FVB - 090

Chapter 90 Mr. Li is critically ill and hospitalized

Jiang Jin was so angry that her heart ached.
She ordered Ye Tang to look around the villa carefully and went upstairs angrily.
When passing the door of the master bedroom, she glanced into the room out of habit, and was suddenly startled again.
Why is Li Yunting missing again?
"Dr. Sun took my father to the hospital for rehabilitation diagnosis and treatment."
Li Dongjing's cold voice sounded downstairs.
Jiang Jin curled her lips and said nothing.
She went back to her room to remove her makeup and change her clothes. When she came down, Zhang Ma brought sumptuous dishes to the table.
"When will the second brother come back?"
Jiang Jin sat on the dining chair and asked casually.
Zhang's mother replied: "I just called the second young master and he is at work. He may not be back until 11 o'clock at night."
"Then let's start dinner."
The mother and son sat down at the dining table. Li Xichen and Li Beixiao sat close to Jiang Jin's left and right hands, while Li Dongjing sat farthest away from Jiang Jin.
"Xiao Bei, these are your favorite Coke chicken wings. The ones made by Zhang Ma are really delicious."
"Xiao Xi, the yellow-bone fish and mushroom soup made by Zhang Ma today is pretty good. I'll give you a bowl of soup and let it cool down a little before you drink it."
With a gentle voice, Jiang Jin picked up vegetables and served soup for the two little guys.
Li Beixiao raised a sweet smile: "Thank you, mom. You can also have a piece of Coke chicken wings. It's so delicious."
Li Xichen picked up a piece of meat and threw it into the bottom of Jiang Jin's bowl: "You're as thin as a stick. Eat more meat."

Jiang Jin smiled and touched the heads of the two children: "Xiao Xi and Xiao Bei are so good. They are really good babies of their mother."
There was so much fun here, but Li Dongjing seemed particularly forlorn.
He tightened his grip on the chopsticks, pursed his lips coldly, lowered his head and ate the bowl of rice in one go, pushed away the chair and stood up.
"Don't you want some soup?"
Jiang Jin called him softly.
Li Dongjing only stopped for a moment, then went upstairs without looking back.
He was sitting in the study, and from time to time he heard cheerful sounds coming from the dining room downstairs.
Xiaobei, who was so silent before, actually called this woman mother sweetly.
Xiao Xi, who was so awkward before, actually learned to care about this woman...
What kind of magic power does this woman have?
Li Dongjing closed the document in front of him and walked step by step to the railing of the corridor. His eyes fell on the three people sitting in the dining room.
Isn't this the dream he once had?
At that time, he and Ah Que were still young. How they wished they could sweetly call her mom, how they wished she could touch their hair tenderly, how they wished she could always stand in front of them and protect them from the wind and rain...
They tried to get close to her, but she kicked them away without mercy.
All the dreams they had about happiness were shattered by this woman's own hands.
But why is she suddenly so nice to Xiaoxi and Xiaobei?
Is it because she has begun to learn to change... or is it because he and A'que are not worthy of her sincerity?

After dinner, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao went upstairs to do their homework.
Jiang Jin was sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching TV and scrolling through her phone...
The local news in Yuncheng is being broadcast on the TV.
"The top star Que Ye showed up at the movie conference, and two-thirds of the people in Yuncheng went to watch, causing traffic jams..."
"The road show of "Destined to Meet You" ended successfully. Queen Gu Wanbai showed up at the airport and attracted onlookers..."
One news after another was broadcast without attracting Jiang Jin's attention.

These bad things in the entertainment industry are more detailed online than on TV. She usually chooses to browse Weibo to learn about them...
"It is reported that Mr. Li, chairman of the Li Group, was hospitalized in critical condition this morning. The reporter learned that Mr. Li suffered from heart disease and was sent to the intensive care unit...
The Li Group is in turmoil, Mr. Li is hospitalized, the Li family will no longer have a backbone, and where will the future of the Li Group go..."
Jiang Jin suddenly raised her head.
The pictures on the TV swept by.
It was the scene where Mr. Li was sent to the hospital. His body was covered with tubes, his face was extremely pale, and he looked very weak...
Jiang Jin's heart suddenly tightened.
She has been busy with press conferences these days and hasn't contacted the old man yet. Is he really seriously ill and hospitalized?
The old man was in good spirits and in high spirits the past two days. Why did he suddenly stop feeling well?
She quickly dialed Mr. Li's phone number.

The phone rang several times before it was answered, and a young woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.
"Hello, I am Mr. Li's caregiver. He is still in a coma. I will contact you after the old man wakes up."
Jiang Jin's heart sank: "Which hospital is the old man in?"

"Yuncheng First Military Region Hospital." After the nurse finished speaking, she paused and said, "The old gentleman is in the special care ward and does not accept visits at night."
"Okay, then I'll go there tomorrow."
After hanging up the phone, the nurse respectfully placed the phone next to Mr. Li's pillow.
Mr. Li opened his cloudy eyes and suddenly sighed.

He could feel that Jiang Jin was really worried about him.

But this time the plan had to be foolproof. He didn't dare to take risks, so he could only hide it from Jiang Jin.

After a month, the Gou family will be completely defeated, and everything will return to where it started...

It's getting darker.
Jiang Jin has been sitting in the living room playing with her mobile phone.
She looked at the door of the villa from time to time, and when the hour hand pointed to eleven, a sports car finally drove in.
The car door was pushed open, and Li Nanque got out of the passenger seat carrying a bag.
He had the aura of cold dew in the middle of the night, making his black eyes look more like the cold stars in the sky.
He pushed open the door of the villa and walked straight upstairs.

Jiang Jin coughed softly.

Li Nanque glanced over, glanced at her, and then continued upstairs.
"Hey, are you going to die if you say hello?" Jiang Jin said angrily, "Are you hungry when you get back from work late at night? Do you want me to make you something to eat?"
Li Nanque went up to the third floor without looking back and slammed the door.
Jiang Jin: "..."
So angry...

But she can't do anything to this kid.
No matter what, it was this guy who stopped an online violence and prevented her from being picked apart by netizens.
Moreover, she did the wrong thing first...
Jiang Jin resignedly went into the kitchen, cooked a bowl of noodles, and knocked on the door on the third floor with the bowl of noodles.
Li Nanque's cold voice came from inside the door.
"It's me." Jiang Jin said as calmly as possible, "You are growing. You can't have an empty stomach at night. Eat something before going to bed."
"I won't eat!" The cold voice became even colder, "Go away, don't disturb me from reading the script."
Jiang Jin: "..."
It's unbearable to tell her, my biological mother, to go away.
She raised her hand and pushed the door open.
As soon as Li Nanque came out of the bathroom, he had a loose bath towel wrapped around his waist.
His eyes widened: "Who allowed you to come in!"

Saying that, he immediately put on his pajamas.

"Tsk!" Jiang Jin smiled contemptuously, "It's not like I've never seen you wearing crotchless pants, right?"
