ADMKSF - 024.1

The zombie film Bai Hang is going to shoot is called "Retrograde" and the filming location is Studio 6 of Tongshi Cinema. There are many hotels and restaurants near the movie theater. Lin You took Pei Ye to Bai Hangding's hotel, put down her luggage and had lunch with Pei Ye.

Pei Ye took a photo and sent it to the group chat of "A Loving Family".

They had sweet and sour fish for lunch. The sweetness and sourness were balanced just right. The fish was very tender. Pei Ye liked it very much and ate two bowls of rice with the soup. Of course, the vegetables on the table cannot be ignored.

"Sent a message to your dad?"

Pei Ye hummed, and when he lowered his head, he saw a new reply in the family group, which was also a photo of lunch. However, compared to their big meal, Pei Henan's lunch seemed extremely casual.

A bowl of white rice and a small bowl of cabbage.

The cabbage must have been stir-fried and had no meaty flavor at all, which made Pei Ye feel unappetizing.

However, his father has never attached great importance to food. It is not like his hands and feet that become weak if he does not eat meat, and his whole body feels uncomfortable if he eats vegetables. Pei Ye didn't take it seriously, but when he raised his eyes, he saw that Lin You's face didn't look good.

Lin You was also looking at the photos on her phone, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, and she asked bluntly: Is this what you have for dinner? How can you just eat vegetarian food? We still have beef at home, and you can stir-fry it after defrosting it.

Pei Henan: I work outside, and there is a boxing gym that is hiring cleaners. This is their lunch.

Lin You: "?"

The quality of this lunch is too bad!

Lin You frowned and thought, not noticing that Pei Ye's eyes rolled around quietly. He picked up the phone again and sent a private message to his father: Dad, my mother said you wanted her autographed photo to give to your senior brother?

Pei Henan's message didn't come quickly, but it only contained the word "hmm".

Pei Ye stared at it for a while, thinking that his father was really generous. After closing the dialog box between the two of them, he went to find his little senior brother again. As soon as he mentioned this matter, a series of ellipses came from the other side.

Pei Ye: My dad didn’t give it to you?

Senior Brother: He gave it.

Pei Ye: Then why don’t you look happy at all?

The young senior brother took a photo of Lin You's signature without expression and sent it to Pei Ye. When this photo suddenly appeared in front of Pei Ye's eyes, Pei Ye almost lost his temper when he stared at the mosaic on his face.

But his senior brother also said bluntly: Would you be happy if it were you? I think you are not very happy either, this dog has more dignity than you.

Pei Ye: "..."

In the silence, his senior brother quickly said: "No more talking, I'm going to practice boxing."

He doesn't know if it was his imagination, but since Pei Ye left, he seems to have been the one who was drilled hard and the amount of practice increased.

When Bai Hang heard that Lin You and her son had arrived at the hotel, he immediately dropped what he was doing. As soon as he saw Pei Ye's green, clean and handsome face, Bai Hang clicked his tongue and began to lament that he was very handsome when he was young and had many girls chasing after him. Then he curiously asked Pei Ye a series of questions:

"You are sixteen this year? Which high school did you go to? How were your grades? Does your mother usually beat you?"

When Pei Ye heard the last question, he glanced at his mother subconsciously, but Lin You kept looking at her phone, so he quickly shook his head: "Why would my mother beat me for nothing? She is very gentle."

Especially when she forces him to eat vegetables.

The most gentle.

Bai Hang and Pei Ye had quite a common topic. They chatted for almost twenty minutes and kept chattering. It wasn't until Bai Hang started looking for a kettle to drink water that he noticed that Lin You, who had been ignored by them, kept her head hanging down and her white fingers kept tapping the tip of the phone. The girl's slightly frowned eyebrows and worry on her face were obvious, as if she was troubled by something.

"What are you doing? You keep holding your phone."

Lin You didn't even raise her head: "Chat with my husband."

Bai Hang: "..."

The man turned around, put his arm around the boy's shoulders and asked softly: "Are your parents usually so clingy?"

Pei Ye laughed awkwardly: "Yeah, right? After all, they have a good relationship."

Upon hearing this, Bai Hang became interested. He and Lin You were friends during the filming of "Pastoral Life", and his impression of Lin You also changed from bad to good, but he really didn't know Lin You well. This also caused him to be particularly surprised when he saw Lin You being exposed as her husband and son and actively admitting it. He could tell that Pei Ye was young and Lin You didn't want him to show his face in front of the media, but she didn't seem to want to be secretive about her husband.

This really requires a good relationship.


"How good is a relationship? Give me an example."

It was just a casual question at first, but it really knocked Pei Ye down. Although his parents usually showed a deep love for each other, Pei Ye raised his hand and touched his forehead, covering up the guilty look that showed for a moment, and lowered his voice very low before saying: "Just, just like this morning, I accidentally dragged my mother down, and my father was obviously not in good health, but he reacted faster than my mother and hurriedly supported her."

After speaking, he paused and then quietly glanced at Lin You. Seeing that Lin You was still communicating with Pei Henan, and probably couldn't hear their conversation, Pei Ye gradually became more confident: "My dad usually coughs several times when he takes two steps, and his body is so weak that a gust of wind can blow him. But he doesn't do anything. He doesn’t mind if he falls down, just to support my mother.”

Bai Hang imagined that scene for a moment.

He remembered that Pei Henan's face in the photo was indeed not good. Although his smile looked like the moonlight on the horizon, showing a thin tenderness, his weakness could also be seen. If such a person were hit, half his life would probably be lost. But Pei Henan knew this, but he still stepped forward unwaveringly.

It seems that he really likes Lin You.

It was not known if it was the emotion on Bai Hang's face that gave Pei Ye courage. The young man quickly added a few words: "My mother usually feels sorry for my father and won't let him go into the kitchen to help. She even said that if my father didn't live anymore, she will follow along."

Bai Hang: "..."

After three seconds of silence, Bai Hang took a breath.

The man unconsciously muttered, "It's such a touching love." He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Lin You.

His mind gradually had a very clear and detailed picture of Lin You dying for love and dying tragically.

Quickly shaking off this penetrating scene, the man's eyes gradually focused back on Lin You, but he was caught off guard and met Lin You's rather complicated gaze.

Bai Hang didn't think too much, he just raised his hand and patted her shoulder, and said with a serious face: "As your good friend, I hope your husband lives a long life."

Lin You: "..."

Lin You also didn't expect that just because she was worried about Pei Henan, her good son would start to exaggerate how much she and Pei Henan were in love in front of others.

Although— everything Pei Ye said is based on real events and real remarks.

Lin You's expression was a little stiff, but Bai Hang had recovered from the shock and was about to leave, but turned back: "Then do you want to take your husband over? The investors I brought here are not small and the money is not short, and since your husband lives with you, you don’t have to waste the money for a house, what do you think?”

Bai Hang's eyes were really sincere and he was making suggestions sincerely, but Lin You also saw another meaning in his eyes:

I'm really afraid that your husband, who is in poor health, will suddenly burp in an empty house and it will be too late to save him.

Lin You pressed her forehead: "He is at work."

Bai Hang: "Oh. Then contact him more often and ask for leave in time if there are any problems. I won't deduct your salary."
