ADMKSF - 021.3

There was indeed trouble at the Songzhu Hotel, and they don’t know which kind person reported it. The Songzhu Hotel welcomed investigators from the food-related department at noon the next day. Li Xingzhi wanted to give the investigators money with a scowl on his face, but one of them said with a half-smile: "Manager Li, we are not interested in collecting money. We are doing a live broadcast, Manager Li."

Li Xingzhi's face turned pale.

In the afternoon, all three members of Lin You's family returned to Beijing.

Pei Ye obediently went to write his papers as soon as he entered the room, while Pei Henan virtuously washed and hung up the newly bought clothes. Lin You stood in the open space behind the small foreign-style building. When she looked up, she could see the man drying his clothes in a neat and skillful manner. She couldn't help but shake her head and joke—

It can be seen that Pei Henan has really become both a father and a mother in these years.

Lin You spent the next two days very comfortably. The Pei family and his son are both mild-mannered in character, and there is almost no conflict between them. Lin You is very satisfied with this.

Until the afternoon of the third day.

Lin You received a call. The other party claimed to be her agent and asked her to go to the company to discuss future development. In Lin You's memory, the agency she worked for was a small company and could not be compared with Chen Yi's Tianqi. Her agent's full name is Cheng Kai, a bald man in his thirties.

Lin You thought for a while and finally decided to go. After announcing at the dinner table that she was going out in the afternoon, Pei Henan didn't think much about it and just reminded: "Pay attention to safety on the road."

Lin You smiled, her eyes brighter than the stars at night. She touched Pei Ye's head, then looked at Pei Henan, and said with a smile: "I will bring you delicious food when I get back."

"Okay." Pei Henan nodded slightly.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when Lin You arrived at Jufeng Media. When she opened the door of Cheng Kai's office, there happened to be someone inside. She is also a girl in her twenties, wearing a white skirt and five-centimeter high heels. She turned around, revealing a clean and delicate face.

Cheng Kai glanced at Lin You, pointed at the girl, and introduced Lin You: "The newly signed artist is Meng Yishu. Xiao Meng, this is Lin You."

Meng Yishu smiled softly, stretched out her hand and said hello: "Miss Lin, I know. I watched those episodes of Pastoral Life, and Miss Lin's performance is really surprising."

Meng Yishu's eyes are big and bright, filled with watery light. At first glance, they look like a deer, which is endearing.

It's the tone of speaking... that seems to have a different flavor.

Lin You said hello to her symbolically, and without any further greetings, he just asked Cheng Kai: "What's the reason you came to see me?"

Cheng Kai didn't mind that Meng Yishu was still in the office, he just said: "I remember you didn't tell us that you were married when we signed the contract. What impact will it have if you openly announce your marriage on a variety show... do you know?"

A question mark slowly appeared on Lin You's head.

She looked at Cheng Kai innocently, and then asked innocently: "So what impact did it have?"

Lin You felt that her reputation was already rotten before she replaced the original owner. Compared with the bad things the original owner had done before, disclosing the fact of her marriage did not seem to be an unacceptable thing.

Many people even praised her for her courage at that time.

"Of course it's a bad influence." The words Cheng Kai dropped made Lin You almost laugh. Although she didn't know much about Jufeng Media's contract, she could vaguely guess that Cheng Kai had brought her in today. Want to cause trouble for her. She didn't care and just asked casually, "What next?"

"After discussion, the company agreed that your behavior will bring bad luck to other artists in the company. According to the contract we signed, you made the mistake first, and we can terminate the contract with you unconditionally."

Lin You understood, and came to find her specially, and talked for a long time, with the ultimate goal of terminating the contract with her. Lin You nodded without blinking: "Here's the contract, bring it over and I'll sign it."

Cheng Kai: "..."

Do you agree? Cheng Kai couldn't help but take another look at Lin You. In fact, he saw the changes in Lin You's rural life. Originally, he wanted to praise Lin You. Although she is married, there are a few big guys in the circle who like to play with Lin You. When the time comes to send people to bed, resources and so on are essential.

But before the idea could be implemented, Cheng Kai received a call from Ji Sisi. When Ji Sisi's identity was exposed, the whole circle was really shocked. Many netizens looked down on her and Ji Yalan's fake aloofness. Although Cheng Kai had similar thoughts in his mind, he also knew clearly that Lin Group behind Ji Sisi was not someone to be trifled with.

Lin Group wanted to target them with just one sentence. Therefore, as soon as Ji Sisi told him to kick Lin You out of the company, he immediately agreed.

He thought Lin You would cause a scene, but she just nodded like that?

Cheng Kai didn't know what to say for a moment. In silence, he pulled out the termination agreement that he had prepared and handed it to Lin You.

Lin You read it carefully for a long time and made sure that there was nothing wrong with the contract, then she signed her name, took her share, patted her butt and left.

Cheng Kai watched her back disappear before his eyes and opened his mouth in silence. Meng Yishu, who had been watching the excitement for a long time, also said goodbye with satisfaction. Just as he was about to leave, Cheng Kai called her: "Wait, there is a wine party tomorrow night. Dress up then, and I will come to pick you up.”

Meng Yishu's eyes lit up: "Okay."

After Meng Yishu also left the office, Cheng Kai picked up the phone and called Ji Sisi. As soon as the call was connected, Cheng Kai immediately told the other party the result, and also told Ji Sisi a piece of 'good news': "Just two hours ago, a paparazzi contacted me and said that he had taken photos of Lin You cheating. I was asked to spend two million to buy the film, but I didn’t agree, and I didn’t tell Lin You about it.”

When Ji Sisi heard this, she immediately let out an ooh. The rising sound clearly revealed her surprise and curiosity. She couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth: "Agent Cheng is really a smart man. We have a great time working together."

Ji Sisi laughed without any scruples after hanging up the phone. Lin You's spin-the-bottle game ruined her reputation. She waited at home for several days and finally used her father's connections to get a new drama. But Ji Sisi didn't feel right no matter what she thought. Why was she the only one who was unlucky?

Ji Si thought about it and finally found Cheng Kai.

Originally, she just planned to take her time. Lin You had no connections in the industry, and the only person she could rely on was her own agency. If one day no agency is willing to support her, then Lin You will really be left alone.

As for the guests in "Pastoral Life" who got along well with Lin You, Ji Sisi didn't care at all.

Qi Yu, a member of the drama circle, could not help Lin You. Although Bai Hang was a director, he had to listen to investors. As for Zhao Ziqi, her backers are indeed powerful, but Zhao Ziqi's husband and her father Lin Chengkang are in the same circle, and they know better what Lin You will attract.

Now, just wait for the good news from the paparazzi.

Ji Sisi didn't doubt the authenticity of Lin You's cheating at all. She knew better than anyone how much Lin You hated and despised Pei Henan.

She chuckled.

Lin You walked around after coming out of Jufeng Media. She remembered that there was a famous dessert shop here, and she planned to bring some cakes back to Pei Henan and Pei Ye. Because she was worried that the two of them didn't like sweets, Lin You specially chose some desserts such as tiramisu and bought some bread.

Pei Ye told her that he would go to the library to study starting tomorrow, and Lin You thought of bringing him some bread to fill his stomach when he was hungry.

Carrying a large bag full of trophies home, Lin You's cell phone vibrated in her pocket before she even set foot in the small foreign-style building. She put down the packaging bag and took it out for a look.

What shocked her crazily was the group chat created by several guests in "Pastoral Life", but Du Enqing was not in it.

Bai Hang: Are you looking for fresh meat? The quality of the fresh meat is not bad @Lin You

Zhao Ziqi: Is that your sixteen-year-old son? So handsome? [The clown is actually myself.jpg]

Bai Hang: What? What son?

Lin You:?
