FVB - 085

Chapter 85 Li Nanque was deceived

"Second brother, mom was hit by a falling crystal lamp."
Li Beixiao's crying voice came from the other side of the video.
Hearing this, Wei Liu quickly handed the phone to Li Nanque.
Li Nanque saw the woman lying on the ground covered in blood at a glance...
She was wearing a white shirt, which was covered in blood, with large blood stains spread out like blooming roses.
Her face was pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. It looked like she had been seriously injured.
Li Nanque stood up suddenly: "Xiao Bei, call the emergency number!"
"I've already had a fight, but mother doesn't want to go to the hospital..." Li Beixiao sobbed, "Mother has been bleeding, and she is really going to die if she doesn't take care of it. I finally got my mother, and I don't want to lose my mother... Second brother, please help me think of a solution..."
His crying made Li Nanque feel confused.
He has lived at home for the past two or three days. Although he has not given this woman a good look, he can feel the warmth and love at home...
This woman is really nice to Xiaoxi and Xiaobei.
She is indeed different from before.

"Why doesn't she want to go to the hospital?" Li Nanque asked through gritted teeth, "Do you want to wait to die when you are injured like this?"
"No, I'm not going to the hospital..." Jiang Jin opened her eyelids and said very weakly, "The press conference hasn't started yet, I can't leave halfway... I can't leave the mess to Director Zhao, I must persist until the last moment... Xiao Xi, Xiao Bei, if you help me up, I can continue to work..."

Li Beixiao said with tears in his eyes: "Okay mom, I will help you stand up."
He was so small that he helped Jiang Jin up with difficulty.
But Jiang Jin was too weak. As soon as she stood up, she fell to the ground again, and blood spurted out from her mouth.

Seeing this scene, Li Nanque's expression changed in anger.
"Isn't it just a press conference? Is it that important?" he asked fiercely.
"Important, very important..." Jiang Jin smiled weakly, "Although the defeat is determined, I still have to watch the press conference end..."
"Hold on!"
Li Nanque gritted his teeth and cursed.
Does this woman have any brains?
Is a crappy press conference worth risking her life to hold on to?
"I will support you during your press conference. You go to the hospital immediately!"
Li Nanque said these words naturally.
He didn't know why he said that.
But once he makes a promise, he will never go back on it.

He hung up the phone, put on his coat and walked out.
"Master Que, you can't leave..." Wei Liu hurriedly caught up, "The contract stipulates that the advertising video must be finished today..."
Li Nanque said as he walked: "Either we choose another day to shoot again, or we end the cooperation directly."
Wei Liu: "..."

Mr. Que rarely shoots commercials. This is the only one chosen from a hundred advertisers that pleases his eyes.
How could an advertiser break the contract.
So Wei Liu had no choice but to stay and re-schedule the next shooting schedule with his collaborators...
Li Nanque sat in the car and ordered the driver to rush to the Shangri-La Hotel as quickly as possible.
Jiang Jin's hearty laughter came from the locker room.
She looked at the video shot on her mobile phone, holding her stomach and laughing: "Emma, ​​I saw myself laughing, why didn't Li Nanque notice it? Isn't he the best actor? How come he didn't even see me acting? Come out, I have reasonable suspicion that his title of Best Actor is watery..."
Li Xichen twitched the corners of his lips: "I can only say that your makeup is too realistic."
Her face was covered in blood, and her clothes were all covered in blood. All people's attention was attracted by the blood. Who would pay attention to whether she was laughing?
Li Beixiao blinked and said, "Mom, how was my performance?"
"Excellent." Jiang Jin gave a thumbs up, "I didn't expect that our Xiaobei also has acting talent."
Li Beixiao blushed in embarrassment.
Li Xichen sneered: "It's not because my idea is good."
"Yes, our Xiaoxi is also very smart." Jiang Jin smiled, "Wait for me for ten minutes, I will clean up after myself."
She walked to the dressing room with clean clothes.
At this time, a sports car stopped quickly in front of the hotel.

Anyone who is a fan of Mr. Que will definitely recognize this stylish sports car.
As soon as the car door opened, a handsome young man stooped and walked out.
His black eyes are as dazzling as agate stones, as bright as the stars in the sky. His cold and unruly facial features are noble and gorgeous. There is a coldness in his bones, which makes people can't help but retreat. But his exquisite appearance and silhouette make people hold their hearts and scream.
The passers-by who were originally heading towards Gu Wanbai's shadow stopped one after another.
"Oh my god! It's Mr. Que!"
"Today is such a magical day that we can actually see two big stars, Gu Wanbai and Que Ye, at the same time!"
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuu why is Mr. Que at the door of the "Snow Without End" crew?"
"Isn't this the person this poor crew hired to support the scene?"
"Master Que's appearance fee is eight figures. Can this crew afford so much money?"
"I bet you a pack of spicy strips, Mr. Que is passing by!"
While everyone was speculating, Director Zhao walked out of the hotel lobby and walked quickly to Mr. Que in three steps at a time.
He looked at the young man in front of him who was a little shorter than him, with disbelief on his face.
When that girl Jiang Jin said she would invite Mr. Que over, he didn't believe it at all.
But now, Master Que appears!
He actually appeared!
Director Zhao suddenly remembered that Jiang Jin's sons seemed to have supper with Mr. Que.
It must be because of this relationship that Mr. Que would condescend to come here.
Director Zhao knew that this young ancestor had a bad temper, so he asked quickly: "Is it Miss Jiang who invited Mr. Que here?"
Li Nanque pulled his lips coldly: "Is this the scene of the press conference?"

There was no audience, no guests, no reporters, no media. This was the shabbiest press conference he had ever seen.
In such a bad press conference, the woman actually persisted until the last moment.
I don’t know what the picture is.
He said coldly: "In my name, reporters and media are invited to enter."
He glanced at the crowd gathered outside and said coldly, "Invite all these people in to be the audience."
When his voice fell, there were screams all around.
"Ahh! What kind of luck did I have to get into the venue!"
"Oh my god! This is Mr. Que's first time attending a movie conference, and I can actually see it with my own eyes!"
"Master Que has never participated in the promotion of his own movies. Why can this poor crew hire Master Que?"
"Don't worry so much, I want to go in!"

Director Zhao was also surprised and happy, and quickly asked the staff to make arrangements.

In just ten minutes, the outside audience sat in the venue in an orderly manner, and reporters and media arrived in just five minutes.

The press conference, which had been deserted just now, suddenly became bustling with people and was extremely lively...
