FVB - 087

Chapter 87 Li Nanque is furious

Jiang Jin fell silent.
In order to get rid of the torture of the original owner, Li Nanque entered the entertainment industry at the age of five.
He is a talented child, but he has a flamboyant personality and is covered with thorns. Who doesn’t want to smooth out the thorns on his body?
He was still so young back then, just like Xiaoxi and Xiaobei at this time. A small child broke into the bottomless entertainment circle alone. People around him were watching eagerly, and everyone wanted to take him as their own. Everyone wants him to be their cash cow.
Finally, he stepped into a trap carefully prepared by thoughtful people.
He was stuck in this quagmire for two or three years and paid a huge price to get out.
The only good thing is that even if he has been shackled for two or three years, he still has the energy and light of a young man.
Jiang Jin raised her head and looked at the young man sitting in the spotlight from a distance.

His angular face had a look of indifference, and impatience gradually appeared in his eyes.
His eyes looked like Li Yunting's, but his facial features were more like his mother. She seemed to see her own shadow in him...
"What does your second brother usually like to eat?" Jiang Jin turned her head and asked softly.
Li Xichen frowned: "I don't know, I haven't had a meal with him very often."

Li Beixiao raised his little head and said, "When I was eating the noodles made by my mother yesterday morning, I heard my second brother swallow his saliva."
"Okay, let's cook a bowl of egg noodles for that guy." Jiang Jin got up and walked backstage, "You two come over and help me prepare it together."
Li Nanque usually seems to be the most difficult person to deal with, but she didn't expect that he could sit there and deal with reporters for her sake.
Then she should do something with her own hands to show her gratitude...
While Jiang Jin and her two children were cooking noodles in the backstage kitchen, the press conference finally came to an end.
Li Nanque pushed the chair away and walked off the stage, grabbing Director Zhao's hand: "Which hospital did she go to?"
Director Zhao was still immersed in the joy of the success of the press conference, and said in a daze: "Which her, which hospital?"
"Jiang Jin." Li Nanque pursed his lips, "Didn't she get injured by a crystal lamp that fell from the ceiling? Which hospital was she sent to?"

Director Zhao: "??"
Just now on the stage, he saw Miss Jiang watching the press conference under the stage. How could she be injured by the crystal lamp?
If such a big accident really happened at the scene, the press conference would have been stopped long ago, right?

"Master Que, where did you hear this rumor? Miss Jiang is resting peacefully backstage and nothing has happened to her." Director Zhao said with a smile, "Master Que, if nothing happens next, why don't I take you with me? Go over and meet Miss Jiang?"
Li Nanque's dark eyes narrowed: "Is nothing wrong with her?"
"Of course nothing can happen!" Director Zhao led him to the back. "Ms. Jiang hasn't slept for several days for this press conference. She should be sleeping in the lounge. Hey, where is the person?"
The lounge was empty.

Li Nanque's lips tightened into a straight line.
He not only hoped that the woman was fine, but also hoped that she was indeed dying and lying in a pool of blood...
This complex emotion made his entire face darker.
There were staff walking around in the corridor backstage. Director Zhao asked a passerby, who pointed to the corner and said, "Miss Jiang is cooking noodles in the kitchen over there."
Before Director Zhao could say thank you, Li Nanque strode over.
When you turn the corner of the corridor, the fragrance hits your face.
Li Nanque stood at the door of the kitchen and looked over with gloomy eyes.
In the bright and spacious kitchen, Jiang Jin wore an apron around her waist. She picked up the cooked noodles from the pot, put one into Li Beixiao's mouth, and asked gently with a smile: "How is it, is it delicious? "
Li Beixiao nodded with satisfaction: "It's so delicious!"
Li Xichen coughed and was about to speak. Suddenly, he felt a cold gaze.

He turned around and said in surprise: "Second brother, why are you here?"
"Aque, you're done." Jiang Jin gently curved her lips, "You must be hungry. Come over and have a bowl of noodles first."
Li Nanque opened his thin lips lightly and let out a cold sneer.

After entering the entertainment industry, he rarely trusts others.
But today, he was deceived by the three people he trusted most.
That woman was not a kind person to begin with, so she just deceived.
But Xiaoxi and Xiaobei, the younger brothers he always loved, actually sided with that woman.
"Second brother, it was my idea to do this today. If you want to blame, blame me."
Li Xichen spoke first and directly took all the responsibilities on himself.
Jiang Jin pursed her crimson lips.
In fact, after hearing Xiaobei talk about Li Nanque's past, she felt a little regretful.
Such a sharp-edged young man should be most afraid of being deceived.

And she stepped on his taboo.
Jiang Jin tried her best to keep her voice gentle. She picked up the steaming noodles on the side and walked over.
"As an elder, I really shouldn't act to deceive you. I made a mistake in this matter, and I hereby solemnly apologize to you.
After you are out of breath, you still have to eat. These are the egg noodles I made specially for you. Can you tell me anything you want after you finish eating the noodles? "
Her face was covered in heat and looked extremely gentle.
Li Nanque slowly clenched his fists.
He is the youngest actor, and his acting skills have amazed countless directors and veteran actors. However, in front of this woman, he realized how poor his acting skills were.
Perhaps his acting talent was inherited from this woman.
The anger fermented little by little.
Li Nanque raised his hand and gave it a heavy lift.
The steaming bowl of noodle in Jiang Jin's hand was knocked over, and the back of her hand was burned and suddenly turned red.
"Second brother, what are you doing!" Li Beixiao rushed over, "You must apologize to mother!"
Li Nanque continued to sneer: "I'm already merciful for not letting you taste what it feels like to be hit by a crystal lamp, and you still want me to apologize. Ha, it's a dream!"
He raised his foot and kicked the bowl away from the ground, then stepped on the noodles. The soft noodles instantly turned into pulp.
Jiang Jin's anger quickly rose.

She lowered her stance and apologized, but this bastard was not done yet!

"Li Nanque!" She stepped in front of the young man, "I lied to you, and I apologized to you. What else do you want?"
"I don't want you to do anything." Li Nanque said one word at a time, "I just don't want to see you again."
After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.
"If you have the ability to speak harshly, you'd better never come back for the rest of your life!" Jiang Jin yelled at his back, "Little bastard, don't think I'm afraid of you just because you're a big star. You're still a nine-year-old brat! If you dare to call yourself master, who will give you the face..."

Before she had finished venting, she felt that there were more and more people in the corridor.

Countless people are holding up their mobile phones and taking videos...
