ADMKSF - 017.2

"Are the brothers @Miki in front serious? Nanjianglou finally found a way to do sit-ups, and you still let Miki do it. Isn't this another way to kick them into the coffin?"

Lin You saw the comments and followed the @ information to click on the Weibo of the food connoisseur Miki. He is a big V blogger, and his personal certification is very simple: food expert.

Lin You looked through the other party's relevant information and netizens' evaluations of him, and had some ideas in her mind. Miki is a very talkative person, and a dish that ordinary people think is delicious may just be an average evaluation for him, which seems particularly harsh. But because he never charges money when visiting restaurants, he simply tells the public about the evaluation of each restaurant's dishes, so he is widely praised and has many fans.

Lin You was not worried at all about the other party coming to visit the store. On the contrary, she was looking forward to it. The goddess of luck seemed to be on her side. When she refreshed her Weibo, she saw that Miki had retweeted Nanjiang Lou's latest Weibo and said bluntly: Wait, Saturday will definitely come.

“Waiting for the review of Yishou Nanjiang Tower’s complete collapse”

"What we're saying is that Miki should go to the Songzhu Hotel next door. It's much cheaper than Nanjiang Tower."

"But I think the food at Songzhu Restaurant is not delicious either. (gently) Don't scold me, I'm just expressing my thoughts."

Upon seeing this, Miki immediately replied: Let’s have Nanjiang Tower for lunch and Songzhu Hotel for dinner.

Lin You raised her eyebrows slowly, and the next second she saw the latest WeChat content pop up on the screen of her mobile phone. When she clicked on it, she saw that it was from Chen Yi. The other party sent a screenshot, which was the content forwarded by 'Food Tastemaker Miki' on Nanjianglou's Weibo.

Chen Yi: We originally thought about launching the event in two days, but we heard that this food blogger happened to be on a business trip in Haishi and decided to seize this opportunity. If he also agrees with our plan to eat more than one fish, the possibility of Nanjiang Tower turning around is very high.

Lin You was really surprised now.

She thought that netizen @ This food blogger was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, but she never thought that this was still part of Chen Yi and others' plan. He is indeed an excellent businessman and never misses an opportunity.

Lin You replied with a nice word, and then took the initiative and said: I will send the fish over tomorrow.

Chen Yi: Thank you for your hard work.

Lin You didn't say anything more. She turned off her phone and was about to take a rest. Suddenly she heard a rustling sound from the next room, followed by a dull cough. The sound was not like what she heard during the day. It was so heartbreaking, as if it was being gently covered by something and then came out.

Lin You blinked, looked down at her phone, found Pei Henan's WeChat account, and sent a message: Drink some water, there is warm water in the kitchen.

Pei Henan quickly replied: Did I disturb you? I'm sorry.

Lin You: Don’t think too much, I’m not asleep yet. Go and drink some water to moisten your throat. Good night.

Pei Henan pushed open the door to the room, put one hand on the handrail of the stairs, tapped the screen with his right hand, and replied with a good word.

He put away my phone and went to the kitchen. The water poured out of the kettle was still hot, as if someone had filled it up before going to bed. Pei Henan was half leaning on the side of the table, looking casual and lazy. He was sipping the warm water in the glass while looking at the room on the second floor.

From his angle, he could just see Lin You's bedroom door.

He lowered his eyes again.

Normally, when Lin You heard his cough, she would feel like a cat whose tail had been pulled sorely. She wished she could tear him apart with her claws. When she would see him the next day, her face would be filled with a sneer. How could she take the initiative to care for him like she did today? And tell him there is warm water ready in the kitchen.

Pei Henan drank the warm water in the water cup, washed the water cup and put it in the cabinet.

As he turned to leave, he was thinking that this was probably the first time in the past thirty years that he realized that even in the dark night, there was some elusive tenderness.

It doesn't feel bad, but it's addictive.

Not a good sign.

The next morning, Lin You got up early and cooked. After the family of three finished breakfast, Pei Ye said he was going back to his room to write papers, while Pei Henan was going out to find a job. Lin You looked at the father and son and just nodded.

She also has something to do today.

Returning to Daxian Village, Gu Changdong had already been guarding the fish pond. Seeing Lin You coming so early, he seemed surprised, "Miss Lin, are you so early?"

Lin You smiled: "This is the first business, I want to come over and take a look in person."

Gu Changdong nodded when he heard this: "That's true."

Then he took Lin You around several fish ponds. Gu Changdong wanted to help lay fish fry. One of the preparations he needed to do was to help dry the ponds and disinfect the fish ponds. The amount of work was huge. But this is a good thing for Lin You. She can just send the fish caught by Ganchi to Nanjiang Tower.

With the help of the workers Gu Changdong hired, several fish ponds were quickly drained, and the big fish in them were one after another. Lin You asked them to help load the truck and send it directly to Nanjiang Tower.

But it’s too late for this trouble. Lin You thought for a while and decided to invite Gu Changdong and his party to Nanjiang Tower for dinner. She booked a private room in Nanjiang Tower, but she couldn't help but feel a little regretful - if they were in the capital, they could invite the Pei family and his son to have dinner together.

Thinking like this, Lin You took a big spoonful of rice and put it into her mouth.

After lunch, Lin You returned to Daxian Village.

She stayed in Daxian Village until four o'clock in the afternoon before leaving. By the time she got home, it was almost six o'clock. Before going home, Lin You specially sent a message to Pei Henan, telling him that she would come back later today and let them prepare dinner by themselves without waiting for her.

Pei Henan agreed quickly, but when Lin You pushed the small foreign-style building away, the smell of food first entered her nose. Standing at the door and looking in, she saw the Pei Henan and his son sitting on the sofa, and there were several plates of untouched dishes on the table.

The father and son who were talking raised their heads when they heard the noise. It was Pei Henan who reacted first, with a faint smile on his pale face: "You're back? It's time to start dinner."

Lin You felt that the scene at the moment was strange.

When she was in the orphanage, she would go to the cafeteria in advance to wait for meals because she was afraid of going hungry.

Later, the apocalypse came and food was limited. Before joining the base, humans competed for food. After joining the base, the food was placed on a cold plate, and the surrounding eyes were full of desire.

There was never another time like this moment when someone prepared dinner and waited for her to come back. The dim light showed a smile and the warmth that Lin You longed for so much.

Lin You stood there for a while, then quickly calmed down those surging emotions, and said softly: "Didn't I say you don't have to wait for me?"

Pei Henan pursed his lips and smiled: "Then I have to ask Aye. He said he would prepare dinner tonight, but he is not very skilled in cooking yet, so he moves very slowly."

Pei Ye heard this and said quickly: "Although the movement is very slow, the time is saved just right!"

Lin You nodded, turned her head to look at them and raised her eyebrows: "So, what are you still doing sitting around? You can eat now."

Pei Ye had been hungry for a long time, so he immediately rushed over after hearing this. The young man seemed to be running fast, taking a few steps with his long legs and standing at the dining table. He was raising his hand to help his dear parents fill the meal, but Lin You suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"What happened to your hand?"

Pei Ye's right hand was randomly wrapped with several rounds of gauze, and his index finger was rolled up in a thick layer. At first glance, it looked like a pig's trotter, which was very scary.

Pei Ye lowered his head and said casually: "I accidentally cut it while cutting vegetables, and some oil splashed on the back of my hand. It's not a big problem, it just hurts a little."

"Does it hurt a lot?"

"It's okay." Even so, when he picked up the chopsticks and held them, he hissed slightly, which immediately attracted Lin You's attention.

Lin You frowned: "You have to go to the hospital."

Pei Ye quickly shook his head: "No, no, I have to write papers after dinner."

"Why are you writing papers when your hands are injured?" Lin You rolled her eyes angrily, "It's okay if you don't go to the hospital. I'll disinfect you later."

Pei Ye lowered his head with difficulty and took a mouthful of rice with a spoon, then quietly covered the raised corners of his mouth. As long as he doesn't write papers, what does it matter if a grown man gets hurt?

However, before the curvature of the corners of his mouth dropped, Pei Henan smiled gently: "Then go to bed early and don't watch the female anchor's live broadcast."

Pei Ye's expression froze.

Lin You narrowed her eyes.
