ADMKSF - 021.4

Bai Hang: [Lin You and a little fresh meat went on a date at the cinema, and she is suspected of cheating and abandoning her sickly husband! ]

Lin You:? ?

Lin You quickly opened the door, picked up the packet on the floor and put it on the coffee table in the living room. She sat on the sofa and carefully read the Weibo content shared by Bai Hang. The Weibo post was posted by a well-known marketing account in the entertainment industry. Under the other person's skin is a paparazzi studio. It is said that there are many people in the studio, and they will squat in the airport hotel restaurant. And this kind of squatting is also very useful, allowing them to dig out a lot of dirty information among artists.

In the past, there was a certain movie star who cheated on his wife's best friend by cheating on his fan. Later, there was a director who went to a bar with a friend. It turned out that the friend was a well-known drug addict. In the end, the director was also confirmed to have taken drugs.

And now, this studio has photographed the evidence of Lin You's cheating in front of the majority of netizens.

In the photo, Lin You is facing the sky, and the boy next to her is standing side by side. The boy was very tall, about 1.8 meters tall. His fair and beautiful fingers grabbed Lin You's wrist, and several photos made up an action of him pulling the person behind him.

Judging from the photos, the two are indeed very close to each other.

And this studio, like a spoiler, added without hesitation: The two of them look like a perfect match.

Lin You: "...?"

Lin You stared at Pei Ye in the photo and almost laughed out of anger.

But netizens quite agree.

"Let's just say, putting aside this messy relationship, Lin You and this little brother standing together are really pleasing to the eye!"

"This move! Boyfriend power!"

"Damn it, this is obviously not Lin You's husband! Didn't Lin You say that her husband is not in good health? This little brother has a very good figure. He doesn't look sick at all!"

"I have finally discovered that these celebrities are really telling lies. Lin You even said on the show that she and her husband have a good relationship, but then went to watch movies and date with Xiao Xianrou. Unfortunately, her husband has such a big head of cuckold, please be considerate of your husband in this summer, it’s so hot wearing it!”

"I feel sorry for Lin You's husband."

"Tsk, you were so excited when Ji Yalan was revealed to be the mistress, but why were you so gentle when Lin You cheated? Isn't that too double-standard?"

Ji Sisi, who was staring at Weibo after getting the news, narrowed her eyes when she saw this comment, and slowly sneered. Her eyes moved to the photos posted by the marketing account again, and she sneered again. She didn't expect Lin You to like such a boy. The key is that he is brave enough to date a male mistress openly without covering up at all.

This is really an act of ignorance.

Feelings of emotion, the excitement and joy in Ji Sisi's heart could not be concealed at all. She looked at the comments under the original blog and had a thought.

Let her push Lin You again.

Lin You soon discovered that something was wrong. As soon as she refreshed her Weibo, the number of comments that originally had only 10,000 or 20,000 suddenly increased to 70,000 or 80,000. When she clicked on it again, these new comments were all very ugly, and almost all of them were scolding. All of them are directed at her.

"Block, block, block! Support the blocking of Lin You!"

"It's disgusting. It's such a miserable life to be your husband."

"My cousin, can you please get out? I don't want to see you."

"Can you please get out of the industry quickly? The entertainment industry has become dirty with such an unlucky person like you, who has ruined your outlook on life."

"You even said on the show that you have a good relationship with your husband, how can you have such a shame?"

"I bother!"


When Lin You was browsing Weibo to read comments, the messages from Bai Hang and Zhao Ziqi in the group chat never stopped.

Bai Hang learned from Zhao Ziqi that Lin You and her husband were raising a child of others. Although she didn't look like she was wronged, he still felt very incredible. Zhao Ziqi looked at the latest comments, frowned, and immediately reminded Lin You: Looking at the current situation, there should be a troll.

Bai Hang: You haven’t clarified yet, what are you waiting for? @Lin You

Lin You retracted her thoughts: My husband and son are not here, and I don’t know where the household registration book is. Let’s wait for them to come back. Don’t worry.

Anyway, she won't be the one who gets slapped in the face.

When Lin You contacted Pei Henan just now, he said that he and Pei Ye had gone to the bookstore to buy textbooks. It is said that Pei Ye's high school academic affairs department sent a message, specifying that students should learn high school knowledge in advance based on a certain textbook, complete corresponding homework, and hand it in when school starts. But the sack of papers that Lin You bought was missing this one.

It was already around four o'clock in the afternoon when the two of them got home. Pei Ye walked in front and opened the door. There was a sweat on his forehead. He raised his hand to wipe it casually. He waited until the back of his hand was wet with sweat before he patted it, showing some guilt again.

He didn't go to buy books, he went to the boxing gym to practice boxing.

His eyes wandered slightly, and he quickly shouted in louder voice: "Mom, we are back, I'm going to take a shower first."

Then he ran upstairs. Since his father didn't feel guilty, he let his father deal with his mother.

When Lin You heard the sound and pushed open the kitchen door and came out, Pei Ye's figure was no longer in her sight, but she didn't care. Craning her neck and looking outside, she saw Pei Henan had put on the new shirt she bought yesterday and was walking against the light. He didn't walk fast, and the evening sunset fell on him, dyeing his soft black hair with a faint sheen.

Lin You was stunned for a second and clearly heard her own heartbeat.

And Pei Henan seemed to feel something, and raised his eyes slightly.

The dark eyes are like night, but this night has gentle moonlight, shallow starlight, and gently blowing night wind. When you fall into it, you can't feel depression or fear, only the leisure after relaxation.

Pei Henan didn't know what Lin You was thinking. He walked up to Lin You. Thinking of Lin You's phone call, he lowered his voice and asked, "Did something happen?"

"It's a trivial matter." Lin You motioned Pei Henan to sit down first, and then briefly narrated the infidelity incident caused by the marketing account. When she finished speaking, she looked a little embarrassed, "I didn't expect anyone to be watching. Yes, I thought it would be enough to take a household registration photo to prove that Aye and I are mother and son, what do you think?"

"Okay." Pei Henan didn't hesitate at all. He stood up from the sofa after saying these three words. He said to Lin You, "I'll get the household registration book. Please wait a moment."

Pei Henan walked into the bedroom and found the household registration book from the drawer. He pinched a corner of the household registration book with his slender fingers, paused for a few seconds, then threw it on the table, opened his phone, and found the Weibo post.

In fact, you don’t need to put much thought into it. The topic #Lin You Cheating Little Fresh Meat has long been placed at the top of the hot search list by interested people. The red word 'explosion' after the topic is particularly eye-catching. When Pei Henan clicked in, he happened to see the hot spot:

There has been no reply from Lin You yet, but her agency suddenly came out and said that it had terminated the cooperative relationship with Lin You. Does this prove that what the marketing account said is true?

Pei Henan slid his fingers down and saw the photos secretly taken by the marketing account at a glance. Pei Henan recalled that he was not in the photo. That was when Pei Ye and the boy named Liao Cong met.

This paparazzi knows how to pick the time.

With an unknown smile on his lips, he picked up his household registration book and walked out. When he passed Pei Ye's room, he tapped it lightly and said, "Change your clothes and come out. We have something to do."

Ten minutes later, a family of three sat on the sofa in the living room. Pei Ye listened dumbly to the incident. He looked at Lin You and couldn't help but look at Pei Henan.

The expressions of the two elders were calm.

But Pei Ye couldn't calm down.

Although he and Lin You do look like peers when standing together, they can't be so insulting! This is fuck, fuck!

When Lin You lowered her head to take pictures of the household registration book, Pei Ye's eyes kept circling back and forth on the two parents until Pei Henan looked at him and asked him gently: "What's wrong?"

Pei Ye looked sincere: "I feel sorry for you."

Pei Henan: "Huh?"

Pei Ye lowered his voice and whispered: "It's obvious that three people are watching a movie, but as my father, you don't deserve to have a name."

Pei Henan: "..."
