ADMKSF - 021.1

Pei Ye never knew his father was so competitive.

He thought that maybe people always want to pursue something when they reach a certain age.

Because his father helped him tell a lie today, Pei Ye nodded decisively and agreed with his father's statement.

In this way, the father and son returned to the private room of Nanjiang Tower in a very harmonious and friendly manner. Lin You raised her eyes when she heard the noise and saw them. A bit of surprise appeared on her pretty face: "You're back so soon?"

She thought she would have to wait at least an hour or two.

Pei Henan returned to the seat next to Lin You and sat down. After he agreed softly, he coughed twice, which scared Lin You and quickly poured him a glass of water. Passing the cup over, her eyes inadvertently crossed the man's forehead and followed the line of his neck, and then she noticed that the collar of his shirt was loose.

The top button was missing, and a white thread was even pulled out. After the collars on both sides are no longer restrained, they naturally droop down and spread out to both sides, revealing the entire scenery that was originally well blocked.

Even more sultry than the night.

Lin You felt that she was really interested in Pei Henan's appearance, but this was wrong. She shook her head and quickly threw away the beauty. She took a sip of water to calm down and asked casually, "What happened to your clothes?"

Pei Ye quietly raised his eyes when he heard this, thinking that his button was ripped off during the fight.

However, the answer that fell into Lin You's ears was: "The car was a bit crowded, and someone accidentally hooked the button off when he raised his hand to pull the hanging ring."

Pei Ye: "???"

Lin You didn't seem to doubt the authenticity of this statement, and just said: "It doesn't matter, I bought three or four more clothes today, which is enough to wear."

As she said that, she lowered her eyes and looked at the time. The phone screen showed that it was close to nine o'clock. She thought that Pei Henan was usually not in good health and fell asleep early, and Pei Ye was in the developmental stage and needed enough sleep, so she said decisively: "It's getting late, let's go to a nearby hotel to stay one night."
Naturally, the Pei father and his son did not refuse.

But just when Lin You was about to turn off Miki's live broadcast room, she suddenly heard a loud male voice coming from the video. Then a man with blond hair broke into Miki's shot, stood in the middle of the lobby of Songzhu Hotel, pointed at the staff and shouted: "This is your family. Your family is so shameless. You even asked my brother to go to Nanjiang Tower next door to make trouble!"

Lin You: "...huh?"

The loud sound also reached the ears of Pei Henan and Pei Ye. The young man was obviously very interested in it. He quickly looked over and asked curiously: "What's going on? Did something happen again at Songzhu Hotel?"

However, as soon as his eyes touched the yellow hair in the picture, he was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously looked at the man beside him. Although Pei Henan looked so calm that he couldn't tell anything, Pei Ye was absolutely sure that Huang Mao was the one who fought with his father and then rushed out to bump into him.

There was doubt in his heart, and Pei Ye did not dare to ask. He just watched the live broadcast with Lin You with great interest. Miki was also very kind and tilted the camera to the side, aiming it completely at Huang Mao.

In the Songzhu Hotel, the waiters working in the lobby looked at Huang Mao who suddenly broke in with stunned and confused faces. No one realized what happened. Seeing that no one came forward to stop him, Huang Mao straightened his back and became more confident and louder: "My brother is only seventeen years old this year and has not yet reached adulthood. How can you induce him to do bad things!"

An elder brother who was eating next to him looked over curiously: "What's going on?"

Huang Mao waited for someone to talk to him and quickly said: "This Songzhu Hotel probably couldn't stand the large number of guests in the Nanjiang Tower next door, so it actually asked my brother to go to the Nanjianglou to cause trouble. Let him go to the Nanjianglou and cry that the free fish and three meals gave him diarrhea, the ingredients used are not fresh. They also gave my brother five thousand yuan. My brother is young and ignorant, how can you people be so bad!"


As soon as these words came out, it was like throwing a bomb into the hall, blowing up everyone instantly.

Miki's colleague couldn't help but hissed and muttered to himself: "Is it true?"

The guests present were as surprised as Miki's colleague. At this moment, the deputy manager hurriedly rushed after hearing the news. When his eyes touched the conspicuous yellow hair, his face suddenly turned pale— what is going on? Why is this guy causing trouble? At that time, Li Xingzhi asked him to find a gangster to go to Nanjiang Tower to cause trouble. He found Huang Mao in front of him and gave him 50,000 yuan. He promised that he would complete the task.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Even though he was full of doubts, it was impossible for the deputy manager to show that he was familiar with the other party. He immediately took two steps forward and shouted at Huang Mao: "You are talking nonsense here to damage the reputation of our Songzhu Hotel. If we sue you for spreading rumors, be careful of the lawsuit!"

Huang Mao chuckled: "Why did I spread the rumor? I remember you, it was you who found my brother! I still have your WeChat transfer records!"

As he spoke, he began to look around and raised his mobile phone high: "Dear guests, you have to certify for me. I am not talking nonsense. The owner of this account is the person in front of me. The one he uses to see his avatar is photos of himself!”

Everyone narrowed their eyes and couldn't wait to pull Huang Mao over to take a closer look. The eldest brother who originally spoke out looked suspiciously at the deputy manager who was standing there suddenly pale and with an expression like his dead father, and he already had some suspicion in his mind. But he still waved to Huang Mao and said without hesitation: "I have the deputy manager's WeChat account. Let me see if it is the same one."

When Huang Mao came over and put the phone in front of him, the eldest brother looked down and was speechless for a long time. Finally, he sighed: "You Songzhu Hotel is really unkind..."


As soon as these words came out, the entire Songzhu Hotel almost overturned. Whether they were eating or queuing, the expressions of the guests became ugly. Although they themselves had nothing to do with the fight between the two hotels, the method used by the Songzhu Hotel was too disgusting.

On the side, Miki was licking the melon seeds presented by Songzhu Hotel, looking at them with gusto. And the barrages in his live broadcast room have completely exploded, and they are densely packed together.

[Holy shit, this is the Songzhu Hotel? ]

[This method is so dirty. First the Songzhu Hotel faked a lottery draw, and now it does this again... I really begin to suspect that Nanjiang Tower was framed back then. ]

[Can’t you see that there is such intrigue among small restaurants? ]

[I feel like this evil idea was thought up by the manager named Li Xingzhi. ]

[It must be him. When Nanjiang Tower fell into scandal, he must have been involved. ]

[Brothers, dogs don’t even eat the food at Songzhu Restaurant! ]

The barrage was still noisy, and the farce at the Songzhu Hotel was not over yet. Lin You watched with great interest in front of the camera, and even pulled the father and son Pei Henan and Pei Ye to lean against the gate of the Songzhu Hotel. At this moment, the door was full of people watching the fun, but even so, Huang Mao still caught Pei Henan's figure instantly when he turned his head.

He couldn't help but tremble when he thought that the man looked sick and frail, but could actually knock him down with one kick, and that face looked like a ghost with an expression that was half-smile but not a smile.

He turned around and yelled louder at the deputy manager: "You are bringing down the flowers of the motherland. Your behavior will be punished by God!"

Huang Mao's focus throughout the whole process seemed to be on his 'brother', which made the guests feel that Songzhu Hotel's behavior was excessive. You're looking for someone to do Nanjiang Tower and you're underage, that's bad to the core.

A guest looked at the food on the table with disgust, slapped his chopsticks on the table, and made a clattering sound to drown out the noisy discussion: "I'm not going to eat. I even applied for a card and put the money in my card, return it!"

These words seemed to resonate with others, and more customers stood up: "Yes, yes, refund the card. The thought of spending money on you makes me feel sick."

"I will never come to your restaurant to eat again."

"The taste at your place is just average. If I hadn't been looking for the cheap price, I wouldn't have come here to eat. I won't come here again in the future."
