagination, but I always feel that my skin condition has improved a lot recently, and my health doesn't seem to be as bad as before."

Bai Hang: "I see it too. Senior Zhao, your face is a lot rosier."

Qi Yu chuckled twice: "It seems that you made the right choice to participate in this show."

The smile on Zhao Ziqi's face deepened.

After all, she was surrounded by program staff, so Zhao Ziqi's innermost words were not uttered by her. She felt that Lin You was the most critical factor in such a big change in herself.

Thinking about this, Zhao Ziqi grabbed Lin You who was walking over and looked at her face carefully. She couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Hey, you have been working for so many days, and your face doesn't seem to be tanned at all. It seems better.”

It was full of collagen, which made Zhao Ziqi envious.

After she said this, the other guests and the viewers who had just poured into the live broadcast room realized that this seemed to be the case.

Due to Du Enqing's fishing in troubled waters in the past few days, she didn't have many opportunities to be exposed to the sun outside, but her skin color was already yellowish and dark. Needless to say, the two men Qi Yu and Bai Hang are not traffic niches, and they don't pay much attention to protecting their skin when working. Although Zhao Ziqi often wears sleeves, hats and sunscreen, she still looks a little darker.

Only Lin You was different.

[Lin You and Bai Hang stand together, so white that her skin reflect the light. ]

[Is there a possibility that Bai Hang is too dark QWQ]

[Lin You is super white! She had no makeup on, and when the camera pulled over, her skin condition was absolutely stunning. Sure enough, she is still a young girl. ]

[Note, the little girl is married. ]

[Can you please stop mentioning such unlucky things so early in the morning! ! ]

[Can I ask what skin care products Lin You uses? Children who are going to have military training after summer vacation want to prepare in advance.]

It's impossible to ask. Even if you ask Lin You, she can't recommend products in the show. What's more, she doesn't use anything at all. She takes a bath with spiritual spring water every day, which has many effects.

Lin You blinked at Zhao Ziqi, "I can't help it, I'm born with it."

After saying that, Zhao Ziqi glanced at her.

Lin You smiled and got into the kitchen to make a bowl of porridge for breakfast. They cooked boiled chicken before going to bed last night, and this morning they were ready to cook shredded chicken porridge.

Lin You soaked the rice in Lingquan water before watering it. The chicken soup was also made from Lingquan water. The rice in the casserole was bubbling in the chicken soup. She turned around and took apart some chicken breasts and put them in the casserole.

When it comes out of the pot, the rice is soft and glutinous, with the aroma of chicken soup. The chicken shreds are spread on a layer, and a little chopped green onion is sprinkled on it. It is full of color, flavor and flavor.

Now Zhao Ziqi has fully understood the true meaning of a certain sentence - if you are not active in eating, you have problems with your thinking.

Hurrying into the kitchen to take away a large pot of shredded chicken porridge, Zhao Ziqi took the initiative to serve the porridge for several guests. She sat down and took a sip of the soft and glutinous porridge, feeling so comfortable that her eyes narrowed. She turned her head and looked at the girl who was walking out of the kitchen with wet hands, and said with some regret: "For the first time, I feel that the filming time for this variety show is too short. We have to leave the day after tomorrow."

The chief director poked his head out from behind: "Senior, when you say this, it is easy for me to misunderstand that our program is too good and you are reluctant to let us go."

Zhao Ziqi rolled her eyes unceremoniously.

Bai Hang: "Don't put gold on your face, otherwise you will really become more trustworthy."

The chief director snorted silently, thinking that you, a top male in the entertainment industry, still have the nerve to say that I am trustworthy.

After breakfast, the guests of "Pastoral Life" went to weed the wasteland.

The wasteland is on the side of the mountain. They heard that the owner of the land is a lame old man in the village. The old man is over seventy this year, and he is alone, so it is difficult to start farm work.

So the program team hopes that the guests can help him.

The director team briefly introduced the situation and prepared herbicide for them.

Qi Yu thought for a while, and as the big brother took the lead in assigning tasks to everyone: "I saw a lot of wood and bamboo poles piled together on the right. Xiaohang, you will help move them away later. You three girls will help adjust the herbicide first. I’ll go over there and fetch water.”

When the time comes, the herbicide needs to be diluted with water and poured into a medicine bucket, and then the guests carry the medicine bucket and spread the medicine to kill the weeds. This is not a simple task. Qi Yu wanted to make life easier for the female guests, so he didn't prepare many tasks for them.

But whether it was Lin You or Zhao Ziqi, both of them felt that the task of adjusting herbicides was too easy. Lin You waved her hand and said, "I'll fetch water. I'm very strong and can fetch two buckets at a time."

Zhao Ziqi also said: "I will help Xiaobai move the wood first."

Du Enqing, who was last, saw the two female guests taking the initiative to work, and the corner of her mouth suddenly twitched. Knowing that there was no hope of being lazy, she could only bite the bullet and said: "I will help adjust the herbicide first, and I will help Senior Zhao later."

Qi Yu did not refuse, and said with a smile, "Thanks to everyone for the hard work."

Lin You carried a pole on her shoulder, hooked two buckets on the pole, and walked towards the only big river in the village. Dayang, who was following her, saw her bending down to carry a bucket full of water. He was not worried about whether Lin You could lift it or whether she would make a joke. Both buckets were filled with water. The ropes falling from both sides of the pole hooked the handles of the buckets. Lin You stood in the center of the pole and squatted down. She lifted the two buckets of water up steadily with a lift... 

[Who said last time that Lin You was going to be chased by men in the entire village? I announced on the spot that the man from the next village also wanted to chase her. ]

[This girl Lin You looks so thin and weak, how come she is so strong! ! ]

[The more I look at Lin You now, the more I find her pleasing to the eye. A few days ago I posted on Weibo asking her to get out of "Pastoral Life"]


After Lin You came back from carrying water, Du Enqing mixed up the herbicide, and then Qi Yu carried the container on his back to spray the medicine bucket. Although Qi Yu was in his fifties, he exercised properly and was in pretty good physical condition. He didn't feel out of breath after taking two buckets of potion, and even refused Lin You's help. So Lin You returned to the river again and prepared to carry water.

This time, Lin You frowned as soon as the bucket entered the water. Dayang who was following her, also noticed something. Listening to the rustling sounds, he looked around and saw that the grass not far away was dense and messy, but it was swaying gently.

Dayang's body tensed up quickly. There were many snakes in the fields in summer. This shaking thing... could it be a snake?

At the same time, netizens who watched this scene in the live broadcast room could not help but widen their eyes.

[Grass. Is the grass moving? ]

[Ah ah ah it’s not my imagination! I saw something crawling inside! ]

[It can’t be a snake, right? Help! The thing I was most worried about happened QAQ I am really afraid of snakes]

[Fairy Qiao next door even caught the snake with her bare hands, and we, Lin, can’t admit defeat either! ]

[I just checked the information and heard that there are vipers in Daxian Village. They are super venomous snakes! Too dangerous! ! ]
