DSHSN - 37

Gu Yiyi entered the hospital.

Gu Heng did not rush over in a hurry, but frowned and asked about the situation. He heard what happened. This happened because Gu Yiyi acted bravely, but Gu Heng didn't know what to say.

Yan Li just heard Gu Heng's shocked voice and asked, "What's wrong? Is Gu Yiyi in the hospital? What's this kid doing?"

Gu Heng glanced at Yan Li, a little funny. It seems that this woman really doesn't trust Gu Yiyi's character! It seems like this guy is unreliable. There have been deep traces in Yan Li's heart, otherwise her first reaction would not be this.

Gu Heng spoke for Gu Yiyi, cleared his throat and said, "No, he saw a car almost hitting the grandfather, so he rushed over. Then he was injured."

After saying this, he realized that he was explaining to Gu Yiyi.


After telling Yan Li the truth of the matter, Gu Heng didn't know how to face her.

Yan Li:......

I want to say something, but I don’t know how to say it.

She felt that even if she acted bravely, she should pay attention to her own safety, but the old man's body could not withstand the collision, so she didn't know whether what Gu Yiyi did was right.

Forget it, it's normal for young people to be enthusiastic.

It's no big deal.

But is there really nothing wrong with him?

Yan Li asked Gu Heng: "Do you want to go to the hospital to see him?"

Gu Heng nodded: "Go ahead."

"Then let's go. We won't let Yan Beibei go with us. The hospital isn't a good place either."

Gu Heng had no objection: "Okay."

Yan Li walked towards the door: "Then let's go."

Gu Heng watched her walk out the door, and suddenly felt a little funny: This woman said she didn't want to talk to Gu Yiyi, but as soon as she heard that Gu Yiyi was in trouble, she immediately ran to see him. Why are you so hard-spoken and soft-hearted?

Gu Heng thought it was a little funny, so he took a step forward and followed her out.

Then they went to the hospital together. When he arrived at the hospital, Gu Yiyi was lying on the hospital bed, looking at them coming, with a somewhat bitter look on his face.


When Gu Heng heard that he was only calling him, he immediately said, "Aren't you going to call someone else?"

Gu Yiyi didn't know what to call Yan Li. Calling her aunt was a bit uncomfortable. Calling her mother was awkward and unaccustomed, and Yan Li didn't necessarily like him calling her that way.

So after weighing it up, Gu Yiyi chose: "Auntie."

Has Gu Yiyi ever called his aunt in person?

Yan Li doesn’t remember.

Anyway, the mood is quite strange.

She can’t tell what’s strange about it, but anyway, it feels a little subtle.

Gu Heng glanced at Yan Li and saw that she was not dissatisfied, but rather sluggish. He felt relieved, looked at Gu Yiyi, and said: "Saving others is good but you should mind your own safety first, I hope you can pay attention to your own safety next time."

When he arrived, Gu Heng had already obtained the true situation of Gu Yiyi from his assistant. He was hit by a car and injured his leg. He might need to stay in the hospital for more than a month.

Just as Gu Heng finished speaking, several strangers came in outside the door, and they immediately thanked Gu Yiyi: "Thank you, thank you, young man, if it weren't for your help, something might have happened to dad!"

The visitors were a middle-aged couple. The man had a square face and was very well-dressed. He looked very elegant. 

The woman has a round face and is wearing a blue cheongsam. She has a very classic charm.

When someone else suddenly came to thank him, Gu Heng was a little confused and didn't know what to say. On the contrary, Gu Yiyi said rather embarrassedly: "It's nothing, it's just a little effort."

The man adjusted his glasses and said, "Maybe you think it's a piece of cake, but for our family it's not. The old man has Alzheimer's disease, and many people don't know him. The nanny didn't watch him today. He ran out. With his body, if it was him who was hit by the car at that time, he may have been... Little boy, you used your back to protect the old man's life. He just woke up for a while, and specially let us come and thank you."

Only then did Gu Yiyi realize what a remarkable thing his passion had done.

Just now he was a little worried that he would be beaten, but now his mood suddenly became clearer. He didn't know whether grandpa was injured, so he quickly asked with concern: "Is grandpa injured?"

Fang Shao shook his head: "My father was well protected by you, so there was only a slight scratch on his thigh."

As he said that, the man handed over a bank card and behaved very politely: "A small thank you, but no disrespect. We will cover all the annoying expenses for your treatment. If you need help in the future, please feel free to ask...”

Yan Li looked at Gu Heng beside her.

Their family has always given away money to others, but now that someone is giving them money, she wonders what this man is thinking.

However, the Fang family...

Why does it sound so familiar?

At this moment, Yan Li suddenly remembered something.

In the novel, when Gu Heng was framed by his brothers, the Fang family had the ability to help him, but they looked down on the Gu family's son and felt there was no need to interact with him, so they watched Gu Heng's failure with cold eyes.

Because Fang Yiyang, the son of the Fang family, looked down on Gu Yiyi, he chose to get in the way when Shen Yang dealt with Gu Yiyi.

Could this be Fang Yiyang’s Fang family?

When she saw Gu Yiyi looking at his father asking for help, not knowing whether he should ask for the money, Yan Li sighed deliberately: "My family is not short of money at all, just because of Yiyi's achievements. Just brought it up..."

Fang Shao smiled and said: "This is not a big problem. My father used to be a teacher. Many of his students are engaged in high school education. Now they are all famous teachers. There is a need. If so, I can arrange for them to tutor. Although our Yiyang is now in his senior year of high school, his plans to go abroad have been properly arranged. If we have time, he can come over and give him tutoring."

Yan Li:......

They really are the ones mentioned in the novel!

Yan Li felt that Gu Yiyi really deserved to be the hero of the novel, and perfectly performed the novel-like plot of how to turn an enemy into a brother.

Although it is currently doubtful whether Fang Yiyang will become Gu Yiyi's brother, Gu Yiyi is now a great benefactor to their family.

The author has another novel with Fang Yiyang as the male protagonist, and also writes about the situation of the Fang family in detail.

The Fang family is a family that knows how to repay kindness. One person once helped the old man. Because of his kindness, the Fang family helped them many times, and even almost dragged the Fang family into trouble. Later, it was Fang Yiyang who came forward to persuade his father to stop his unprincipled repayment of kindness, and in the end the Fang family was spared a disaster.

If nothing else, with the Fang family as his backing, as long as Gu Yiyi doesn't break the law, his future should be smoother.

How come Gu Yiyi is even more European than in the novel? What's wrong?
