FVB - 135

Chapter 135 Don’t let anyone call you stupid, the third brother is too overbearing

Jiang Jin was really tired.
In addition, the potion contained sleeping ingredients, so she fell into a deep sleep as soon as she closed her eyes.
Li Beixiao gently covered her with the quilt, and then quietly walked out of the ward with his three brothers.
The four children stood on the balcony outside the ward, with air-conditioning in everyone's eyes.
"Leave it to me to clarify this matter." Li Nanque said calmly, "I will directly disclose that Jiang Jin is my mother and deny the child abuse incident. No one will dare to say anything."
Li Dongjing looked at him: "After you make it public, your career will be affected, and the Li family will also attract too much attention. There is no need for it."
Li Nanque frowned: "Brother, don't you still want to defend that woman Mu Yingxuan?"
Hearing this, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao both raised their heads, looking at Li Dongjing with three pairs of dark eyes full of condemnation.
Li Dongjing: "..."
When did he say he wanted to defend Mu Yingxuan?
Can these three brothers calm down?
He tensed his jaw and said quietly: "I will go find Mu Yingxuan myself."
"No need." Li Beixiao picked up the phone and said, "Mu Yingxuan is holding a press conference. She should be preparing to clarify this matter."
Li Nanque was a little surprised: "That woman made Mu Yingxuan compromise with just one phone call?"

He thought Mu Yingxuan would put up a stubborn resistance.
Li Xichen sneered coldly: "I didn't expect Mu Yingxuan to still care about her daughter."
"Third brother, you are too stupid." Li Beixiao glanced at him, "Mu Yingxuan does not care about her daughter, but cares about her own status. If the news of her divorce spreads, she will no longer be the eldest daughter of the Mu family who is respected by everyone in Yuncheng. Third brother, what I said is so clear, do you understand?"
Li Xichen raised his hand angrily and slapped Li Beixiao on the back of the head: "You have to explain such a simple truth, so shut up!"

Li Beixiao: "..."
Even if you don't let anyone call you stupid, the third brother is too overbearing.
"You two are too noisy." Li Nanque said coldly, "Quiet and listen to what Mu Yingxuan has to say."
On the screen, the Mushi press conference was broadcast live.
This was an urgent press conference. The venue was relatively simple. The people sitting in the middle were Mu Yingxuan and Mrs. Mu's family.
Mu Yingxuan was wearing a snow-white lace floral dress and light makeup. Her eyes were slightly red, and she looked a bit pitiful.
The Mu family is not a big family, but because they invest in the entertainment industry and the movie is released today, the Mu family's press conference still attracted a lot of attention.
"Hello everyone, my name is Mu Yingxuan.

As soon as Mu Yingxuan spoke, her voice was hoarse and broken, as if she had cried.
The barrage exploded immediately.
"This was the most beautiful woman in Yunsheng in the past. Ten years later, she is still as beautiful as before."
"What happened? Why did Mu Yingxuan suddenly hold a press conference?"
"The Mu family invested in Director Wang's movie. Maybe it has something to do with this movie?
"The child abuse incident that appeared on the Internet today has had a huge impact on public opinion, which I did not expect."
Mu Yingxuan lowered her head slightly and spoke with difficulty, "My original intention was to call on parents to be kind to their children, so I hired someone to direct such a farce. The scenes in the video were staged and did not really happen."
"I just made a little joke with everyone. I didn't expect everyone to take it seriously. I was afraid that the public opinion would be fermented and it would be difficult to end, so I stood up to clarify the matter and solemnly apologize to everyone. I'm sorry!"
She stood up and bowed ninety degrees with a good attitude.
Netizens on the barrage were all shocked.
"Holy shit! Is the child abuse incident today staged? Damn it, I'm actually emotionally invested in it, and I'm actually boycotting the movie "Snow Without End". I'm such a fucking idiot!"
"Mu Yingxuan must be crazy. Why did she stage a video like this when she was full and had nothing to do... I have to say that the child's acting skills in the video were really good. I cried so much that my heart almost broke."

"Since it is a staged photo shoot, the official should quickly reduce the trending search results."
"Everyone should stop paying attention to this news."
"It's really killing people!"
Most netizens chose to believe Mu Yingxuan's clarification, but many people still questioned it.
"Didn't someone expose the child abuser named Jiang Jin? She indeed often abused children. How could it be staged?"
"There are also neighbors who came forward and said that all four children in Jiang Jin's family were abused when they were growing up. Is this also the navy trying to confuse the public?"
"Yes, I still remember someone saying that Jiang Jin's husband is a vegetable..."

"Miss Mu, please explain it to us clearly!"
This comment kept popping up on the barrage.
Mu Yingxuan glanced at the screen, and a dark light slowly swept across the end of her eyes.
Even if her plan is ruined, she will not make it easy for Jiang Jin!
That bitch Jiang Jin never admits to the outside world that she has four children, for fear of affecting her ability to play with women outside...
Then, let her help make it public...

"Jiang Jin does have four sons." Mu Yingxuan said in a soft voice, "She has always provided normal education to the children and there has been no abuse. As for her husband who is in a vegetative state... this is Jiang Jin's personal privacy and it is not convenient for me to say, that’s it for today’s press conference, goodbye.”
After she finished speaking, she turned off the live broadcast.
The popularity on the Internet has not dissipated.
"Damn it! She actually have four sons! Can you still have four babies these days?"

"People have money to invest in movies, but they don't have money to pay the fine for having a child. Isn't it surprising?"
"What I'm more surprised about is, does she really have a husband who is in a vegetative state?"
"Judging from Mu Yingxuan's tone, it should be true..."
"Why do I feel that this woman Jiang Jin is a bit... miserable?"
The two elders of the Meng family were also watching the news.
"Why is this girl of this family so pitiful..." Mrs. Meng couldn't help but sigh, "She gave birth to four sons at a young age. She not only had to raise the children, but also took care of her husband who was in a vegetative state. Occasionally she got angry. I don’t think it’s a big deal to hit a disobedient child, and it’s completely understandable.”
"Isn't it?" Mr. Meng answered, "It would be great if our family could have four grandchildren. How lively it would be..."
"Come on, you!" Mrs. Meng said angrily, "Instead of hoping that heartless bitch Meng Shen wants to get married and have children, why not send more people to find our granddaughter... Our granddaughter of the Meng family is living outside like this. After so many years, I don’t know what kind of suffering she had suffered..."

Meng Shen, who had just reached the door of the suite, suddenly stopped in his steps.
The granddaughter of the Meng family?

His child living outside is not a son, but a daughter?!
So he was wrong from the start?
Meng Shen's eyes widened.
