ADMKSF - 017.1

In the end, both father and son Pei Henan and Pei Ye were kicked out of the kitchen by Lin You. After all, dinner for three people really doesn't need a complicated dinner, not to mention that the old hen has been cooked for a long time, and now she only need to cook some rice and stir-fry some vegetarian dishes. 

She turned around and walked to the sink and patted her face with cold water. Remembering the silence that followed Pei Ye's words "Let's grow old together", she felt so embarrassed that she wished she could build a large villa on the ground that was even more luxurious than the main house of the Pei family. Fortunately, Pei Henan was a really kind person and took the initiative to break the suffocating atmosphere.

The sound of the faucet in the kitchen covered up the conversation between the father and son in the living room. Pei Ye looked at his father's appearance, recalled the scene just now, and held his father's hand rebelliously: "Dad, my mother really loves you."

Pei Henan: "..."

But the next second the boy changed his tone and lowered his voice: "But it could also be her evil plan."

As he spoke, he took the initiative to turn on his mobile phone and sent a video that he had just been recalling to Pei Henan's WeChat. He pointed at the shaking figure on it and explained seriously: "You see, this wife originally disliked her husband, but suddenly one day she started to always treat her husband with courtesy and submissiveness, and even cooked for him every day. Guess what? She put medicine in the food and poisoned her husband to death."

"Dad, do you think it's possible that the person inside has the same idea? First she pretends to be a loving mother and a filial son, and a harmonious husband and wife. When we lower our guard, she poisons us to death."

Pei Ye became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke. He loosened his grip on Pei Henan's hand and quietly took out a needle wrapped in a tissue from his pocket. "Would you like to try some chicken soup later?"

Pei Henan looked at the needle in silence for a long time, and then asked, "Pei Ye, did you eat the liquid foundation on your face and clog your brain?"

Pei Ye: "..."

Pei Henan: "Also, I asked you to compete for the Best Young Actor Award, not the Best Screenplay Award."

Pei Ye: "..."

The young man scratched his messy short hair, said dryly, and retreated to the sofa. Like a withering plant, he picked up his phone again, but when no one noticed him, he set 120 as an emergency contact.

Lin You still didn't know what was happening in the living room. She walked out with chicken soup and invited the father and son to come and eat.

Lin You took the initiative and thoughtfully served the chicken soup for the two of them, and put the two large chicken legs into their bowls respectively. Lin You smiled softly and said, "Eat, this old hen is big, so you should eat more."

Young people usually have a large appetite, and their bodies are still in the development stage, so they can easily go hungry. When Pei Ye arrived at around four o'clock, his stomach was growling with hunger. At this moment, the aroma of chicken soup drifted into his nose, and he swallowed it without any bones. As someone who has watched Lin You's live broadcast, Pei Ye has also seen Lin You's cooking, which looks really delicious.

So is this chicken soup right now.

Pei Ye looked at his father who was drinking soup calmly with his eyes lowered. He thought that even if he was poisoned to death, his father would die first, so he gnawed on the chicken legs without hesitation. The meat of the chicken legs tasted better and was chewier than other parts of the meat. Pei Ye couldn't stop eating it. After a while, he removed the bones and put them on the table.

Pei Henan glanced at him from the corner of his eyes and said in an unclear tone: "Eat more."

Pei Ye paused with his chopsticks, his eyes wandering around guiltily, and quickly added chicken soup for Pei Henan, with a sincere face: "Dad, you should also eat more."

The picture of a loving father and a filial son fell into Lin You's eyes, which made her quite emotional. As expected of a father and son who have been dependent on each other since childhood, the love between father and son is extremely deep. Thinking of this, she nodded quickly, her beautiful eyes slightly curved, "You two should eat more."

Pei Henan glanced at the two people and found that their expressions at this moment were quite similar. The man picked up the spoon calmly, and when he raised his eyes again, his expression was gentle, "You can eat too, my dear."

The scene of a family of three having dinner together was very heartwarming, and Pei Henan and Pei Ye seemed to have quite good appetites. Pei Henan drank two bowls of chicken soup and ate some chicken, and his face finally gained a little more color. Not to mention Pei Ye, who almost ate half of the chicken and two bowls of rice alone.

After eating and drinking, Pei Ye was half leaning on his chair. When he saw Lin You was about to clear the dishes, he quickly stood up and took over the work from her hands: "I'll do it."

Pei Henan also hummed: "Boys still have to do housework at home, otherwise no girls will want him in the future."

Pei Ye was obviously used to doing housework, and he was very agile in serving dishes, wiping tables, and washing dishes. Lin You only glanced at it twice before trusting him with all the work.

Night fell outside the window, and dull darkness replaced the orange sunset, shrouding the small western-style building. The old clock hanging on the wall swayed slightly, and it was already seven o'clock.

Lin You seemed to have thought of something and turned her head to look at the man sitting next to him: "Don't you have to go to the General's Cemetery today?"

Pei Henan's movement of drinking water suddenly froze.

Lin You then continued to ask: "Isn't it your turn to be on duty today, Thursday?"

Pei Henan coughed and showed a weak and helpless smile: "I was fired yesterday."

Lin You: "Ah?!"

Pei Henan lowered his eyes, covering his expression. You could feel his sadness just by hearing the hoarse voice. He explained softly to Lin You: "It seems that Pei Tianyuan knew that I worked there. The person in charge came over yesterday and told me not to go there."

After saying that, he raised a faint smile and tried to comfort Lin You: "But the person in charge is very nice, and they paid all my wages to me."

Lin You scolded Pei Tianyuan that bitch in her heart.

It was simply a stumbling block on her second life!

"It's okay, you won't do it if they don't want you to do it." Lin You comforted him, "Don't be so angry about this that your body is broken. It's not worth it."

"I know, I've gotten used to it over the years." Pei Henan smiled, "I will continue to look for a job tomorrow. You don't have to worry about me. I know my own body well."

The man's eyebrows were deep but tinged with the gentleness of the night wind. He gently patted the back of Lin You's hand and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it's not hard, and one family doesn't speak the same language." Lin You's eyes slightly curved, with a gentle look on her face, "Husbands and wives should support each other and grow together. "

Pei Ye stood at the door of the kitchen, his hands were dripping wet, and water dropped on the ground. He didn't pay attention, but looked at the warm and harmonious scene in front of him with complicated eyes.

If he hadn't known his father's true character, he would have really thought that the couple had a deep relationship.

As expected, adults are all big liars.

It was already dark, and the family of three went back to their rooms to rest. After washing up, Lin You lay on the bed and took out her cell phone to find that she had received a new message from Chen Yi. The other party told her that they had already decided on the plan that diners at Nanjiang Tower would be able to send one free fish for every three meals this Saturday, and they had gone ahead with it. They had even bought the advertising space that was a hot topic on Weibo and planned to use it to promote Nanjiang Tower's activities... 

Around ten o'clock that night, the topic #Nanjiang Tower one fish and 3 dish for free was ranked fourth on the hot search list. Some netizens went in curiously and took a look. They were quite surprised and asked again and again: Did I see it wrong? Anyone who enters the store on Saturday can order one fish and three meals for free, no money?

Nanjianglou’s official Weibo took the opportunity to reply: Yes, dear, but the event location is only at the Nanjianglou branch on Beitang Road in the center of Haishi City!

"What? There is such a good thing?"

"Isn't Nanjiang Restaurant the same restaurant where the old chef quit after it was rumored that the ingredients were not fresh?"

"Fun knowledge, the boss of Nanjiang Tower is the husband of actress Zhao Ziqi."

"I understand, you guys just want to struggle and see if you can come back to life, right? food taster @Miki, haven't you happened to be in Haishi recently? Come to life!"
