FVB - 103

Chapter 103 Another slap in the face

Li Yunting curled his lips, and his eyes behind the mask were a bit playful.

He hooked his fingers and said, "Miss Jiang, come closer and I'll tell you a secret."
Jiang Jin stared at him coldly: "I won't be fooled by you."
This man, relying on his status, is simply lawless!
"You just know that Ye Tang is mine, but have you ever thought that I have placed other secret sentries in the Li family?"

As soon as Li Yunting finished speaking, he saw the woman's widened eyes as he wished.
He chuckled, "Put your head over here and I'll tell you who is my second undercover."
Jiang Jin clenched her fists.
She didn't want to get close at all, but she had to figure out who the second undercover was.
One Ye Tang is already troublesome enough, and now there is another one... She doesn't know how to deal with such a tragic situation...

Jiang Jin's pink lips tightened into a straight line.
Her eyes tightened, and she finally leaned over obediently, gritted her teeth and said, "Can you say it now?"
"So good."
The man suddenly raised his hand and put it on the back of her head.
His strength was not too strong, and his thumbs were gently stroking her hair. She only felt a numbness on her scalp, and she subconsciously wanted to retreat.

The man lowered his head, and a clear voice slowly sounded: "Ye Tang is keeping an eye on the Li Group for me, and Mother Zhang is keeping an eye on the Li Family for me. Are you surprised?"
Jiang Jin's pupils suddenly widened.

In other words, the Li family is controlled by this man inside and out!
The anger that had been accumulating in her chest was instantly ignited. Jiang Jin raised her hand and slapped him mercilessly.

She knew this man had a mask, so she specifically targeted the lower half of his face and slapped it...

A crisp slap suddenly sounded on the terrace.

"This is the second time."
Li Yunting's tongue touched the right side of his face, his voice was as clear as usual, as if he was not angry.
Jiang Jin's palms were numb.
She raised her chin and said coldly: "Mr. Li, I don't know why the Li family offended you and made you put so much effort into it. Are you two undercover agents? I'll kick them out one by one!"
After she finished speaking, she stepped on her high heels and left.
Li Yunting's tall figure blocked the corridor. She pushed the man away mercilessly and strode towards the banquet hall.
The people watching secretly from a distance were all stunned.
"Oh my god! This woman actually slapped Mr. Li. She is so brave!"
"Have you not noticed that Mr. Li is not angry at all? What is the background of this woman?"
"I remember! Last time, a woman slapped Mr. Li in the lobby of the Gou Group. Could it be this woman?"
"Holy shit! Does Mr. Li have masochistic tendencies? Why does he like the woman who slapped him?"
"Nima, it's too strong..."
As soon as Jiang Jin entered the banquet hall, she felt countless eyes from around him falling on her.
This feeling is really terrible.
She ignored everyone's looks and walked straight to the bathroom.
Mr. Gou in the rest area slapped Gou Feng on the face.
"Useless piece of shit! Last time I asked you to give a woman to Mr. Li, what did you say to me? You said that Mr. Li doesn't like women but likes men!

Oh, is this what is called not liking women? A useless thing that can do nothing but play with women. You are simply a piece of trash. You can't handle anything given to you!"
Mr. Gou got angry and kicked him again.
Gou Feng struggled to avoid it.
The last time he sent ten gorgeous women there, Mr. Li really expressed his displeasure. What else could he do?
For the future of the Gou family, he also plans to get some fresh meat from the entertainment industry to send over. Is it easy for him?
"That woman is the young lady of the Li family. She caught Mr. Li's eye with her beauty. Isn't it natural for the Li family to hook up with the Li family?" Mr. Gou's lungs were about to explode with anger.
Although the two parties have signed a contract, what if Mr. Li goes back on his word... Who will the Gou family cry to...
"Jiang Jin is indeed the young lady of the Li family, but not many people in Yuncheng know about it, and Mr. Li certainly doesn't know either." Gou Feng gritted his teeth, "I'm going to tell Mr. Li right now!"
He walked quickly towards the terrace.
At this time, Li Yunting was standing alone on the terrace, and the wind outside the window was blowing cool and warm.
He didn't even know why he had angered that woman just now.
The first time he was slapped by her, he was filled with anger.
But this time, he was not angry at all...
This is a very confusing emotion...
"Mr. Li."

Gou Feng came over and interrupted Li Yunting's contemplation.
He turned his cold eyes and said in a cold voice: "What's the matter?"
"Mr. Li, do you know who Miss Jiang just now is?" Gou Feng lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "Mr. Li has not been in Yuncheng for a long time, and he doesn't know much about Yuncheng's family. That Miss Jiang is actually..."
"Young Madam of the Li family." Li Yunting interrupted him quietly, "Am I right?"
Gou Feng was stunned: "How, how did you know?"
Now that you know that, why do you still want to be so intimate with a married woman?
"I forgot to tell Mr. Gou that Li has a soft spot for married women."
Li Yunting dropped these words coldly, turned around and left.
Gou Feng: "..."
The one I sent to Mr. Li last time was a woman of all types, including fat and thin, but not a married young woman.
If I had known that Mr. Li had such a hobby, why would it be Jiang Jin’s turn to pounce on him...
As the guests gradually arrived, the banquet officially began.

The host spoke passionately on the stage, introducing today's guests...
Jiang Jin touched up her makeup in the bathroom and hesitated whether to go back to the banquet hall.
She came here for that boy Li Dongjing, but she ran into trouble repeatedly in the banquet hall, and the boy didn't stand out.

This eldest son has been thrown into the water.

In this case, there is no need for her to put her hot face against her cold butt...
Jiang Jin put the lipstick into her handbag, stepped on her high heels and prepared to go home.
As soon as she arrived at the corridor in front of the bathroom, she saw a figure sneaking in the corridor not far away, seeming to be throwing something on the ground...
She narrowed her eyes and walked over.

"Hua Lili?" Jiang Jin looked at the man in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Hearing Jiang Jin's voice, Hua Lili was so frightened that she almost died on the spot.
She shook and the thing in her hand fell to the ground.
It is a few silver wires, a thin one, hanging on the wall, not conspicuous at all. If someone's clothes are caught on it, it will immediately cut a hole...
Jiang Jin crossed his arms and stared at her with a sneer: "Tell me, what bad thing are you trying to do now?"

Hua Lili was so nervous that she almost suffocated.

She had been lurking here for nearly four or five hours, and when she was about to succeed, Jiang Jin, a bitch, actually appeared.

What kind of fate is this!
