FVB - 102

Chapter 102 Li Yunting protects Jiang Jin

The waiter standing at the door suddenly broke into a cold sweat.
Every time there is a large banquet like this, many women will pay to enter through the back door, which is considered a common rule in the circle.
There has never been an accident in so many years, so why was he caught on the spot today?
"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it." Miss Ke smiled sarcastically, "There are surveillance cameras everywhere. Can't we find out if we turn up the surveillance cameras and take a look?"
The waiter's face turned pale with fear, and he stammered in explanation: "This lady said she forgot to bring her invitation, so I let her in..."
Jiang Jin's eyes fell coldly on Mu Yingxuan.

She had to admit that this White Lotus Green Tea is quite capable, and she was able to find a wealthy daughter to serve as her gunman.
Since she was so capable, why didn't Mu Yingxuan marry into the Li family after the original owner committed suicide?
"I really don't have an invitation letter." Jiang Jin curled her lips slightly and said slowly, "I came in as someone else's female companion. Why, this is not allowed?"
"Then tell me, which gentleman are you the female companion of?"
Miss Ke's tone was somewhat aggressive.
If an ordinary-looking woman sneaks in, she won't bother to care at all.

But the woman in front of her is so beautiful that it makes men look at her and make women jealous.

She would never allow such a woman to enter their circle...
"You can't tell me!" Miss Ke raised her chin like a proud peacock, "Where is the security guard? Get her out!"
Mu Yingxuan, who was standing in the shadow, slowly raised her lips.

As long as she sees Jiang Jin in embarrassment, she will feel extremely happy.
She wanted Jiang Jin to understand that even if she married into the Li family and became the young lady of the Li family, she would never be in this circle.

The movement here has long attracted the attention of many people.

Every year on such an occasion, some peripheral women would sneak in, either hooking up with old men or hooking up with noble men, making all the noble ladies in the circle wary.
But today, before the banquet has even started, the peripheral women will be kicked out.
What a joy!
Two security guards walked towards Jiang Jin.
There was no hint of embarrassment on her face. Her eyes passed through the crowd and landed on Li Dongjing.
The boy was standing in the corner of the rest area, looking here with a pair of calm, dark eyes.
Her own mother was being besieged, and this kid just stood there stupidly, as if he had no intention of coming to the rescue.
He didn't care about her, so why should she come here eagerly?
Jiang Jin sneered and turned to leave.
The disappointment in her eyes was clearly visible to Li Dongjing.

His heart felt as if he had been stung by a small insect, and a slight sourness spread throughout his body.

He tensed his jaw and took steps to pass.

At this moment, a tall figure walked past him.

He raised his head in surprise and saw that his father, who had just been discussing cooperation with Mr. Gou, walked directly towards the woman.
Jiang Jin turned around and took a step.
Her slender waist was suddenly grabbed by a big palm.

She turned around and bumped into a face wearing a gold and black mask.
The man stood beside her and forcibly held her waist. His big palms were extremely hot, and the temperature spread through the thin material of her clothes, making her heart tighten.

"She is my female companion."
A cold voice sounded in her ears.
The noisy banquet hall suddenly became quiet, and countless pairs of eyes glanced here.
Li Yunting hugged the woman beside him tighter, "So, Miss Ke wants to kick me and my female companion out together?"
"No, that's not what I meant..."
Miss Ke suddenly turned pale.
The news that the descendants of the Li family came to Yuncheng was widely circulated in this circle.
The black-gold mask became this man's symbol. No matter where he went, he was the object of compliments.
The Ke family tried their best and failed to meet Mr. Li, but now, she has offended Mr. Li's female companion...
No matter what identity this woman is, if Mr. Li can defend her in public, it means that it will never be simple in the future...

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Miss Ke was able to bend her head and immediately bowed her head and apologized, "I didn't find out what happened, so I rudely called security to kick Mr. Li's female companion out. I did something wrong. Please asking Mr. Li to forgive me, sir..."

Li Yunting looked at her indifferently: "You don't need to apologize to me."

Upon hearing this, Miss Ke tightened her fingers.
She understood what this meant and knew that she had to do it, otherwise the Ke family would be targeted by the Li family...
"Miss, I'm sorry. I apologize to you for my abrupt behavior just now." Miss Ke bowed her head resignedly, "I know that saying sorry can't solve any problems. To show my sincerity, if you have time, Miss , I will treat you to an apology meal..."
"It's okay, I forgive you." Jiang Jin said lightly.
At this moment, she had no intention of competing with Miss Ke. She just wanted to shake off the big hot hand on her waist!
She broke away for a moment but didn't, and glared viciously at the person next to her.

Li Yunting curled his lips and smiled, holding her in his arms and walking towards the terrace next to her.
The two disappeared into the banquet hall, and Miss Ke finally breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did she realize that there was a thin layer of sweat on her face and her makeup was gone.
The aura of Mr. Li was so powerful that she couldn't resist it at all.
Mu Yingxuan, who was standing next to her, had a cold look on her eyes.

She never expected that Jiang Jin, a bitch, would hook up with Mr. Li again after getting rid of Lin Yichi.
This Mr. Li and Lin Yichi are not from the same circle at all. He is a descendant of the Li family and the CEO of the Li family in China. This status makes this Mr. Li destined to be extraordinary.
However, Mr. Li was seduced away by Jiang Jin.
However, if Mr. Li knew that Jiang Jin was a married woman, would he still protect her unconditionally?
Mu Yingxuan sneered, took out her mobile phone, and took a photo of the backs of Li Yunting and Jiang Jin.

The man's strong arms are around the woman's slender waist. The two of them are looking at each other sideways, the corners of the man's lips are slightly hooked, and the heroine's beautiful eyes are like a lake... What a beautiful couple!
Jiang Jin was forced to follow him to the terrace.
She stepped hard on the man's instep, and then took the opportunity to avoid the man's touch.
"Miss Jiang, I just helped you." Li Yunting looked at her with interest, "Is this how you thank me?"

"I would rather be kicked out than be your female companion." Jiang Jin gritted her teeth and said, "Don't think that I don't know about your deeds. Sooner or later, I will make you pay the legal price!"
He sneaked into her room at night, broke into Li's house in broad daylight, and bribed Ye Tang... This man's crimes cannot be explained in a few words!
