FVB - 118

Chapter 118 The Meng family’s precious granddaughter

At the entrance of the Public Security Bureau.
Meng Shen wrapped himself tightly and came out of the police station.
He talked so much in the detention center that he almost ran out of words. The police finally believed him, but they still refused to let him go.
He had to be forced to report the old man’s phone number, and the guardian had to come over for bail before he was released...

He is fifty years old and still has to ask his old father to come to the police station to pick him up.
It's so embarrassing.
Meng Haotian slapped him on the back of the head and cursed angrily: "You are fifty years old, and you are still teasing children in kindergarten. Why don't you go to heaven? I am over seventy years old, and I still have to break the rules for you. It’s just a matter of wiping your butt, when will you make me worry less!”
"Oh dad, please stop hitting me, I have a headache..."
Meng Shen pressed his temples depressedly.
That poor boy is so strong. After this brick falls, he will have to rest for at least a week to recover...
"Wow, that person seems to be Meng Shen."
"Oh my God, why is Brother Meng Shen at the door of the police station?"
"Are you cooperating with the police to do some publicity? Our brother Meng is so kind and caring..."
Suddenly there were comments from passers-by on the roadside.
Meng Shen quickly pulled the brim of his hat lower, hiding his entire face in shadow.
He had already been watched once at the police station. Fortunately, there were few people in the police station, and they were all police officers, so they would not reveal his dirty details.

But these passer-by fans may make up stories based on pictures...
Meng Shen lowered the brim of his hat, bent down and got into the car.
"The shame has been thrown to grandma's house!" Mr. Meng couldn't help but continued to scold, "I asked you to get married and have children before, but you said that you hate children the most in your life, so I won't force you! As a result, you actually specially went to a kindergarten to entertain other people's children, and were identified as a human trafficker by the school. Is your brain caught in the door?
I'll have to talk to your agent later and ask him to give you more work so that you don't have to eat all day long and cause trouble..."
Meng Shen played with the sunglasses in his hand.
He leaned on the back seat of the car and said casually: "I am fifty years old now. Do you still want me to get married and have children?"
"Whatever you want, I don't care." Mr. Meng said with a sneer.
The Meng family's granddaughter is about twenty-eight years old. From now on, the two of them can just tease her. As for this son, let's just pretend that he has never been born...
Meng Shen: "..."
Who used to beg him to get married and have children as soon as possible with snot and tears in front of him...

This is because he knows that he has an illegitimate child outside, so he must be confident.

"Dad, let me make it clear to you first. I am a singer and a popular idol. I am absolutely not allowed to get married and have children. Once I do this, my entire career will be ruined." Meng Shen, under the sharp eyes of Mr. Meng, he said bravely, "If I accidentally have an illegitimate child outside, there is a high probability that they will not be able to recognize their ancestors and return to clan..."
"Oh, don't worry, you can't have an illegitimate child!"

Mr. Meng gave him a cold look.
The one living outside is not an illegitimate son or daughter, but the precious granddaughter of their Meng family!
The old couple wants to get their granddaughter back, even if the King of Heaven comes, he won't be able to stop them.
Jiang Jin didn't know what was happening here.
After she left the kindergarten, she went directly to the address Mr. Li gave her.
Since she has made an appointment to meet with Mr. Li, she will go to the meeting to find out what the customer list is.
The destination is a newly delivered office building.
The thirty-story building stands proudly, and the sea-blue glass reflects the blue sky and white clouds above Yuncheng.
Jiang Jin walked in on high heels.

She walked to the entrance of the lobby and immediately saw the man sitting in the distinguished seat.
The dark gold mask on his face has become his trademark. He is wearing a jet black suit, ironed without any wrinkles, and his long legs overlap, making him look incredibly slender...
There were four or five people around him, all lowering their heads to report on their work.
And he just said two or three words briefly, and the CEO's momentum was vividly demonstrated by him.
As if feeling Jiang Jin's gaze, the man slowly raised his head and met her eyes from a distance.
He raised his hand and waved lightly.
The four or five subordinates around him respectfully stepped back.
Jiang Jin stepped in.
She stood in front of the man, curled her lips and smiled softly: "You don't seem to be surprised at all that it's me."
Li Yunting looked at her calmly.
Of course he wouldn't be surprised.
He had no reason to refuse the date carefully arranged by the old man.

Li Yunting pointed lightly at the opposite position.
After a while, someone brought a cup of coffee.
Jiang Jin sat down calmly.
She looked around the lobby and said calmly: "Countless people in Yuncheng want to know where Mr. Li's base camp is, but they didn't expect it to be in this inconspicuous new building. What a bustling city it will be after it actually starts operations in the future."
Li Yunting looked at her: "What did you want to talk to me about when you came here today?"
"Then I won't beat around the bush." ​​Jiang Jin got straight to the point, "I heard that Mr. Li has a list of clients. What price do I need to pay to get this list?"
Li Yunting couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.
In order to trick this woman into going on an appointment, the old man was really good at telling lies.
If he had such a precious list in his hand, would he continue to pretend to be in a vegetative state to paralyze the Gou family?
He was silent for a few seconds. In Jiang Jin's opinion, this meant that there was no way to talk.
She put down the coffee cup and her face became a little colder: "I don't want the client list. I only have one request, that is, I hope Mr. Li will not have contact with the Li family anymore, whether it is a servant or a bodyguard, a child or an adult, please don't disturb our normal lives."
Li Yunting looked at her with his narrow, cold eyes: "Then can I contact you?"

Jiang Jin: "..."

Her face remained calm, but she was already scolding his mother in her heart.

Didn't the old man say that this person is very gentlemanly? Why did he start acting like a hooligan as soon as he came in front of her...

"Miss Jiang, don't you want to save Mr. Li?"
Li Yunting looked at her leisurely.
He suddenly felt that the way she was secretly holding her breath was quite cute.
He leaned forward slightly, "If Miss Jiang is willing to be my secretary, I can consider cooperating with the Li Group."
Doesn't the old man hope that the couple can develop a good relationship? After becoming secretaries, they can be together every day, so that they can do what the old man wishes.
"You're dreaming!"
Jiang Jin refused without thinking.
She got up angrily and turned to leave.
She shouldn't have come today.
She shouldn't imagine that this man can have a good talk with her.
As soon as she took a step, she saw a familiar figure walking from a distance. It was Ye Tang.
He had just been fired by her, and he immediately came to join his master.

When she was gritting her teeth and getting angry, Ye Tang had already walked over quickly and bumped into her shoulder...

She fell backwards uncontrollably and was caught in the arms of a powerful arm...
