ADMKSF - 024.2

The extra actors in the movie theater are very busy every day, and they may have to travel back and forth to several production crews in order to make a living. However, Bai Hang is a person who is very meticulous when it comes to filming, and very ugly when it comes to filming. He gave the extras enough wages and bought them an afternoon to learn zombies from Lin You.

Lin taught seriously, and the co-stars also studied seriously. As a director, Bai Hang took it even more seriously. He loves this industry and is not like some directors who just make decisions based on what they do. In Bai Hang's sight, if there is a supporting actor who has unique insights or talents in acting, he will pay special attention to it. No one can guarantee that there will be one Zhao Ziqi in the group performance that year, and there will be no second one.

However, after looking around for a long time, he felt that the one with the best acting skills was Lin You's son.

Although Pei Ye is tall and has long legs, his body is extremely obedient. His limbs can be twisted wherever he wants, but they don't appear soft and weak. The hardness of the boy's bones is quite obvious.

Bai Hang pulled his gaze back, with a face that had seen the world: "I didn't expect that your family's ability to play zombies is hereditary. Your son looks like he has great potential."

Lin You's eyes quickly found the young man hiding in the group performance. Although Pei Ye was young, he was handsome and many eyes around him were glued to him. He seemed completely unaware and was just using his own experience to teach the young extras next to him how to turn his arms to appear powerful. The young extras also studied hard and soon understood the essence.

The two young faces showed smiles at the same time.

Lin You was a little lost looking at Pei Ye's smile. Pei Ye didn't have many friends, and his relationship with his classmates was average. She heard that a student in the class had a birthday that day. Because his family was in good condition, he generously invited all his classmates to a restaurant for dinner, except Pei Ye.

In Lin You's mind, Pei Ye was probably the child who was targeted and rejected, often pitiful and helpless.

Now that she saw him and the people around him smiling happily, she, as a mother, felt very happy.

It seems like bringing him here is a good choice.

Pei Ye and the young man next to him named Fang Qi added each other on WeChat and chatted for a while before running to Bai Hang when the crowd dispersed. Although there are no photos of Pei Ye on the Internet, many people saw him at the time, and most of the crew members recognized him.

However, Bai Hang said that everyone in the crew has signed a confidentiality agreement, and some people will not be allowed to film if they don't want to.

Seeing him approaching, Lin You raised her hand and rubbed his head with a little smile in her eyes. She didn't say much. She just saw that it was late and took the child to dinner.

There was nothing special in the evening. Lin You used the search software to check nearby restaurants, and she discovered that there was a Nanjiang Restaurant not far away. Nanjiang Tower has become a chain and is famous throughout the country as early as Chen Yi's father's generation. In the past few years, due to the decrease in income, more than 20 houses have been closed down, but the Nanjiang Tower in the big city is still standing strong.

Pei Ye also liked Nanjiang Restaurant's one fish and three dishes. When he learned about Lin You's plan, he followed her excitedly, like a little tail, all the way to the Nanjiang Restaurant in the north of Tong City.

The Nanjiang Restaurant here is slightly higher than the one in Haishi, and it occupies a smaller area. Originally, Lin You only thought it was due to poor external conditions, but when they went inside, she realized that the problem was obviously more than just a little bit. There are many waiters in Nanjiang Tower, but the group of people in front of them all seem very unorganized. When they see a guest coming, they first glance at it lazily, then reluctantly walk to the side and ask: "Would you like to eat? How many people?"

They didn't even say hello.

Lin You couldn't help but frown slightly, and even Young Pei Ye, who was standing next to her, couldn't help but mutter: "Why does it feel like we are not welcome?"

Lin You didn't say anything for a while, and just took Pei Ye to the corner and sat down. The young waiter who was following the two of them threw the menu on the table, turned around and left. Lin You's eyes stayed on the other party for a while, she lowered her eyes and ordered the simplest dish of one fish and three dishes. When waiting for the waiter to come again, she asked: "What are the ingredients and ingredients for the three dishes of one fish and three dishes here? Is it the same as the one in Haishi Nanjiang Tower?"

Almost everyone at Haishi Nanjianglou's One Fish, Three Eats is famous for offering free events. The waiter said, "Of course it's the same. We are a branch and the raw materials we use come from the same place."

After saying that, when he turned around, he rolled his eyes and muttered: "Then you can just go to Haishi to eat."

Pei Ye's eyebrows twitched and he stared at the young man's back with unkind eyes.

The young man pursed his lips, moved to the side and was next to Lin You. He lowered his furry head and asked, "Mom, why don't we find another restaurant? This is Nanjiang Tower, the gap with the one in Haishi is also huge."

While they were talking, a figure hurriedly trotted to their table. She is a little girl who looks to be under twenty years old. She has a ponytail and her sideburns are pinned to the back of her head with black hairpins. The girl's pretty face showed a bit of embarrassment. She quickly said "I'm sorry" to Lin You and Pei Ye, and then started pouring tea.

Generally, most restaurants use wheat tea. The fried and dried wheat tea will have a quite pleasant fragrance. The last time Lin You had dinner with Chen Yi, she heard Chen Yi say that they put a lot of thought into buying their wheat tea. But now, the light yellow tea not only has no fragrance at all, but has even lost its temperature after falling into the bowl. It has obviously been steeped for a long time.

Lin You calmly took a sip, frowned, and put down the cup again. Her tone was neither salty nor bland: "Why is your water cold? It doesn't taste good when we drink it. It must have been there for a long time?"

The girl's face paled slightly.

In fact, she is not a formal employee of Nanjiang Building, she just came out to work during the summer vacation after finishing the college entrance examination. Summer workers like them couldn't give an exact or appropriate answer to Lin You's question. She could only lower her head and say sorry repeatedly, and then picked up the kettle to give them fresh hot water.

Seeing that her eyes were so frightened, Lin You rubbed her eyebrows and said helplessly: "Don't panic, this is not your problem. I'm just asking. If you know the reason, tell me. If you don't know, it's okay. It doesn't matter."

The girl seemed to hear the comfort in Lin You's words, and the tension in her heart dissipated a lot. She held the kettle and quietly glanced at the people around her. The lobby manager was nowhere to be seen, and the other waiters were doing their own things. She pursed her lips and lowered her voice: "The service here is not very good. The manager said there are not many people coming, so there is no need to change the water all the time."

After a pause, she suddenly added: "I heard that the boy who greeted you just now is a classmate of our boss's son."

The boss's son?

When did Chen Yi and Zhao Ziqi have a son, and judging from the classmate's appearance in his twenties, the son's age is probably about the same range.

She nodded to the girl, indicating that she understood, and asked her to rest.

As soon as the girl left, the surrounding atmosphere instantly became quiet again. No matter how stupid Pei Ye was, he realized that something was wrong. He sat obediently in his seat and pretended to be playing with his mobile phone without saying a word, but in fact, he quietly told his dad what happened.

At this moment, the one fish and three meals from Nanjiang Tower were finally served.

Three dishes were placed in front of the two of them. The fish head with chopped pepper looked bright red and seemed to be almost the same as the one at Haishi Nanjianglou. However, when the fish meat entered her mouth, the faint earthy smell easily exploded on Lin You's tongue. open.

With just one bite, she could completely confirm that this was not the fish in her pond.

The fish that can be sent to the Nanjianglou restaurant now are all fish whose water quality has been changed by her. Lingquan water cannot grow silver carp with such rubbish quality. Realizing this, Lin You lowered her eyes and covered the dark colors in them.
