ADMKSF - 013.1

In just a few seconds, Lin You's mind was filled with a picture that made people shudder—

The cheap son Pei Ye was addicted to the female anchor and spent all his money on gifts. As a result, he was unable to eat three meals a day and starved to death on the street within a few days. On the first day of starvation, the hot search push on the entire Internet became the top trend in the underworld.

And she, a flowery girl, finally came back from the cruel apocalypse. Before she could enjoy an ordinary and warm life, she rolled her eyes and disappeared.

Lin You: "..."

Don't let her and Pei Ye use the cemetery that Pei Henan had chosen for Lin Chengkang.

The eyebrows were frowned fiercely, and the girl's eyebrows were twisted like caterpillars, with a face full of hopelessness. The temperature of the water in the bathtub gradually dropped. Although the temperature was very high in summer, it would not feel cold to take a cold water shower. However, Lin You quickly stood up from the bathtub, dried her body and returned to the room with her mobile phone.

Pei Henan looked at the intermittent "The other party is typing" on the dialog box and could probably guess Lin You's complicated mood. Although he doesn't know the reason, judging from the conversations in recent days, Lin You seems to be focusing on being a good and responsible mother.

Now that she heard that her son was spending money to reward the female anchor, she is probably furious.

He raised his eyelids and saw Pei Ye coming down the stairs. No matter how mature a young man is, the naughty nature in his bones cannot be eradicated. He saw Pei Ye holding the handrail of the stairs with one hand, taking a step with his long legs, exerting force on his waist, and landed safely on the ground before turning around. He hummed and walked to the refrigerator and took out an apple.

When he opened his mouth to bite, Pei Ye seemed to notice that his father was staring at him. He paused, with a bit of suspicion and uneasiness in his eyes, and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

Pei Henan withdrew his gaze, unbuttoned the collar of his shirt with his slender fingers and loosened it. His posture on the sofa became more casual, and even his voice was a little careless.

But when he heard the content, Pei Ye's face twitched severely.

"It's nothing. Your mother heard that you spent money to buy gifts for a female anchor and is very angry now."

Pei Ye: "?"


When did he give gifts to a female anchor?

Just as he was about to spit out the curse words, Pei Ye suddenly remembered something, his expression suddenly changed, and he asked in shock: "Does she know it's me?"

"She doesn't know yet." Pei Henan looked at him with a half-smile, "But if you want, I can tell her now."

Pei Ye: "..."

During the silence, Pei Ye found that his phone vibrated. Looking down, what was displayed on the screen was the message sent by Lin You. Above it was a forwarded Internet post:

[Young people are addicted to online live broadcasts. They reward the anchors with tens of thousands of yuan in two hours, spending all their family savings! The mother cried loudly and begged the live broadcast platform to return the reward amount. ]

Pei Ye: "..."

It was obvious that his mother really didn't know who the female anchor he was giving gifts to was.

Otherwise, the post being forwarded now should be [The child at home is so shameless that he was beaten twice, cried loudly, and shouted: I really don’t dare anymore! ]

While Pei Ye wrinkled his face and was speechless, Lin You tried hard to organize her words in order to persuade teenagers from the terrible situation of accidentally going astray:

I just heard about your reward for female anchors. Mom thinks you are not an adult yet, so this kind of thing can be put aside for the time being. The most important thing for you now is to eat and drink yourself well and study hard. You see, you and your dad work hard every day doing odd jobs and finally make money. You must first meet your own survival needs, right?

After a pause, the message came again.

Lin You: So, is the platform you watch the live broadcast on a serious live broadcast platform? Can rewards given by teenagers be refunded?

Pei Ye glanced at his father, turned around and asked: What should I do if I can't be refunded?

Lin You's eyes lit up, and she swept away the dejection just now, and said quickly: Send me the link. If you successfully report the spam, the platform will reward you with 100,000 yuan, and you will be given 50,000 yuan [cute]

Pei Ye: "..."

Pei Ye tried hard to be a mature child in front of his father, at least not using foul language. However, after seeing the latest news from Lin You, he couldn't help but cursed after holding it in for a long time: Foolish.

How come there is such a weird and amazing woman in this world?

Pei Ye took a deep breath, lowered his head and typed: After asking, I can withdraw.

Lin You: That’s such a pity.

[Lin You withdrew a message]

Lin You: That’s great.

Pei Ye: "..."

After successfully explaining the truth to her son, Lin You opened the dialogue with Pei Henan again. In fact, she felt that this matter was quite serious, and she should make a serious phone call with Pei Henan to talk it over, but when she thought that the two of them were still a couple in name only, Lin You felt strangely embarrassed.

So she finally decided to communicate via text.

Lin You: I just talked to Aye. He is a good boy and can listen to reason. He also said that the money can be returned, please help and pay attention. Yes, I know that visiting cemeteries is very profitable, but he is not yet an adult, so you give him the money to keep.

Pei Henan narrowed his eyes and curled his lips: Yes, I understand.

Lin You: Hard-working husband [Love]

Pei Henan: My hard-working wife is the one, you are still filming the show, and you have to worry about A Ye [cute]

The friendly and harmonious exchange between husband and wife ended here. Lin You exited the dialog box with satisfaction, dried her hair and went to bed to rest.

The night breeze was cool, and all the moonlight outside the window fell on the fields and made shadows. In a dreamless night, she fell into a deep sleep. Lin You had a good sleep. When she opened her eyes the next day, she could hear the chirping of birds in her ears. She got up early as usual, washed up and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

It was still early, the live broadcast room had not yet been opened, and the conversation between the director team and other staff members seemed a lot more unscrupulous. The Director and his assistant gathered together to look at their mobile phones. After saying hello, she casually asked: "What are you looking at?"

"Xiao Lin, are you up so early again?" The chief director looked away from the phone, glanced at her, and then stretched out his hand to call her over.

Lin You went over to take a look, only to realize that what these people were reading was not Internet gossip, but a piece of news released by the official media— a crocodile escape occurred in a crocodile farm two days ago. Fortunately, all the crocodiles had been caught.

The most surprising aspect of the incident is where the crocodile escaped.

"We took a look and found that the crocodile farm was in a nearby village. According to the escape route, it was possible for these big guys to escape along the river bank to Daxian Village. Fortunately, we were lucky and we didn't meet each other in the past two days."

Otherwise there will be big news again.

Public opinion is a trivial matter. It would be really bad if someone got hurt.

Lin You nodded. Since the crocodiles were captured, there was nothing to worry about. She said hello to the director, went to water the vegetables, and then walked around several nearby fish ponds. There are still some fish in these fish ponds, which the villagers packed together and gave to Lin You. Lin You bent down and waved her hand in the fish pond. Soon the spiritual spring water merged into the original pond water.

She stood up and noticed the big fish leaping across the water.

After quietly changing the water in several fish ponds in this way, Lin You sniffed the fresh air and walked back slowly.
