FVB - 058

Chapter 58 She kissed him

The rays of the setting sun shone down, stretching Jiang Jin's shadow.
She was about to call Li Xichen when she saw Teacher Shi walking towards her with a textbook under her arm.
"Mother Li, are you here to pick up the children?" Teacher Shi said with a smile on her face, "Those two boys were very good and obedient today. They listened carefully in class and actively answered questions. Now they are sensible. They seem to be doing homework in the classroom now. Mother Li can come and have a look.”
Jiang Jin looked like she had seen a ghost.
These two brats had given her a bad look early in the morning. Logically speaking, they would have deliberately gone to the Internet cafe to play games to make her angry.

Why do they stay in the classroom and do their homework?
She stepped on her high heels and walked suspiciously to the Class 9 classroom.
The students all went home, and the campus gradually became deserted. The orange light of the sunset shone through the windows and fell on the desks.
In the empty classroom, two small figures sat.
They lowered their heads and wrote and drew something on the paper, their little faces full of seriousness.
Jiang Jin didn't want to ruin the beauty of this moment.
She took out her phone, found a good angle, and took a photo of the two little guys shrouded in the sunset.
No filters were used in this photo, and the light and shadow are perfectly intertwined.
Jiang Jin feels that this should be the most beautiful photo she has taken in so many years...
While she was admiring her work, the two little guys in the classroom suddenly raised their heads and looked at her with their dark eyes.
"You two careless little things, you have to ask me to come to the classroom to pick you up in person, why don't you come out quickly?"
She crossed her arms across her chest, looking impatient.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao carried their schoolbags behind their backs and walked out of the classroom one after another.
Maybe it was because the light of the setting sun was too soft, or maybe it was because the evening breeze was too gentle. At this moment, Jiang Jin felt that these two children were particularly well-behaved.
She wanted to take out her phone and take another photo, but she resisted.

She couldn't let these two little things feel like she was easy to bully.

She snorted coldly and turned to leave.
In front of her, two fiery red roses suddenly appeared.
Li Beixiao held one in his hand.
Li Xichen held one in his hand.
The layers of fiery red rose petals, under the interplay of light and shadow, are breathtakingly beautiful.
Jiang Jin was stunned: "You, what is this?"
"I'm sorry." Li Beixiao's soft voice sounded, "I apologize for deliberately not answering your call last night. Can you forgive me?"
He handed the roses to Jiang Jin, and there was a card hidden under the leaf.
Jiang Jin opened the card.
Above is a simple painting of a woman walking on the road holding a child. The simple picture looks very warm.
The two boys were probably drawing the pictures on the cards in the classroom just now.
She turned her head to look at Li Xichen, who was a little awkward, stretched out her hand and said, "Aren't you going to give me your flower and card?"
Li Xichen turned his head and said calmly: "I'm sorry."
Then he stuffed the rose into Jiang Jin's arms.
Jiang Jin's sharp eyes saw the card hidden in his sleeve.
She snatched the card away, and when she looked through it and saw the black ink stains on the card, her face turned dark: "What the hell are you drawing?"

"You insisted on grabbing it yourself." Li Xichen hummed, "I didn't intend to give it to you in the first place, so give it back to me."
Jiang Jin raised the card and saw the traces under the ink against the sunset.
It was a painting, but the painting was really not very good, so he blacked it out because he disliked it.
Then he wrote another line——
"I shouldn't have hung up on you last night, can you forgive me?"
This sentence has also been blacked out.
Jiang Jin was angry and funny: "Why did you black out this sentence? Do you think your handwriting doesn't look good?"
She knew very well that this boy was just shy, so he blacked out this line.
It's obviously an apology, but it has to be so awkward.
Li Xichen's face turned unnaturally red, and he snorted without saying anything.
This is the first time he has apologized to someone, and it is also the first time he has given flowers to someone. Didn't this woman show any sign of it?
Jiang Jin deliberately said quietly: "Your apology is too insincere, so I can't forgive you."
Li Beixiao couldn't help but be stunned, his dark eyes full of disbelief.
Is it because they went too far last night that this woman is unwilling to forgive them?
Li Xichen also had a look on his face.
He didn't seem to expect this outcome.
He became a little angry and jumped up to take back the two roses.
"This is a rose, a flower for your girlfriend, but you gave it to me, your biological mother."
Jiang Jin sighed loudly, "You apologize later and remember to buy carnations, remember?"

Li Xichen's movements stiffened.
He said angrily: "I would like to apologize to you, but you are still picky. There will be no next time!"
"Xiao Bei should be better." Jiang Jin knelt down and said with a smile, "Xiao Bei, put your head here."
Li Beixiao simply couldn't refuse.
He took two steps and put his head in front of Jiang Jin.
Jiang Jin turned her head.
Kissed him on the cheek.

Her phone captured the moment.
Li Beixiao was stunned.
He touched the side of his face in disbelief. The soft touch made him feel as if he was floating on the clouds.
Like a dream...

Li Xichen was also stunned.
This woman actually kissed Xiaobei.
After being shocked, he actually... felt a trace of desire.

"Do you also want to be kissed by me?" Jiang Jin looked at him with a smile, "Call mom, and I will kiss you."
"I'm not shouting."
Li Xichen turned around and left, opened the door and got into the car.

Jiang Jin couldn't help grinding her teeth: "You're a heartless brat. You don't even want to call me mother. Don't want me to hurt you again in the future!"
Li Beixiao raised his head.
The dark eyes showed the truest emotions.
After calling her mother last night, he felt that these two words were not so difficult to say.
He pursed his lips and said slowly: "Mom."
Jiang Jin lowered her head and looked at him.

She saw herself reflected in his eyes.
This gave her the illusion that she had entered his world.
When she looked at her like this, Li Beixiao's cheeks suddenly turned red. He lowered his head and said dullly: "Don't you like me calling you like this?"
"I like it! Of course I do!" Jiang Jin bent down and picked him up, "Come on, kiss me too."
Li Beixiao's eyes were shining.
He tentatively approached Jiang Jin's face cautiously and gently pressed a kiss on the side of her face.

This scene fell into Li Xichen's eyes.

He suddenly felt sour all over his body...

He pushed the car door hard and growled angrily: "I'm starving, can't we go home?!"
