FVB - 089

Chapter 89 Children are my bottom line

The sunset outside the window shone in, filling the study with orange light.
Li Yunting sat at the desk with two laptops in front of him, with the same files on the screen.
He looked at the young man standing beside him and said in a very cold voice: "Can you see the difference between these two documents?"
Li Dongjing took a step forward and looked at the two documents carefully.
In the past few days, his father has been guiding him on how to become a qualified heir.
He cherishes this opportunity.
Just as he was looking at the documents carefully, there was a sudden knock on the study door.
"Who's in the study?"
Jiang Jin's voice sounded outside the door.
Li Yunting stood up suddenly.
He came back from the press conference not even an hour early. Why did this woman get home so quickly?
He ducked and stood behind the door.

At this time, the study door was pushed open.
Jiang Jin stood at the door, glanced at the study, and asked suspiciously, "Are you the only one here?"
Li Dongjing glanced at her indifferently: "Is something wrong?"
"I just heard someone talking."
Jiang Jin frowned.

And the voice of that person sounded very familiar.
She stepped forward and walked into the study.

"I'm having a video conference, please get out." Li Dongjing stopped her coldly, "Don't disturb my work." Jiang Jin suddenly smelled a familiar smell on the tip of her nose.
She had smelled this smell before on Mr. Li...
She narrowed her eyes, grabbed Li Dongjing's arm, and said in a very low voice: "Ajing, you go out first."
Li Dongjing coldly pulled out his arm: "You have disturbed my work. Please leave the study immediately."
"There is a third person here." Jiang Jin's voice was as low as possible, "This person's purpose is not pure. Get out quickly and leave this place to me."
Li Dongjing: "..."
Isn't this woman usually stupid? How could she feel that there was a third person in the study?
He pursed his lips and was about to push her out without any explanation.
Jiang Jin suddenly stretched out her hand to protect him behind him.

She turned around magnificently and looked behind the door, meeting Li Yunting's eyes.
The black-gold mask gave off a dull light, blocking most of the man's face, leaving only his eyes with a cold light.
Jiang Jin was so frightened that she stopped breathing.
This man had given up on causing trouble for her over and over again, so why did he still bother the children?

"Why are you here?!" Jiang Jin gritted her teeth and asked angrily.
Li Yunting strolled out from behind the door, curled his lips and smiled softly: "This is not my first time here, why are you so surprised?"
Hearing this, Jiang Jin's breath froze.
If this man said those inappropriate things in front of his children, she would never be able to clear her name in front of her children.
"You come out with me!"
Jiang Jin strode over, grabbed Li Yunting's arm and rushed downstairs.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, who were playing games downstairs, stood up in shock, completely unaware of what was happening.
Li Dongjing walked out of the study and walked down the steps step by step. He stood at the door of the villa and could just see the two people standing in the yard.
He was really startled when the woman suddenly burst into the study just now.
But what he didn't expect was that the woman actually knew his father...
When did they meet...
Does that woman know that the masked man is her husband...
Li Dongjing frowned.
Li Xichen no longer wanted to play games.
He closed his laptop and turned to look at the door.
Although they were far away, he could feel that the atmosphere between the woman and the strange man was very tense.
He took a few steps forward. If anything happened, he could rush out immediately...
Li Beixiao pursed his lips.

He looked at the familiar figure outside the window and said slowly: "Brother, is that dad?"
Li Dongjing was suddenly startled: "Xiaobei, you..."
"Last time, grandpa suddenly asked the eldest and second brothers to come back for dinner, and the eldest and second brothers suddenly decided to move back. I guessed it." Li Beixiao said quietly, "It's a good thing that dad is awake, but why is he wearing a mask?"
Li Xichen looked in disbelief and murmured: "Is this dad?"
Is he that stupid?
He didn't even realize that this was his father...
No, there is someone more stupid than him.
Li Xichen twitched the corners of his lips. This woman was not very smart. She probably would never find out that their father was awake.
"Don't tell her about this yet." Li Dongjing said solemnly, "It won't be too late to talk to her after the Li crisis is over."
The sunset in the evening faded little by little, but before the street lights could be turned on, the light in the yard was a little dim.
Jiang Jin raised her head and looked at the man in front of her, gritted her teeth and said, "Tell me, what exactly do you want to do? Can you explain it clearly once and for all?"
If this happens a few more times, she will really be frightened and have a heart attack!
Li Yunting looked at her with a sneer: "Didn't you say you would tell the Gou family about my plan?"
"I... I didn't really say it!" Jiang Jin said angrily, "I'm warning you, my children is my bottom line. If you dare to touch a hair of my child, I will fight you to the death."
She waved her fist wildly, her angry eyes reflecting his figure.

Suddenly, the lights in the yard came on.
The lights turned on one by one, slowly illuminating her face.
Her eyes were astonishingly bright, like blades reflecting light.
She was wearing a simple lace skirt. When the night breeze blew, the skirt outlined her slender and graceful figure.
Li Yunting's heart calmed down at this moment.
He spoke slowly: "Children are your bottom line?"
"I will never allow anyone to harm the children I worked so hard to conceive for ten months!"
Jiang Jin said word by word, "Mr. Li, I don't know what you want to do. But, you suddenly appeared in my eldest son's study today. This matter has touched my bottom line, so-"
She sneered and took two steps back, "Ye Tang, what are you still hiding? Give him a good beating!"
Ye Tang: "..."
He just came out to watch a show, why call him out?
Would he dare to give Mr. a good beating?
"Ye Tang, come out!" Jiang Jin said coldly, "Aren't you a soldier? You can't even teach a junior?"
Ye Tang bravely walked out from behind the tree.
As soon as he raised his head, he met Li Yunting's cold eyes.
Before he could take action, his legs became weak.
Under Jiang Jin's gaze, Ye Tang could only rush over with his fists and feet, but before he could touch a hair on Li Yunting's body, he suddenly fell to the ground and screamed.
Li Yunting: "..."
This acting is so poor.
He turned around and left, his figure quickly disappearing into the night.

"Ye Tang, you are so useless!" Jiang Jin hated the iron not being steel, "How could the old man send you to protect us? No, I want to apply for a replacement!"

Ye Tang: "..."

Let's change, let's change. He has had enough of this kind of life where he is not human inside and out.
