FVB - 114

Chapter 114 She doesn’t seem to want a divorce

Jiang Jin returned to the bedroom next door and was about to take off her makeup and wash up when her phone started vibrating.
She glanced at the caller ID and connected the call.
"Dad, you haven't rested at this late hour. How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?"
Her greeting made Mr. Li feel a lot sad.
The old man felt more and more that he must not let his daughter-in-law run away.
"Jiang Jin, you just transferred 100 million to the company account, right?"
Mr. Li sighed deeply, "The company's capital chain is broken, and 100 million cannot solve the problem..."
Jiang Jin sat on the edge of the dressing table and said, "I know one or two hundred million won't solve the problem, but as long as it lasts for a while, it will be fine."
Slowly hold on, and when Li Yunting wakes up, everything will be solved.
In fact, she still doesn't know how Li Yunting, who has been in coma for ten years, managed to bankrupt the Gou family and make the Li family become the first family in Yuncheng again...
"Now there is a way to save the Li Group from the fire and water." Mr. Li's voice was deep, "Jiang Jin, only you can do it for me now."
Jiang Jin immediately sat up straight: "Dad, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will go through fire and water."
"Mr. Li is a descendant of the overseas Li family. This family controls more than 80% of the world's top distinguished customers. If you can get this customer list, the Li Group will be saved."
Jiang Jin narrowed her eyes: "Such an important list is in the hands of Mr. Li?"
"How do you know if you don't give it a try?" Mr. Li sighed and said, "I risked my old face and finally made an appointment to meet with Mr. Li. I am not in good health and cannot go. Jiang Jin, you go there in my place.”

Jiang Jin was stunned when she heard this.
She had met Mr. Li countless times, and every time they met he ended up unhappy.
If she goes to the appointment, she will be like a sheep in a tiger's mouth.
"Dad, why don't you ask Ah Jing's assistant to go there? Chen Feng is pretty good, professional and reliable..."
"Chen Feng is an assistant. How can he talk directly to Mr. Li? But you are different. You are the young lady of the Li family. You represent the entire Li family. You can negotiate with him face to face." Mr. Li said earnestly, "Mr. Li He is a very elegant gentleman, he is well-mannered, has a dignified appearance, is young and promising, has a talented appearance..."
Jiang Jin: "..."
Personable asshole.
There are degrees of advancement and retreat.
What a gentle ghost.
Seeing the old man going on and on, Jiang Jin couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.
She seemed to have never heard the old man praise those four brats, so why did he suddenly start praising outsiders without hesitation?
"In short, Mr. Li is a good man." After finishing his praise, Mr. Li concluded, "If you deal well with Mr. Li, he will definitely give you the customer list. The time is tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, I will send the address later for you."
After saying that, the phone was hung up.
Jiang Jin was simply confused.

Why does she feel like Mr. Li is pimping...
But how could a father-in-law match up his daughter-in-law with another man...
She was sitting in front of the dressing mirror, a little messy.
Is it possible that Mr. Li wants her to find a good husband and divorce Li Yunting?
Jiang Jin stood up in excitement and looked at the person lying on the bed.

This man should be able to hear her...
Otherwise, how could he suddenly wake up and want to strangle her to death when she and Lin Yichi were on the phone last time...
So, will he be willing to divorce?
Jiang Jin walked slowly to the bed step by step and sat on the edge of the bed.
Li Yunting, who was lying on the bed, suddenly became nervous.
He could clearly feel that Jiang Jin was looking at him, her eyes seemed to be stuck on his face...
Even if he fluttered his eyelashes, she should be able to notice it.
"Li Yunting, can you hear me?"

Jiang Jin's gentle voice sounded.
She leaned down slightly, very close to Li Yunting's ear.
As soon as she spoke, her warm breath penetrated into the man's ear, and the tingling sensation spread throughout his body.
Li Yunting's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.
Jiang Jin was surprised and happy: "Wow, you can really hear me. If you can hear me, just blink again."
Li Yunting: "..."
He doesn't want to interact with this woman in this weird way, okay...
However, he felt a strong gaze, like two extremely powerful searchlights above his head...
His eyelids twitched uncontrollably again.

"Great!" Jiang Jin held up her chin and said enthusiastically, "Since you can hear me, let's chat for a while. Last time you woke up suddenly and pinched me half to death. Well, you misunderstood me, there is no good relationship between me and Lin Yichi at all... So, you should apologize to me, if your eyelids twitch again, I will treat it as you have apologized."
Li Yunting: "..."
He did strangle her that day, but didn't she fight back ten times harder? The pain on his forehead is still there...

However, he is a grown man and there is really no need to argue with women.
His eyelids twitched so naturally.
Jiang Jin became even more interested. She pointed her white finger on her chin and thought for a few minutes. Just when Li Yunting thought she had left, she spoke.
"Hey, are you going to divorce me as soon as you wake up?"
After she asked, she felt that the question seemed very humble to her, as if she wanted to stalk him...
She just doesn't want to make the same mistakes as the original owner...
"I married ten years ago and gave birth to four sons for your Li family. Now I am trying every means to save the Li family group from disaster. If you turn your back on me and deny me after you wake up, you will be really heartless."
Jiang Jin pouted, "Of course, if you insist on getting a divorce, it's not impossible. I'm not the kind of person who has to rely on you..."
She didn't know what she was talking about.
She looked at the beautiful face in front of her and sighed quietly.
Mu Yingxuan was his fiancée before she fell into a coma. When he woke up after ten years of sleeping, the wife next to him was someone else. He would definitely file for divorce.

Forget it, just get divorced, it's not like she can't live alone.
Now that Xiaobei has become the most considerate little cotton-padded jacket, she will definitely not take the same path as the original owner again.
Jiang Jin yawned and went to the bathroom to wash up.
As soon as she closed the bathroom door, the person lying on the bed opened his eyes.
Li Yunting's mood was very complicated.
He suddenly understood this woman a little bit—
She was once forced to marry and was forced to give birth to two sets of twins through in vitro fertilization. She must have always been resentful in her heart.

So she vented her anger on her four children.
Now, she must have figured it out and no longer wants to punish the child for the Li family's mistakes, and has started to compensate the children tenfold and a hundredfold...
She doesn’t seem to want a divorce either…
