FVB - 115

Chapter 115 The drama of four children competing for favor

The Li family villa is located halfway up the mountain and has an excellent environment.
Late at night in the summer, the cicadas chirp and the frogs chirp constantly, making it even more peaceful and easy to fall asleep.
As soon as Jiang Jin lay down on the soft big bed, she fell into a deep sleep.
The soft moonlight shines in from the window, and the room is clear and bright. Her satin-like black hair is spread messily on the pillow, and her palm-sized face has lost the coldness and sharpness of the day, just like a little kitten nestled on the bed.
Li Yunting's knuckled hand stretched out and placed it next to her slender ear, pinched her earlobe and rubbed it gently.
He slowly moved his head over and gently took her soft lips into his mouth.
She doesn't want a divorce, and he doesn't want a divorce either.
He would repay everything the Li family owed her.
Jiang Jin felt like she had had a beautiful dream. In the dream, her body was extremely comforted. This feeling was so real that she was still nostalgic for it when she woke up...
She rubbed her eyes and sat up, looking to her side.
Li Yunting closed his eyes, his cold and resolute facial features were gorgeous but showed a hint of indifference. His lips were very thin, like a sharp blade, with an inexplicable chill.

Jiang Jin stared at him for a long time, then suddenly frowned.
Before going to bed last night, this man's head was clearly in the middle of the pillow. Why did his position seem to be a little closer to her when she woke up early in the morning?
She frowned and lifted the quilt a little, and saw that the man's arms, which were originally hanging by his sides, seemed to have changed their posture slightly...
Does this mean that this man moved while sleeping last night?
A vegetative person can move his position independently. Does this mean he will wake up soon?
Jiang Jin rolled out of bed in excitement. She sat on the carpet and dialed Dr. Sun's number on her mobile phone.
"Dr. Sun, last night Li Yunting moved his position while sleeping. Does this mean that he has regained his self-consciousness and will wake up soon?"
Dr. Sun on the other end of the phone paused for a moment before realizing that Mrs. Li didn't know yet that Mr. Li had regained consciousness.
"Mr. Li has been undergoing rehabilitation these days. His brain's ability to perceive the body should have improved by at least 50%." Dr. Sun coughed and said, "He can move his body autonomously at night. This is a good thing. If you continue to do rehabilitation, Mr. Li will be able to walk and live a normal life soon after waking up..."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jin felt a little complicated.
She hoped that this man would wake up soon.
And she was afraid that he would wake up suddenly.
Why she was afraid... She couldn't explain this feeling herself.
Jiang Jin washed up and changed clothes, then opened the door and went downstairs. As soon as she reached the stairs, she saw Li Nanque coming down from the third floor.
This kid was wearing a silver rivet costume today, with colorful hair flying in the air, and the faint blue earrings gave him the arrogance and vigor of a young boy.
Jiang Jin curved her lips and revealed a smile: "Aque, good morning."
Li Nanque held his pocket with one hand, his temperament was cold and a little bit crazy.
He glanced at Jiang Jin.

A few days ago, he would have ignored her at all.
But last night they seemed to have buried the hatchet...
Li Nanque coughed against his lips, then lightly parted his lips: "Um."
A brief sound seemed to be squeezed out from the chest, making him appear cold and inviolable.
Jiang Jin: "..."
She said good morning, shouldn't this guy say good morning back? What does "um" mean?
At this time.

Li Xichen walked out of the room. He was wearing jeans and jeans, and he was extremely cold.
He walked up to Jiang Jin and said calmly: "Good morning."
The voice was light and seemed a little absent-minded.
But compared to this guy Li Nanque, Xiao Xi's performance is already very good.
Jiang Jin bent down and pinched Li Xichen's face: "Good morning, Xiaoxi, how did you sleep last night?"

Li Xichen allowed his face to be pinched into various shapes, and said without changing his expression: "It's okay."
Li Nanque next to him suddenly became unhappy.
He has already responded to this woman, why is this woman ignoring him again?
He snorted coldly, turned around and went downstairs.
Li Xichen secretly curled his lips.
If he can't compete with Xiaobei, can he still not compete with the second brother?
"Mom, good morning."
Just as he said that, Li Beixiao opened the door and walked out.
He was wearing a white sweatshirt today, and his skin looked white and tender, like a soft and waxy milk ball.
He blinked his big watery eyes, walked up to Jiang Jin, tilted his head and said softly: "Mom, I had a dream last night. I dreamed that you kissed me."
Jiang Jin let go of Li Xichen and squatted down in front of Li Beixiao.
She scooped the little thing into her arms and gave him a kiss on the face.
"Now, let mom interview you. How does it feel to have a dream come true?"
Li Beixiao blushed to the base of his ears.
He lowered his head and said shyly: "I just... really like the feeling of my mother kissing me."

Jiang Jin's eyes narrowed into slits. She lowered her head and pecked the little guy's face again: "Since you like it so much, then mommy will kiss you more... um, um..."
Li Beixiao put his arms around Jiang Jin's neck and kissed her on the cheek.
The closeness between mother and son made Li Xichen's face darken.
He could only step on his second brother.
As soon as Xiaobei appeared, he instantly became air.
Humph, isn't it just a few kisses? There's nothing so rare about it!
Li Xichen put his hands in his pockets, strode downstairs, and sat down at the dining table.
Zhang Ma brought seven or eight kinds of breakfast to the table, steamed buns, steamed steamed dumplings, soy milk and fried dough sticks, eggs, milk, and toast...
Brothers Li Nanque and Li Xichen, who also had dark faces, bit into their buns as if to vent their anger, their mouths bulging...

Li Xichen's eyes suddenly widened, looking very uncomfortable.
Jiang Jin quickly poured a glass of water and put it in front of him, and said angrily: "Whoever eats steamed buns swallows it so hard, it would be weird if he didn't choke. Drink water quickly."
She gently patted the little guy's back with one hand, and put the water glass to his lips with the other hand.
The darkness on Li Xichen's face immediately disappeared.
Li Nanque sneered.
This acting is so fake, he’s going to be a movie king version...
All his movements suddenly stopped, and the bun in his hand rolled down on the table. He covered his chest in great pain, and his face instantly turned pale...
Jiang Jin was startled: "Aque, what's wrong with you?"
"Choke, choke...water!"
Li Nanque performed the scene with great emotion.
A glass of water was immediately handed over to the left.
Li Beixiao held the warm water and said with a sweet smile: "Second brother, drink water."
Li Nanque: "..."

Who the hell let this little thing pour water? It’s so nosy!
He glared at Li Beixiao fiercely and drank down the glass of water angrily.
While mother and sons were having breakfast, Li Dongjing slowly came down from upstairs.
