FVB - 091

Chapter 91 No need for her to show concern

Li Nanque became angry and clenched his fists.
Jiang Jin walked in, placed the steaming bowl of noodles on the desk, and saw the script on the table.
She picked up the script casually.
But Li Nanque snatched it away with one hand: "Don't touch my things without my permission."
"Little bastard, you crawled out of my belly. You are mine, and everything you own is mine. Why can't I move?"
Jiang Jin deliberately sat down on her bed and said, "Whenever you finish eating this bowl of noodles, I will leave."
Li Nanque was furious.
He didn't expect this woman to be such a rogue.
Wasn't she unwilling to accept him as her son before? Why did she admit that he crawled out of her belly now?
He can live a good life on his own and doesn't need her to show concern.
Li Nanque stood in the room, his face covered with a layer of frost.
When he didn't speak, his aura was extremely cold, and the scarlet light in the depths of his black eyes gradually spread into fire.
"Um..." Jiang Jin hesitated and said, "What happened during the day was indeed my fault. No matter what, I shouldn't have acted together with Xiaoxi Xiaobei to deceive you. It should have delayed your work. I'm sorry."

She stood up, bowed seriously, and said in a sincere voice, "I sincerely ask for your forgiveness. Can you forgive me?"
Li Nanque pursed his lips and looked at her coldly.
When he was very young, in order to escape a beating, he would hug this woman's trouser legs and beg to admit his mistake.
But every time, he would be kicked away mercilessly.
He never thought that this woman would take the initiative to admit her mistake to him.

He glanced at the back of Jiang Jin's hand. There was still a little red there. It was from the burn he had caused when he knocked it over during the day.
He pursed his lips and wanted to say sorry.
Outside the door, a little head suddenly poked his head in.
Li Beixiao opened his big bright eyes: "Second brother, if you don't want to eat this bowl of noodles, don't knock it over and let me eat it."
Jiang Jin glanced at him: "You ate a big bowl of rice and a bowl of soup tonight. If you eat another bowl of noodles, you will accumulate food. Don't eat it."
"But I'm hungry." Li Beixiao touched his belly and said aggrievedly.
His soft and waxy voice was like milk candy, and he was particularly cute and pitiful when acting like a baby. Jiang Jin surrendered in an instant.
She stood up and looked at Li Nanque: "Don't stay up late reading the script, it will hurt your body. Go to bed early."
She held Li Beixiao's hand and walked out: "Xiao Bei, let me fry some eggs for you. The candied eggs taste pretty good..."
"Okay, okay, thank you, mom."
The voices of the two people talking gradually became distant.

Li Nanque walked to the door and closed it. Through the crack in the door, he saw Jiang Jin carefully leading Li Beixiao downstairs.
He saw his own shadow in Xiao Bei.
It's just that he was dreaming back then.
And Xiaobei was truly held in the hands of this woman.
If he had been born a few years later, would he have been cared for and grown up?
Li Nanque closed the door, sat at the desk, and took a bite of egg noodles.

He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years and has eaten all kinds of delicacies, but none of those things seem to be as good as the simple bowl of noodles in front of him.
He was silent and ate up the egg noodles one bite at a time.

The night passed quietly.
Jiang Jin stretched herself out and got up. She yawned and walked to the door of the master bedroom, pushing the door open a crack.
When she saw Li Yunting lying on the big bed, she let go of her worries.

She didn't go to bed until two o'clock in the morning last night. She had been waiting for Dr. Sun to send Li Yunting back, but she never heard any sound...
When she woke up early in the morning, Li Yunting was already back.
Is she so sleepy now?
Jiang Jin rubbed her hair and went back to his room to wash up. When she turned around, she saw Li Nanque standing on the stairs.

Jiang Jin curled her lips and said hello.
Li Nanque glanced at her, went downstairs indifferently, picked up his bag and went out, completely pretending that she didn't exist.
Jiang Jin snorted coldly: "Little bastard, you'd better not ask me to be nice to you in the future, hum!"
As soon as she turned her head, she saw a figure standing on the third floor.
Li Dongjing walked out of the room in casual clothes. His whole body was wrapped in the warm morning light, and he seemed less cold and solemn.

Jiang Jin raised her head slightly and asked him, "Are you going to visit the old man in the hospital?"
Li Dongjing said calmly: "There is something wrong with the company."
Be concise and concise, cherish words like gold.
At only nine years old, he already has the beginnings of a domineering president.
Jiang Jin clicked her tongue twice and ignored him.

Today was Sunday, and there was no need to send the two children to school. After eating breakfast, she drove directly to the military hospital.
This is the best hospital in Yuncheng. It is located in the suburbs with beautiful scenery and is suitable for rest.
Jiang Jin parked the car in the garage and took the elevator to the door of the special care ward.
Because it was in intensive care, she could not go in for the time being and could only take a look at Mr. Li through the glass window.
The old man who was full of energy before is now lying silently, as if he will leave this world at any time...
Jiang Jin felt a little sour in her heart.
She suddenly felt that she was quite useless, because she knew that Li Yunting would wake up and that Li Yunting would solve Li's big trouble, so she never cared about the company's affairs...
Such a mess is all supported by the hard work of the old man and Li Dongjing...

The old man finally fell ill.
Can Ah Jing still hold on?
Jiang Jin looked at the nurse beside him: "When the old man wakes up, call me as soon as possible."

After saying that, she left in a hurry and rushed directly to the Li Group.

Mr. Li was so angry that he was sent to the hospital. Something big must have happened in the company. Li Dongjing, a child of only nine years old, may not be able to withstand the situation.
Jiang Jin rushed to the Li Group as quickly as possible.
There were so many people gathered in the square at the entrance of the building that the security guards were unable to maintain order.
"Li Shi pays for it!"
"All the hard-earned money of stock investors in their lifetime has been swallowed up by Mr. Li!"
"Li Shi must give us investors an explanation!"
Hundreds of people blocked the door with water, and the crowd was furious. If the commotion continued like this, sooner or later they would have to take action.
Jiang Jin pushed through the crowd and squeezed inside.
"Quick, the young master of the Li family is here!"
"He is the prince of the Li family, and the clothes he wears cost more than we will ever earn in our lifetime!"
"Why is it that he is so popular and drinks so much, but we lose our underpants!"
"Li's short selling stock price, Li's must lose money!"
"Don't let that kid escape, stop him quickly!"
The stock investors suddenly rushed in one direction, and Jiang Jin was pushed forward by the crowd.
She saw Li Dongjing coming from the side door, with Chen Feng guarding him. Although Chen Feng had some skills, he couldn't withstand such a large flow of people.
The stock investors on the side frantically grabbed Li Dongjing's arm.
"Young Master Li, pay for it!"

"I'll take off your clothes if you don't pay any compensation!"

"Why should we, the common people, pay the bill when capitalists lose money? It's unfair!"
