FVB - 117

Chapter 117 Meng Shen was imprisoned

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao protected each other and took a step back.
Although the person in front of them covered himself tightly, they still recognized him. He was the popular singer Meng Shen.
This Meng Shen is really weird, and his eyes are very strange every time he looks at them.
"Children, don't be afraid, I am your Uncle Meng."
Meng Shen took off his mask and sunglasses, revealing what he thought was a gentle smile.
Li Xichen stretched out his hand to protect Li Beixiao behind him and said in a cold voice: "You come to us again and again. What do you want to do?"
"Ahem!" Meng Shen squatted down, "I'm not a bad person, and I don't have any bad intentions. I just want to borrow something from you."
Li Xichen narrowed his eyes: "What?"
"Just..." Meng Shen was a little embarrassed to say it, but he still spoke, "Borrow me some hair."
Now that Jiang Jin's girl is not here, he only needs to successfully deceive these two boys, which is not too difficult.
"You should know, I'm a singer. I'm going to hold a singers' party soon, and I need the hair of a hundred people to make a wig..."
Meng Shen said with difficulty, "I have a close affinity with you two, and I like your hair very much. Can you lend me a few hairs, right?"
Li Beixiao coldly refused.

That bad woman Hua Lili tried every means to get her mother's hair, and this Meng Shen wanted his and his third brother's hair again and again... This thing was unusual in every way, and they absolutely couldn't agree to it.

Meng Shen's smile was a bit unbearable: "It's just two hairs. It's such a big deal, why can't it be done?"
He touched his lower back and took out a pair of shining silver scissors.
"I'll just cut off two of them. It won't hurt or itch, and it won't have any impact on your body."
He held the scissors and approached the two children step by step.
Li Xichen pulled Li Beixiao back step by step.
The two children were quickly pressed against the wall...
A smile appeared on Meng Shen's lips, and he successfully held down Li Beixiao's little head, which was moving around. The scissors were getting closer and closer to the short black hair...
Between the lightning and flint—
Li Xichen suddenly took out a brick from his schoolbag, pointed it at Meng Shen's head and slapped it down.
The scissors fell to the ground.

Meng Shen's eyes widened and he fell down.
The second before he lost consciousness, he was still thinking that he was indeed a descendant of their Meng family, and this violent method was exactly the same as his...
Li Beixiao quickly knelt down and stretched out his hand to feel Meng Shen's breath.
"Still alive, not dead."
Li Xichen put the bricks back into his schoolbag and said calmly: "What should we do now?"
"He is a big star and has as many fans as the second brother. If anyone sees this scene, we are probably doomed." Li Beixiao rolled his eyes, "Third brother, how about this..."

Teacher Shi was reading outside. The soundproofing effect of the office was very good. She basically couldn't hear any sound inside.
Suddenly, something heavy fell to the ground and made a loud noise.
Teacher Shi wanted to rush in, but he still held back. After two minutes, loud crying suddenly erupted in the office...
Teacher Shi kicked open the office door and saw the two children, who had always been extremely cold-blooded, hugging each other and crying...
And Mr. Meng fell unconscious on the ground, and a pair of sharp scissors with a cold light fell from his side...
Teacher Shi's heartbeat suddenly skipped half a beat.
She walked over quickly and saw that Meng Shen didn't have any injuries on his body. Then she tried to check his breathing and his breathing was steady. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that nothing big happened.
She knelt down and took the two crying children into her arms and comforted them: "Good boys, stop crying. The teacher was wrong. I shouldn't have left you alone in the office. I'm sorry, stop crying..."
Teacher Shi just gave them a few words of coaxing.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao stopped crying in unison.
The two people's eyes were dark and clear, and it was impossible to tell that they had just cried loudly.
Teacher Shi didn't think much and asked softly: "Why is Mr. Meng unconscious? What happened just now?"
"He, he is a trafficker!" Li Beixiao looked panicked. "He wanted to abduct us and sell us. Fortunately, my brother brought a weapon in his schoolbag and knocked him unconscious. Otherwise, we would have been abducted and sold to the mountains…”

These words made Teacher Shi's heart almost beat out of her chest.
She didn't even confirm the man's identity, so she brought two students over to meet Mr. Meng.
If Mr. Meng really succeeded in taking away the two children, the consequences... She shuddered just thinking about it.
"Li Xichen, Li Beixiao, you two, don't be afraid. There are teachers and schools here, and no one dares to abduct you."
Teacher Shi touched the frightened faces of the two children and said, "You guys should take a rest in the office first. The teacher will call the police and have the police arrest the bad guy."
Teacher Shi calmed the two children for a few minutes before getting up and calling the police.
When passing by Meng Shen who fell to the ground, Teacher Shi felt that this person looked familiar for some reason. Why did he look so much like a singer...
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao looked at each other, and they raised the corners of their lips in unison, revealing a proud smile.
If you want to plot against them, even ten Meng Shen will not be enough.

Shangri-La Hotel.
The two elders of the Meng family were lying on the terrace of the presidential suite reading the newspaper.
In the past few days since they came to Yuncheng from the capital, their pace of life has slowed down a lot, and for the first time they have experienced the comfort of retirement.

If they can successfully find their granddaughter, then their lives will be complete.
At this moment, Meng Haotian's cell phone rang, it was an unfamiliar local number.

He thought it was another call from people from the company group in Yuncheng, so he hung up immediately.
Just as he hung up, the phone rang again.
Meng Haotian took the trouble. He came to Yuncheng to have more important things to do and didn't want to talk about project cooperation.
He coldly turned off his phone.
"Buzz buzz!"
This time, it was Mrs. Meng's cell phone that vibrated.
"Meng Haotian, hurry up and pick it up for me!" Mrs. Meng said angrily, "Do you still want me to handle those messy things in your company?"
Meng Haotian had no choice but to pick up the phone and press the connect button.
"Is this Mrs. Meng?"
A serious and rigid voice came from the other end of the phone.
Meng Haotian said coldly: "The Meng family does not plan to invest in any industry in Yuncheng. Please stop calling and harassing me..."
"Mr. Meng, right? This is Yuncheng Police Station!" The person opposite said coldly, "Is Meng Shen your son?"
Meng Haotian frowned: "What's wrong?"

"It's like this. Meng Shen is suspected of a child abduction case and is currently being detained at the Public Security Bureau. Please come over here, the parents."

Meng Haotian: "??"

Being a star isn't exciting enough, why did he want to experience being a human trafficker?
