FVB - 088

Chapter 88 Jiang Jin was bullied online

The video of Jiang Jin scolding Mr. Que in the corridor quickly became the number one trending topic on Weibo.
In less than ten minutes, the video had more than a million comments.
"Damn it! How dare you scold our Master Que? Does this woman want her life?"
"Our Master Que is the master. What's wrong? What's bothering her? Why should she scold our Master Que? Who gave her the face?"
"Within five minutes, I want to know all the information about this woman!"
"I got it! This woman is an investor in "Snow Without End", her name is Jiang Jin!"

"Fuck me, isn't it just a poor investor? She actually dares to scold us, Mr. Que, in public. Where are Mr. Que's fans? Let us spit on her and drown her!"
"Everyone, please be sensible and stop swearing. I suggest you beat her to death."
"I met this woman at the last fan meeting of Mr. Que. She was a black fan of Mr. Que. At that time, Mr. Que even took her to the lounge."
"No way, Master Que, such an irritable little ancestor, would actually have private contact with black fans."
"Isn't this movie funded by this anti-fan? Mr. Que even came to support it in person. As a result, not only was he not thanked, but he was also scolded."
"I'm so confused. Are anti-fans so rampant these days?"
"It seems that Mr. Que has a soft spot for anti-fans. Can I consider pretending to be a anti-fan?"
The online reviews are getting higher and higher, and the movie "Snow Without End" has been on the hot search again and again, instantly suppressing the news about the road show of the crew next door.
In the nanny's car, Li Nanque closed his eyes and rested.

Wei Liu muttered on the side: "Ms. Jiang was on the hot search and was scolded by netizens. She deserves it! Mr. Que is nine years old. She thought you were the three or four-year-old who didn't know how to resist... Now it's not your turn, Mr. Que, to take action personally. The abuse from netizens is enough for her to drink..."
Li Nanque suddenly opened his eyes.
He took a look at the hot searches on Weibo and saw countless people criticizing her. Jiang Jin's photo was even maliciously photoshopped and circulated all over the Internet.
An uncomfortable feeling suddenly arose in his heart.
He deserves to scold this woman, but these netizens are not qualified yet.
He took his cell phone and quickly typed a line of text.
Wei Liu looked over and was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat: "Little Ancestor, you must not post this on Weibo... You are a billionaire with top traffic. The studio stipulates that you can only post on Weibo once a month. How can you How can you post these irrelevant things?”
Li Nanque looked at him coldly: "What, are you teaching me how to do something?"
Wei Liu: "..."

Backstage at the press conference.
"Oh, my aunt, even if you make Meng Shen angry, why do you dare to scold Mr. Que in public?"
Director Zhao ran over with tears in his eyes, "Miss Jiang, you have been exposed on the Internet. Hurry up and post a public apology to Master Que on Weibo. If the trouble continues, our crew's Weibo will be reported and deleted."
Jiang Jin regretted it after scolding him.
It was her fault in the first place. Why could she be so out of control? That kid must have been even more angry.
She twitched the corners of her lips: "Didn't I already apologize..."
Director Zhao looked at her speechlessly: "Miss Jiang, now the whole country has seen you scolding Mr. Que, I think you have to apologize publicly, otherwise those fans will not let you go..."
"Why, just because that kid is a celebrity, you deprive me, a mother, of the right to teach her son a lesson?" Jiang Jin said angrily, irritated to death.
Director Zhao's face was full of questions: "Your son?"
He was stunned, "No, Miss Jiang, are you really Mr. Que's mother's fan? Mom's fan and mother have two different meanings. Auntie, don't really think of yourself as Mr. Que's biological mother!"

Jiang Jin waved her hand: "Forget it if you don't believe me. I'm tired. I'll go home and sleep."
She stepped outside, only to find that the door was full of reporters.
Mom sells batches!
Are these reporters here for her?
She was really screwed.
"Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, let's go from the underground garage."
Jiang Jin made a quick decision and took the elevator down.
Director Zhao wanted to catch up and continue to persuade, but was blocked by the elevator door.
Director Zhao's anxious tongue was almost blistered.
What a success today's press conference was. The pre-sale of movie tickets also exceeded 50 million. Everything is moving in a good direction. Why did such a bad thing happen suddenly...
"Director Zhao!" Xiao Fang ran over sweating profusely, "Our pre-sales exceeded 100 million!"
Director Zhao quickly took out his cell phone.

Movie ticket pre-sales are growing explosively in a straight line. If this trend continues, it will not be a problem for the box office to exceed 300 million.
Director Zhao said excitedly: "The movie investors were hacked. Shouldn't the movie be boycotted? Why are so many people suddenly booking tickets?"
"Five minutes ago, Master Que posted a Weibo message." Xiao Fang looked in disbelief, "Master Que actually asked fans to stop attacking Miss Jiang, and clarified that what happened in the corridor was a small misunderstanding. Finally, he recommended fans to take the time to watch our movie."
Director Zhao: "..."
Could it be that the little ancestor had masochistic tendencies?

After being scolded so bloody by that girl Jiang Jin, he actually took the initiative to post an explanation on Weibo.

Could it be that Miss Jiang is really the biological mother of that little ancestor?
No no no, impossible!
Miss Jiang is so young, and it is already incredible that her son is five years old. How could she have a nine-year-old son!
Jiang Jin's car left the underground garage without attracting anyone's attention.
She held the steering wheel, pursed her crimson lips, and said irritably: "Xiao Bei, do you think I went too far in today's matter?"
Even if she acted to deceive Li Nanque, she actually scolded him in public...
Why can't she control her temper?
"It's the second brother who is too arrogant." Li Beixiao firmly supported Jiang Jin, "Mom personally cooked noodles for him. It didn't matter if he didn't eat it. How could he knock over the noodles and burn the back of my mother's hand? He took a piece of my mother's heart. Trample him to the ground, mother, don’t forgive him, just let him sulk alone!”
Jiang Jin: "..."
She glanced at Li Xichen: "Xiao Xi, what do you think?"

Li Xichen checked his cell phone and sneered: "Second brother publicly clarified this matter on Weibo, and fans deleted their comments and retreated. He doesn't think that you will forgive him if he does this. You woman have always been petty and vindictive, but my second brother went too far this time, and he is dead."
"Hey!" Jiang Jin was dissatisfied, "What about this woman and that woman? I'm your mother! Also, who do you think is petty and vindictive?"
Li Xichen snorted: "Isn't it?"
Jiang Jin curled her lips and said no more.

She really wanted to take out her phone and see how Li Nanque clarified it on Weibo, but she was driving and couldn't spare her hands.
She had mixed feelings along the way, and finally drove the car into the Li family villa.
As soon as she got off the car, she took out her phone and clicked on Weibo.
She originally had a Weibo account, which the original owner used to share her life, but most of it was just to show off her wealth.
This trumpet account has been picked out and compromised early, and the comment section is miserable.
Jiang Jin directly clicked on the hot search and saw Li Nanque's clarification on Weibo.
"What happened in the corridor was a misunderstanding. You are not allowed to attack anyone. If you have time, buy a movie ticket and come to me to share your thoughts after watching it."
The accompanying picture is a selfie of Li Nanque holding the movie poster of "Snow Without End" in his hand.
His eyes were dark, and Jiang Jin couldn't understand the emotions surging deep in his pupils.

She knew that this boy must be very angry, so he deliberately knocked over the noodle bowl and deliberately trampled on her feelings.

He was obviously so angry, why did he turn around and post a clarification on Weibo?

Another duplicitous bastard.
The depression in Jiang Jin's heart suddenly disappeared.

Various aspects of news on the Internet are still fermenting, but the Li family villa is extremely quiet.

Zhang Ma was cooking in the kitchen, while Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were sitting on the sofa playing games. They didn't know when that guy Li Nanque would come back.

Jiang Jin stepped upstairs, planning to go back to the room and change clothes.

When passing by the study, she keenly heard voices coming from the study.
