FVB - 116

Chapter 116 The duplicitous brat

Li Dongjing was wearing a black suit. The well-tailored suit wrapped around his body. The nine-year-old child actually looked like an adult.
His black leather shoes stepped on the carpet, and an aura spread silently.
He didn't even look at the dining room and walked straight out of the villa.
Jiang Jin was sitting at the dining table. Looking over from her angle, she could just see the sharp edges and corners of Li Dongjing's profile.
Last night, she gave all the huge sum of money she had finally earned to this guy, and he actually treated her as air...
She put down her chopsticks and said angrily: "Li Dongjing!"
The three words "name and surname" suddenly rang out in the dining room.
Li Nanque, who had always had a dark face, suddenly became happy.
This woman was at least willing to call him Aque...
Compared with his elder brother, he doesn't seem so miserable...
Li Dongjing paused, turned his head slowly, pursed his lips and said, "What's the matter?"

"Eat breakfast before going to the company." Jiang Jin said coldly, "If you faint from hunger, I will have to take you to the hospital. How can I have so much time to take care of you?"
Her tone was fierce, with a hint of impatience.
Li Dongjing felt like he was being noticed.
This woman finally stopped taking him for granted... He never expected to get along with her like Xiaoxi Xiaobei, nor did he expect to get along with her like Zhang Ma...
He stepped forward, walked over slowly, and sat in the farthest seat.
Jiang Jin pursed her lips.
This guy is still angry with her.
Just because she beat Mu Yingxuan that day...
She won't regret it after all the beatings.
The next time she meets Mu Yingxuan and acts like a monster, she will slap her across the face without hesitation.
A group of five people, one large, four small, were having breakfast quietly at the dining table.
After eating breakfast, Jiang Jin took the two little ones out and drove them to school.
As soon as the car drove out of the iron gate, Hua Lili drove a convertible car parked on the roadside...
She lowered the window and looked surprised: "Jinjin, isn't it? How come you have become the mother-in-law of these two brats and you still have to send them to school?"
Jiang Jin frowned.

Hua Lili seems to have come to Li's house too many times recently.
What the hell is she trying to do?
She said coldly: "What are you doing here?"
"Jinjin, I'm looking for you to go shopping." Hua Lili blinked innocently, "We haven't gone shopping for a long time, and the beauty salon membership card we signed up for last time is about to expire. Let's do some maintenance together, okay?

Look at you, you must be exhausted recently. There are two more wrinkles on your face, and your skin is a lot drier, especially your hair... Your hair style is not good-looking at all. It makes you look older by at least ten years, not as good as me. Let's get a haircut and hairstyle first? "
Jiang Jin sneered.
Hair again... Why does Hua Lili want her hair so persistently?
Is it really like Zhang Ma said, using her hair to put a curse on her?
In her previous life, she didn't believe in these stories about ghosts and gods, but she has traveled through time in a novel, so what else is impossible?
She curled her lips coldly and said, "Okay, I'll do my hair style with you after I send the kids off. You go to the usual place and wait for me."
Hua Lili was so happy that she lost her temper: "Jinjin, I'll pay for today's expenses. Just treat it as my apology. You must come."
Jiang Jin waved her hand and the car sped away.
Watching the car disappear on the road, Hua Lili's lips curled into a sneer.
Yesterday, she went to the dean mother to inquire about the Meng family. It turned out that the two elders of the Meng family were looking for a girl who was sent to the orphanage in March 28 years ago. She and Jiang Jin were sent to the orphanage in June. They are not on the list. No wonder no calls from the Meng family came to her mobile phone for so many days...
It is said that the two elders of the Meng family have found all eight girls and conducted paternity tests one by one, but the results were not satisfactory.

If the search scope is expanded, she and Jiang Jin will sooner or later come into the sight of the two elders of the Meng family.
She had to get Jiang Jin's hair with hair follicles, and she had to make the paternity test successful...
The wind whistled past the car window.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were sitting on the child seats in the back seat, and the two children looked at each other with great understanding.
Li Beixiao hesitated for a few seconds, and finally said: "Mom, do you really want to go shopping with that woman to get your hair done?"
Jiang Jin held the steering wheel and asked, "What's wrong?"
"That woman obviously has ulterior motives." Li Xichen opened his lips coldly, "If you weren't a fool, you shouldn't go."
Jiang Jin couldn't help but laugh: "Why, are you afraid that she will plot against me?"

Li Xichen twitched the corners of his lips: "You are such a big woman, it is my turn to worry?"
"A duplicitous brat."
Jiang Jin couldn't help but shook her head.
She glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that the two little guys had slumped faces, obviously very worried about her.
"Don't worry, I won't go." She said softly, "You guys should be obedient and go to school. If you behave well, you will be rewarded."
Li Beixiao blinked his dark eyes: "Mom, are you really not going?"
"How can I spend such a good time with someone I hate?"
Jiang Jin opened the car door and got out of the car, leading the two children to the school gate. "Come in quickly. I'll pick you up in the evening."
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao nodded, turned around and walked back to the classroom.
Seeing that Li Beixiao was still frowning, Li Xichen said calmly: "If she is really tricked, we can just teach her a lesson. What a big deal."
As soon as the two of them walked into the classroom and before they sat down, Teacher Shi waved: "Li Xichen, Li Beixiao, someone is looking for you in the office, come with me."
The two little guys didn't have time to put down their schoolbags, so they turned around and followed Teacher Shi out.

In the bright and tidy office, there was a man standing. He was wearing black casual clothes, a peaked cap on his head, sunglasses, and a black mask, covering himself from head to toe.
Hearing footsteps coming from the door, the man turned around, his eyes shining sharply behind his sunglasses.
"Mr. Meng, I brought Li Xichen and Li Beixiao to you. You can chat slowly."
Teacher Shi led the two children in and then gently closed the door.
In the past, she would just go straight to work.
But Mr. Meng's dress was so weird that she was a little worried about the two students, so she took a book and stood at the door of the office to read.
Meng Shen looked at the two children in front of him. The more he looked at them, the more he felt that they were exactly the same as when he was a child.
He has just inquired with Teacher Shi. These two children have been in school for two years, but their father has never appeared...
In other words, the two children have no father at all!
These are the twins of their Meng family!

He must confirm this today!
