FVB - 092

Chapter 92 Li Dongjing is besieged

In front of the Li's Building, the crowd was furious.
Li Dongjing was surrounded by people, his face tensed up.
Chen Feng tried his best to protect him behind him, but he still couldn't stop the surging crowd.
Jiang Jin was squeezed in by countless people and could not move forward at all. She could only watch those people extending their claws towards Li Dongjing...
"Everyone, please be quiet and listen to what I have to say."
Li Dongjing slowly opened his lips, and his thin young body suddenly released a sharp aura.
His narrow eyes roamed the whole place, his eyes were calm and his expression was calm.
Even though he was surrounded and attacked by so many people, he did not show any signs of cowardice.
"It has been more than half a century since the establishment of the Li Group. Over the past fifty years of ups and downs, the Li Group is worthy of the sky, the earth, and even more worthy of the people. Even if the Li Group Building collapses today, it will never let the rubble on the roof hurt anyone."
"The Li family has come from that era, and has been molded into flesh and bones amidst the bombardment. Li's soul is with the public, and will never betray everyone here. I hereby promise that if the Li family goes bankrupt, I will compensate you for all your losses.”

"But, I want to say one more thing, Li's will not go bankrupt, let alone collapse. Thousands of Li's employees will protect Li, accompany Li through the abyss, and lead Li. The family has come out of the trough... Although the Li family is lonely today, it does not mean that the Li family will always be lonely."
"One day, the Li family will stand up again and become the top of Yunsheng again."
The young man's voice was neither fast nor slow, and every word carried an extremely heavy weight, hitting people's hearts like a heavy hammer.
The surroundings became strangely quiet.
All those hot-headed, impulsive investors suddenly calmed down.
Jiang Jin stood in the crowd and looked at Li Dongjing with a bit of appreciation and admiration.
A child who is only nine years old can handle such a scene. No wonder he became the heir of the Li family at a young age.
Even if the Li Group falls, Li Dongjing should be able to make the Li Group stand up again. He has such ability.
The calmed down crowd lost their offensive power, and when the security guards at the scene were about to disperse the crowd, a voice suddenly sounded—
"A brat who is only nine years old, do you believe what he says?"

The man's voice exploded in the square.
A shirtless middle-aged man stood on the steps with an angry look on his face.
"Li's stock price has dropped to the limit, and the next step is bankruptcy and delisting. After Li's completes the procedures, we won't even be able to find the Li family! Let the Li family boy go this time, and there will be no chance to ask for help next time. Repay your losses!"
"While the Li family is still here, they must be made to pay!"
Under the shouts of this middle-aged man, the crowd suddenly became restless again.

Jiang Jin narrowed her eyes and looked at the middle-aged man. She seemed to have seen this man when Gou was waiting for him last time... He seemed to be Gou Feng's assistant or something like that.
Gou Shi really did whatever it took to trample Li to death.

Jiang Jin sneered and walked towards the middle-aged man quietly...

At this time!
The sound of a sudden brake came from the door of the building.
A red sports car stopped at the door, the door was pushed open, and a woman dressed in luxurious and elegant clothes stepped out.
The woman came over with a sneer on her lips: "Aren't you embarrassed that so many adults are surrounding a child?"
She pushed away the crowd, walked directly to Li Dongjing's side, and asked softly: "Ajing, are you okay?"
"Aunt Mu, I'm fine."
Li Dongjing lowered his eyelids to block the emotions in his eyes.
Mu Yingxuan stood in front of him, protecting him tightly behind her.
She looked coldly at the agitated crowd in front of her and spoke word by word: "Mu will always stand behind Li. No matter what happens to Li, Mu will do her best to solve it. Therefore, the problems you are worried about will not occur."
She paused and continued, "You are illegally gathering to make trouble. If the police are called, you people will have to go to the police station for a day and a half. Do you want to try it?"

"Miss Mu, what you said is wrong!" The middle-aged man standing on the steps said with a evil smile, "We are protecting our legal rights, why do we call it a gathering of people to cause trouble? Besides, Miss Mu is not from the Mu family. President or Vice President, do you have the right to make such a big decision on behalf of Mu?"

Mu Yingxuan choked hard.
Although his father said he would help Mr. Li.

But if Li Shi really left such a big mess, their Mu Shi would have no control at all.
At the moment she hesitated, the crowd gathered around her again.
"Hurry up!" Mu Yingxuan lowered her voice, "A-Jing, this is not something you can handle. Hurry up and go back to the office!"
Just as Li Dongjing was about to speak, Chen Feng forcibly led him away from the side door.

The angry crowd rushed over and were directly stopped by Mu Yingxuan.

She raised her chin with a proud look on her face: "I am the rich daughter of the Mu family. As long as you touch me, you can expect huge lawsuits."

She looked delicate, and she was covered in expensive luxuries from head to toe. How could those stock investors really dare to touch her, so they just watched Li Dongjing enter the elevator.
Mu Yingxuan curled her lips and sneered.
Her eyes swept across the crowd, passing Jiang Jin's body vaguely.
A mother just watched her biological son being besieged and remained indifferent.
This bitch is not worthy of being A Jing’s mother!
Mu Yingxuan turned around coldly and walked into Li's lobby...
The crowd at the entrance of Li's Building gradually dispersed.
"Don't even leave! If we leave now, we will never be able to recover our losses!"
The middle-aged man shouted again, "We must stop that boy from the Li family and force him to sell the Li's Building to compensate for our losses! If it's too late, after the building is confiscated by the bank, we will have nothing!"
As soon as he finished speaking, his back was suddenly hit.
Before he could turn around, his two arms were clamped hard.
Jiang Jin's knees were on the man's lower back, and her two elbows pressed the man's arms hard. Her voice was cold: "Tell me, why don't you continue?"
"You bitch, let me go!"
The middle-aged man struggled to free himself twice, but failed.
Jiang Jin looked up at the crowd surrounding them and chuckled, "Is it him who organized the Li family's trouble today?"

"Do you know who he is, and you dare to follow him here to make trouble?"

She said coldly, "Let me tell you straight, he is the personal assistant of Gou Feng, the second young master of the Gou Group. You are all shareholders of the Li Group. You should know why something happened to the Li Group suddenly recently. It was all because of the Gou Group!”
"The Gou Group is eager to crush Li to death. How can Gou's employees buy Li's shares?"

As soon as Jiang Jin said these words, everyone present looked in disbelief.
