ADMKSF - 021.2

When the farce at the Songzhu Hotel will end is not within Lin You's concern. After watching the show for half an hour, she went to a nearby hotel with the Pei family and her son.

The hotel was pretty good. Lin You booked two rooms, one for the father and son, and one for her.

Lin You took the room card and was about to move forward, but suddenly she heard Pei Henan's voice asking the front desk in a low voice from behind. She turned around and saw Pei Henan smiling at the front desk and asked: "I'd like to ask, do you have any needlework kit?”

Lin You: "?"

The young girl at the front desk was obviously confused for a second: "Needle and thread?"

Pei Henan explained in a low voice: "The kind that sews clothes. My button fell off and I want to sew it up."

The receptionist was stunned and nodded quickly: "Wait a moment, I will get it for you."

Lin You: "..."

Lin You originally thought that Pei Henan would not need the clothes on his body, but he never expected that Pei Henan could sew clothes. With a slight twitch in the corner of her eye, she took Pei Ye's wrist and whispered in his ear: "Does your dad also know how to sew clothes?"

The corners of Pei Ye's eyes also twitched, and he nodded obediently: "My father sewed my old clothes when they were damaged. My father said we didn't have money to change clothes, so we had to make do with it."

Lin You hissed, looking at this poor little guy.

She touched the boy's short hair with a distressed look on her face, pinched his face, and assured him: "Don't worry, it won't be like this again. Mom will make a lot of money!"

As soon as the soft fingertips touched his face, Pei Ye didn't react for a moment. Then, his face suddenly turned red, and even the tips of his ears were dyed a bright color. God knows he has never been so intimate with a woman in his entire life!

He quickly lowered his head and pretended that his face was itchy, rubbed his hot cheeks with his hands, and mumbled twice, "Okay."
Lin You: "My son is so good."

Pei Ye: "..."

Pei Henan walked up to the two of them with a sewing box and noticed the warm atmosphere between the mother and son. He asked casually, "What are you talking about?"

Lin You didn't intend to hide it from him, there was nothing to hide. She raised her finger and pointed at the sewing box in the man's hand, and said with a smile: "Aye told me that you helped mend the broken clothes when he was a child."

Pei Henan smiled: "Life was not very good at that time, so I saved as much as I could."

Lin You thought that before he found a job as a cemetery caretaker, their life was not that good. How much money can those scattered odd jobs earn in a day? It's not yet the start of the school year, so don't worry about tuition fees for now. When that time comes, it will probably be difficult again. She thought, holding Pei Henan's hand, with a serious look on her face: "You suffered hardship in the past, but the future will be full of sugar."

Pei Henan was startled.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to think deeply about Lin You's words or whether to care about his own hand holding Lin You's.

In the past, Lin You felt bored even seeing her. Even after meeting after the recording of "Pastoral Life", Lin You was still a bit restrained towards him, but today she has naturally held his hand and comforted him.

Although Pei Henan is not mysophobic, he does not like to have skin-to-skin contact with others. He lowered his eyes and wanted to take his hand out, but paused for another two seconds, and finally Lin You took the initiative to let go.

She didn't guess what Pei Henan was thinking, nor did she feel there was anything wrong with her actions just now. After force-feeding the father and son a large bowl of chicken soup, she walked into the elevator with ease.

The father and son who were one step behind looked at each other and then looked away.

Lin You booked a large bed room for herself. After taking a bath and lying on the soft bed, the fatigue of the day seemed to have dissipated. She rolled around on the bed twice, and when she touched her phone, she saw the message from Chen Yi.

Chen Yi, the owner of Nanjiang Tower, couldn’t hide the affairs of the Songzhu Hotel from anyone. He ridiculed Li Xingzhi’s evil plan on WeChat, and was amused by his behavior of shooting himself in the foot.

Lin You also thought it was outrageous and funny. She joked with Chen Yi for a while and talked about the next arrangements before ending the conversation.

Lin You knew that Chen Yi would never let go of this opportunity. It didn't take long for the hot search on Weibo to be arranged. He was determined to have an affair with the Songzhu Hotel and also with the Pei family.

Li Xingzhi was angry and anxious when he saw the bad comments on the Internet. He increasingly felt that the people under his command were a bunch of losers. One fell behind when he was drawing a lottery, and the other fell behind when he was looking for gangsters. However, the impact of these two incidents was particularly bad, and netizens were already blaming them. He gritted his teeth and wanted to beat that gangster up.

The deputy manager lowered his head in front of him, cold sweat dripping from his forehead and falling to the floor with a ticking sound. He didn't even dare to move. He opened his mouth and suggested in a low voice: "I think it's better to find that gangster and ask him carefully, or... let's give him more money and let him tell everyone about today. He came to Songzhu Hotel to cause trouble because he was instructed by Nanjiang Tower."

Li Xingzhi sneered when he heard this, "Didn't you give him enough money at that time?"

"G-Give. I gave a deposit of five thousand, and I will pay the next forty-five thousand when the matter is completed... But he..."

Who knew that this brat would turn against him temporarily and screw him up.

Li Xingzhi looked at him coldly, already having some thoughts in his mind. He waved to the deputy manager: "Give you an hour, find him, and then convince him."

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away." Upon hearing this, the deputy manager knew that this was what Li Xingzhi meant. As long as he solved the matter smoothly according to his own method, his job would be saved.

What he didn't expect was that he couldn't find Huang Mao at all.

He went to the street where Huang Mao lived and asked Huang Mao's acquaintances, but the other party only told him: "Oh, I heard that they have made a lot of money. They are probably on the train to other provinces by now."

Made a lot of money.

On the train to another province.

When these keywords fell into his ears, Manager Li's legs went weak and he staggered.

It's over, it's over.

He thought glumly with a look of despair.

At about 12 o'clock that night, Songzhu Hotel, which was almost overwhelmed by public opinion, finally retrieved its Weibo password, and gave a complete account of the incident and the results of the aftermath.

To sum up: the things posted online are all true, but they have nothing to do with our hotel. They were all done by the cashier and assistant manager in the hotel. We are also very disappointed with this, so we have fired them.

Netizens almost laughed out loud when they saw this Weibo content.

"Sure enough, you may be late to take the blame, but you will never be absent."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, with all due respect, your hotel probably can't clean itself up. I can think of these whitewashing quotes. Can you use your brains and be more truthful?"

"What did the cashier do wrong? Didn't the cashier just listen to you and give the card with the big prize to her family?"

"It's just that the cashier did something bad for the first time and didn't allow others to make mistakes. Do you really think that this old bitch like Li Xingzhi is so good at doing bad things?"

"By the way, I heard that your ingredients are not very fresh. Is it true? I went to eat your spicy fried crabs that day. Why do I think you use dead crabs?"

"Is it true or false upstairs? But I watched Miki's live broadcast yesterday, and his expression was very strange when he was eating spicy fried crab."

@Songzhu Hotel, You guys seem to be in trouble."
