FVB - 059

Chapter 59 You were borne by me

Jiang Jin was in a particularly happy mood.

She held the steering wheel, curved her lips and smiled: "You two performed so well today, why don't I take you out for a big dinner."
"Okay." Li Beixiao said obediently, "Can I go and eat KFC's children's meal?"
"KFC's food is not healthy. Children should not eat too much."
"But I've never tasted it..." Li Beixiao's voice was soft, "Just this once, I want to taste what it tastes like."
The little guy's soft and waxy voice made Jiang Jin's heart soften.
Without saying a word, she got down and drove to the nearest KFC store.
Li Xichen crossed his arms over his chest and snorted heavily.
He was so upset that this woman didn't even come to comfort him. He expressed that he was very angry!
Jiang Jin glanced at him in the rearview mirror: "Xiao Xi, don't you like KFC? Why don't I take you home first?"
Li Xichen: "!!"
What should I do if I get even more angry?!
He snorted coldly: "For the sake of your sincere invitation to me, then go ahead."

Jiang Jin: "..."
Which word means invitation? Can she take it back?

This kid acts like an uncle all the time, as if she owes him five million!
Five minutes later, the car stopped in front of KFC.
Today is not a weekend, so the customer flow in this store is not very large.
Jiang Jin ordered a family bucket and two children's set meals, and took the two little ones to sit by the window.
The children's package also comes with two toys, the simplest building blocks. When assembled, there are two supermen, which look very cute.

"Come, let's take a picture together."
Jiang Jin raised the phone and put her head close to them.
Li Xichen twitched the corners of his lips: "Did you take the wrong medicine today? Why do you have to take a picture of everything?"
She just took a picture of the card he drew, but he really didn’t know what to take a picture of.
"Third brother, if you don't like taking pictures, just step aside."
Li Beixiao pushed Li Xichen away and happily took a group photo with Jiang Jin.
The tips of his ears were a little red, and he said sheepishly: "Can you send me this group photo?"
Jiang Jin nodded cheerfully: "Then let's add WeChat first. Hey, you should have WeChat, right?"
Li Beixiao took out his mobile phone and scanned the QR code face to face with Jiang Jin to add friends.
Li Xichen: "..."
He is a big man, can you please stop ignoring him like this?
He angrily took a big bite of the hamburger and said nothing.
Jiang Jin picked up her phone, unexpectedly took a photo, and laughed loudly: "Someone looks like a puffer fish when he is angry."
Li Xichen glared at her: "You are infringing on my portrait rights."
"I gave birth to you. You are mine from head to toe. What's wrong with taking a picture of you?"
Jiang Jin fiddled with her cell phone, "Eat quickly, you have to go home and do your homework after eating."
Li Xichen twitched the corners of his mouth and said nothing more.
Although he was a little angry, he was actually not that angry. The woman who took his photo must have cared about him...
Jiang Jin gathered together nine pictures and posted them to a circle of friends—
"Take your sons out to eat KFC."
She immediately gave herself a like, then raised her head and said, "Xiao Bei, look at my circle of friends and remember to like it."

Li Beixiao took out his phone, refreshed his circle of friends, and saw the Nine Palaces Grid Diagram.
The first picture shows him and his third brother drawing cards in the classroom, the second picture shows two roses, the third and fourth pictures show two cards, the fifth, sixth and seventh pictures are of him and Jiang Jin, and the ninth picture Zhang is a solo photo of Li Xichen, looking angry and made into a pufferfish emoticon by Jiang Jin. He looks very cute.
Li Beixiao gave a thumbs up.
At the same time, a warm current slowly flowed through his heart.
In the past, this woman always denied their mother-son relationship and did not allow them to reveal that she was their mother in front of everyone.

But now, she actually posted such a sentence directly in the circle of friends.
She truly regarded them as sons.
This feels so good...
Li Xichen, who was standing next to him, saw that Li Beixiao was looking very attentively and couldn't help but glance at him.
Then he saw himself being made into a meme.
He pushed away the chair and stood up, with an angry face: "Don't go too far!"
Jiang Jin took a bite of chicken wings leisurely: "Classmate Li Xichen, please understand that you are my son, and I took this photo. I only share it in my circle of friends. These are all here. Where does my legitimate rights and interests go too far?”
Li Xichen was furious.
He found that he couldn't defeat this woman!

He sat down on his chair, and suddenly a cold liquid fell on his face on the left side.
He turned around and saw a three- or four-year-old boy playing with iced Coke. The Coke rushed over and wet his coat all over.

The child made an arrogant face at Li Xichen without any intention of apologizing.
Li Xichen has never been a kind person.
He picked up the orange juice at hand and poured it on the other party without hesitation.
The child burst into tears.
"Dad, this boy bullied me, wow wow, my clothes are all wet!"
A man in his thirties sitting next to him immediately stood up and walked towards Li Xichen.

Jiang Jin had already stepped in front of Li Xichen.
She crossed her arms and said with a smile: "Just now your son spilled Coca-Cola on my son, and I didn't intervene. Now my son accidentally spilled orange juice on your son. You don't know how to be a father. Do you still want to help your son bully him back?"
What she said was reasonable and well-founded, and she completely gained the upper hand.
Her slightly raised phoenix eyes showed a bit of coldness, and the corner of her lips curled up into a faint smile.
She is petite in stature, but she has a trace of aura.
The middle-aged man looked at her and suddenly felt that she looked familiar. He narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "We have met before."
Jiang Jin sneered: "Sir, this kind of conversation has long been outdated. Can you try another method?"

"We did meet once at Mr. Li's 80th birthday party." The middle-aged man pushed up his glasses and suddenly became a gentleman, "My surname is Gou, my name is Gou Feng, and I am ranked No. 1 in the Gou family. Second, people who are familiar with me will call me Gou Er."
Jiang Jin: "..."
Why not call him Ergou? It would look more friendly.
Even when she goes out for a meal, she can meet the Gou family, the sworn enemies of the Li family. She is unlucky.
Jiang Jin forced a smile: "Mr. Gou, nice to meet you."
Gou Feng smiled slightly: "Since we are so lucky to meet each other, why don't we all join a table to eat, so that the children can have fun together."
"We've finished eating now. Let's eat together next time we have a chance." Jiang Jin waved, "Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, let's go home."
The two children stood up with their schoolbags and walked out with her.

A flash of light flashed at the end of Gou Feng's eyes.
In less than a month, the Li Group will be trampled under their feet by the Gou family.
How arrogant this woman is now, how humbly she will prostrate herself under his jeans a month later...
