ADMKSF - 013.3

Although Dayang didn't know what the barrage in the live broadcast room was saying, his heart was sinking with the swaying of the grass at this moment. He didn't dare to move much, for fear that if there was a big movement, the snake inside would come out and take a bite. In panic, he could only use his eyes to signal Lin You to leave quietly.

Lin You frowned, and her slender arms wrapped in sleeves made a quiet movement towards Dayang. Then, her other hand quietly grasped the pole. Just when Lin You was about to step forward, a tail suddenly swung out from the haystack angrily.

Wait, tail?

The thick tail wrapped in raised, hard scales slapped against the soft ground, and as the unknown creature raised its head, a big mouth opened with sharp teeth, and its short limbs were propped on the ground, the snakelike vertical pupils stared at the two humans in front of it without blinking.

Dayang: "..."

For a moment, his heart seemed to stop beating.

As confused as Dayang were the viewers in the live broadcast room. They thought that there might be snakes nearby, which was scary enough, but they didn’t expect that what appeared in front of Lin You and her dedicated cameraman was a crocodile!

[Grass. Crazy, where did the crocodile come from?! ]

[No, your program team is going too far. When writing the script, can you make it more in line with the actual situation? Can you not be so exaggerated? ]

[Wolong and Phoenix are all in your program group? Who came up with the idea? What’s interesting is that if something happens, who is responsible for being bitten by a crocodile? ! ]

[Wait a minute, sisters, don’t rush to scold the program team. I suddenly thought of the news this morning... Who still remembers that hot search article, saying that many crocodiles escaped from prison in a nearby crocodile farm... Could it be…]

[Grass, it’s scary to think about it]

In the next few seconds, the screen in the entire live broadcast room was empty, with not a single barrage crossing.

After receiving the news, the director's expression changed drastically and he hurried to the river. He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the police station.

The chief director's face was pale, and his whole body was almost shaky.

Didn’t the news say that all the crocodiles were captured? Why are there still fish slipping through the net?

He gritted his teeth and carefully comforted Dayang and Lin You in the headset: "You two must not anger it, don't panic, we will come right away!"

Before he finished speaking, a clanging sound suddenly came from the director's headset.

Did the crocodile attack Lin You and the cameraman?

Thinking of that terrible outcome, the man's legs softened and he almost fell over.

However, in Dayang's camera, Lin You could be seen expressionlessly picking up the pole in her hand and slamming it on the crocodile's head. Soon after, the girl's petite figure suddenly rushed forward, quickly pulled off her sleeve with her right hand, and smashed the crocodile with her body. A second later, the sleeve passed under the crocodile's mouth and stretched straight. Pull it up and tighten—

Lin You sat directly on the crocodile, and the sleeves were tied in a knot around the crocodile's mouth. But with just a little force, the crocodile's upper and lower jaws collided with each other, and the sharp teeth got stuck on the side, completely twisting its mouth.

Shaking her arm, which was a little sore from the crocodile skin, Lin You turned over and got off the crocodile. She picked up the crocodile's tail and threw it into the bucket beside her. But the crocodile was so big that when its head was pushed down, most of its body was still hanging upside down outside the bucket, struggling with its short legs swinging around.

Lin You clapped her hands and turned to ask Dayang: "Did the director team just say that they had called the police station?"

Dayang: "..."

Lin You: "Huh?"

Dayang's face was still full of sluggishness. He turned his head like a machine, looked at the crocodile in the bucket, and then looked at Lin You who was so calm as if nothing had happened. His eyes twitched and he said: "Yes, yes."

Lin You made a sound, picked up the remaining bucket, filled it with water, and walked towards the grassland.

The long hair tied into a ponytail swayed as she walked, as if the word 'calm' was written on her back.


[Crooked, crooked-mouthed crocodile? ]

[Let’s just say, is there a possibility that this crocodile is fake? ]

[Right! I also thought it was a toy crocodile! ! ]

[How could someone catch a crocodile with bare hands? Only a fool would believe it! Yes, I am that fool. smile.jpg]

[I specify that I am blind. I didn’t expect that your program team is quite good at playing. You often watch the news, right? Very good at using real-time news! ]

[Okay, stop kidding yourself. Qi Yu's live broadcast room happened to capture the director being so nervous that he fell down and cried when he heard the crocodile appeared. Now Qi Yu is comforting the director. ]

[Ahem, that crocodile is real. I just called the police station. The police said that when they captured the crocodile that escaped nearby today, a fool took the opportunity to send the crocodile he illegally raised into the breeding farm. That's why there is A crocodile that slipped through the net. ]

[I guess it won’t be long before people from the police station arrive. ]

When the policemen from the police station arrived at the scene with arresting tools, the filming of the program was still going on, because everyone wanted to verify whether Lin You's ability to catch the crocodile was a real ability or a script. The director was too lazy to care about what netizens thought at the moment. He was stained with mud and was sitting on the ground, almost crying while hugging Lin You's thigh.

"Lin You, why are you so awesome? How can you still catch crocodiles! You are simply the most powerful woman in the world. Thank you for your contribution to the show team. If you have any resources you want in the future, as long as you open your mouth, and I, Old Xu, will go up to the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire to do it for you!"

The chief director took Lin You's hand. The thirty-year-old man was so frightened by what just happened that his eyes were red, "Even if I have to sell my body, I won't complain at all."

Lin You's lips twitched: "There's no need."

Chief Director: "Yes, I must!"

Maybe Lin You didn't take it seriously, but he knew very well that if this crocodile really attacked the guests or staff invited by the program team today, their program would no longer be able to run once the matter got serious...

Even in the future, when someone sees his name appearing on a variety show, they will say - Oh, that's him. He let a crocodile bite people to death while filming a show.

After this, he is afraid that he will be directly unemployed.

The director had a hoarse voice and wanted to say something else, but he was quickly interrupted by the sound of police sirens coming from far away. He quickly rubbed his face with both hands and stepped forward to greet the police. They brought the man to the river and saw the poor crocodile who was tightly tied up and looked like a bullied little crocodile. The corners of their mouths twitched and their eyes suddenly became very strange. Then they raised eyebrows at Lin You. Thumbs up.

"The little girl is really amazing, but you still have to pay attention to your own safety."

Lin You nodded: "Okay."

Bai Hang and others saw that the police seemed to have no intention of taking the crocodile away, so they asked more questions. After asking, they found out that the people from the crocodile farm were also on their way over, and they could just ask them to take the crocodile back...

It didn't take long for people from the farm to arrive. When they took away the crocodile, they also gave Lin You a red envelope and explained that it was the reward for catching the crocodile. Lin You inquired specifically and found out that every enthusiastic villager who helped the farm catch crocodiles was paid accordingly, so she accepted it with peace of mind.

There were two thousand yuan in the red envelope. She was thinking about buying some small gifts for the cheap father and son of the Pei family, which could be regarded as a meeting gift for the next meeting.


The sudden accident was successfully solved, and the group quickly cleared the wasteland, then packed up their tools and walked slowly back home.

As soon as they arrived at the hut, everyone slumped on the wooden chairs to rest like salted fish. Qi Yu and Bai Hang had done physical work, and now their backs and legs were sore. Zhao Ziqi didn't feel much better, so she fell directly on the simple sofa with pillows in her arms. Du Enqing, who had nothing serious to do, went back to her room, while Lin You, who was so energetic that she never seemed tired, sat cross-legged on the floor and sent messages to the family group.

It was a picture that looked exactly like her standing in the middle of the crowd holding a dozen kilograms of big black fish. This time, she held up the two short limbs of the big crocodile and smiled at the camera.

Two seconds before receiving the message, Pei Ye was still watching a video. It was the clip of Lin You holding the pole with one hand and hitting the crocodile with all her strength.

They didn't know whether the crocodile was knocked unconscious, but the pole cracked in the middle and broke into two pieces.

Look again at Lin You holding the crocodile and smiling like a heroine...

Pei Ye took a deep breath and turned to ask Pei Henan: "Dad, look at the way she slapped the crocodile with a pole, does it look like the way she would slap my face to pieces after she knew I was giving her a reward?"

Pei Henan lazily raised his eyes and glanced at him: "Yes, she must look heroic when she whips you."

Pei Ye: "..."
